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In limbo about Chicago HT Surgeon: Help


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Hello all, I have spent the last week reading every possible post I can find on the Chicago area surgeons for an HT. I am a Norwood level 2.


Right now I have had my consultation with MHR and being referred to Dr. Katona but I am not putting the down payment or scheduling the surgery until I get more info. Obviously I am completly at fault for not finding this forum sooner, but I am here to correct my wrongs and get some more facts.


I see that Konior seems to be the guy and Keller seems to be up and coming. Problem is I am employed in education and the end of July is the latest I can get the surgery since I will begin teaching once the fall semester resumes. Obviously I need time for healing before I begin to lecture. It says on Koniors page linked on this site that patients often have to book months in advance. I have also emailed Keller this weekend awaiting reply (going to call the office monday)


MHR (Katona) can get me in late June, so the time frame works, but I am concerned with the reviews. Most of the negative criticism comes from posts back in 2005. Is there anyone who has a more recent experience so I may get a better gauge on my MHR option. Sorry for so long but I want to get informed to the fullest and do my research before making the best and final decision. Thanks for any and all help!

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This is a huge decision that will effect the rest of your life. Please don't rush, it would be much better to go to a good doc even if you have to wait until next summer rather than go to a bad one because they can see you sooner.


Are you taking propecia? Bear in mind that your hairloss may well continue and you don't want to end up with a hairline then a gap behind where recession has continued.

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In my opinion, there is not a doctor better than Dr. Konior. There are some who are probably equal to him, but none better. If you are dead set on staying in Chicago, I would wait for Dr. Konior. He doesn't require shaving and his work is so clean that it is difficult to tell you've had anything done. I think you would be doing yourself a disservice if you let any criteria other than who you feel is the best doctor influence your decision. Cost, location, and availability are all factors, but at the end of the day they should take a backseat to results.

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I have not seen a great result from Konior. If anyone has a link to one i'd like to see it.


If your not in school teaching for the summer Acer007 then why is traveling a big deal? Book with a doc that constantly shows good results.

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I have not seen a great result from Konior. If anyone has a link to one i'd like to see it.




For someone who's been a member of the forum for so long, I'm actually shocked to read this statement.


Obviously, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but after looking at his hair transplant photos, many of which were added from his forum posts (more still yet to be added), can you honestly say that he doesn't produce excellent work?




Consulting with both Coalition member Dr. Konior and Dr. Keller who is also recommended is advisable. Be sure to research all physicians you are considering and look through examples of their work on and off this forum. If possible, talk to and meet with real patients.


All the best in your decision making process.


Best wishes,



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Hey Bill,

Ah yes THOSE pics. I think a lot of people skip past that section and go right to peoples blogs and what patients and the doc themselves post on the forum part of this site. I remember looking through every docs pics on those pages a loooong time ago.


The work looks good but honestly when is Konior ever mentioned unless some newbie wants to just stay in the chicago area? Some ht docs slip through the cracks in peoples minds while the Fellers,H&W's,Rahals,and Shapiros take the spotlight by making a constant effort in showing results.


The pics you linked me to are ok,but the lighting is crap.


Well thats just my opinion.

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Hi Vince, let me add my voice to those recommending Dr. Konior, he does excellent work.


IMHO, after seeing his work over the last few years, he should be mentioned when anyone mentions "top clinics"


Photos and videos provide excellent reference to a physician skill, but seeing patients in person is the true measure. I trust if you get a chance to meet some of Dr. Konior's patients in person, you will change your mind.


Additionally, his donor closures are excellent as well.


Anyway, I just wanted to add my opinion as well.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I recently had Dr. Konior do my procedure and would recommend him to anyone.His work exceeded my expectations and I actually recieved about 500 more grafts than I paid for.The staff service was excellent.I did my homework before I had my procedure done.I totally understand that you want to get it done as soon as possible but the bottom line is the better physicians are going to take longer to get in with.I had to wait about 3 months to get in to see Dr Konior but it was totally worth it.If you are looking for a doctor in the Chicago area then I would absolutely be patient and have Konior do the work.I cannot imagine anyone doing a better job than he did with me.I had 3500 grafts and the procedure was pretty much pain free.If you have any questions about my expierience please feel free to email me at dljohannesen@msn.com.Go for quality.This is a no brainer in my opinion.

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Originally posted by Acer007:

Hello all, I have spent the last week reading every possible post I can find on the Chicago area surgeons for an HT. I am a Norwood level 2.


Right now I have had my consultation with MHR and being referred to Dr. Katona but I am not putting the down payment or scheduling the surgery until I get more info. Obviously I am completly at fault for not finding this forum sooner, but I am here to correct my wrongs and get some more facts.


I see that Konior seems to be the guy and Keller seems to be up and coming. Problem is I am employed in education and the end of July is the latest I can get the surgery since I will begin teaching once the fall semester resumes. Obviously I need time for healing before I begin to lecture. It says on Koniors page linked on this site that patients often have to book months in advance. I have also emailed Keller this weekend awaiting reply (going to call the office monday)


MHR (Katona) can get me in late June, so the time frame works, but I am concerned with the reviews. Most of the negative criticism comes from posts back in 2005. Is there anyone who has a more recent experience so I may get a better gauge on my MHR option. Sorry for so long but I want to get informed to the fullest and do my research before making the best and final decision. Thanks for any and all help!


Either wait for a cancellation, or try and talk yourself into an earlier booking if possible, due to your situation.


I would speak with some patients of both Dr. Konior and Keller and ultimately choose the one who is best for you. I would not go with your other choice if you are wanting the best possible outcome. And Dr. Konior does excellent work and is very meticulous in insuring you get the best possible outcome, that explains why he is booked far in advance (he doesnt outsource the work, he does it himself)


Good luck

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I just got to chime in...I had my second HT on april 21st with Dr. Konior....He has got to be one of the most professional and ethical Dr.'s I have ever met. His work was top notch, and his after care, second to none! I email him with questions from time to time, and he always responds the same day! He really cares about his patients.


Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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I had a nightmare experience and got ripped off several years ago by a San Fran clinic. Desperate to find a really really good doc, I made an effort to do some research and ran across Dr. Konior.


I just had a 2000 + graft work done. Dr. Konior has a respected staff and involved, caring staff. I cannot say enough good things about him.


The other clinic that "Madoff" with my money gave me crap. Dr. Konior charged me not much more than that - and the difference was like going from a $45 motel to a $2000 a night suite.


I would run out of adjectives describing what I felt them to be: caring, committed, conscientious, honest, methodical, humane, understanding, thorough, non-judgmental, down-to-earth, friendly, professional, and simply superb people.


There is something you sense, when you see an excellent play on Broadway for example, a spirit of collaboration amongst all the players. His office has that ??“ the musical equivalent of harmony, driven by purpose and guided by common interest in healing.

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About $5 per graft. On the high end, but so are his results.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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I had my procedure with Dr. Konior on Friday. I'll only echo what everyone else has said...AWESOME! Paid for 1500, received 1700. Very clean incision and very small recipient sights. The man cares, PERIOD! He's a talented doctor and his staff made a nervous guy feel very at ease (partly because of the valium), but the bedside manor was very friendly. Can't wait for the growth.

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  • 6 months later...

This is my first post on this blog ever...been a member for a few months. I am a 24 yr. old that experience thinning at 19. Went on Propecia at 22 after doing my own research and asking my family doc for a prescription.


I had a FUT procedure with Dr. Konior a couple days ago and HIGHLY RECOMMEND HIM. No surprise here...seems like nearly everyone agrees that Ray has a top notch clinic. His nurse, Lisa, is super nice, and so are all the suture and graft-cutting techs. Tom, the office manager, isn't a super sales-type and is a straight shooter. He answered every call/e-mail I made to him weeks prior to my surgery. Dr. Konior placed all of my 1200 grafts in my hairline and took an extra two hours to perform the surgery because I had a good amount of hair present that he had to work around and avoid damaging.


Overall, the experience was AWESOME. He gives you some Valium to make you comfortable during the surgery and after the strip excision, lefts you get up and stretch. I enjoyed watching the tech cut the "crude" grafts under the microscope. Dr. Konior goes pretty deep when he excises the donor strip, and there was a good amount of adipose tissue apparent. The adipose (fat) helps protect the grafts.


I will echo MRingler72..."The man cares, PERIOD." His is a straight shooter and very professional.


I will be posting before and after pics soon.




Fin 1 mg daily

1200 grafts FUT- Dr. Konior

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  • 1 year later...


For someone who's been a member of the forum for so long, I'm actually shocked to read this statement.


Obviously, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but after looking at his hair transplant photos, many of which were added from his forum posts (more still yet to be added), can you honestly say that he doesn't produce excellent work?




Consulting with both Coalition member Dr. Konior and Dr. Keller who is also recommended is advisable. Be sure to research all physicians you are considering and look through examples of their work on and off this forum. If possible, talk to and meet with real patients.


All the best in your decision making process.


Best wishes,



Hi Bill,


In your experience who is the best Surgeon to use?

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