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1700 grafts on hairline - 13 days post op. Stressing out.

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Bloody hell from that picture you have posted you appear to be massively overreacting, it honestly doesn't look that bad




I am always surprised when people start stressing about results before a year is up. It take a year to get the results. Chill out...stressing over something you cant control, especially when you have the expected results so far, will only make things worse. You know you can lose hair though stress right?

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Its all in your head. You have to be prepared mentality for this journey. The real journey begins after your transplant. Many guys here including myself envy your hair and wish we were in the same position as you; hair wise. Your photos show excellent density with no sign of hair loss. Well thats what i think. Hair will look thin when buzzed. If you look at my pre op photos and when I was in the ugly duckling phrase, I had really thin hair in the crown and mid scalp. But hey it grow back just like it was before my transplant. I am nearly 8 months and still have many months left of growth, the maturation and thickening of the hairs. Any shock loss grow back. From reading this thread, seems like your hair line was lowered. If that is the case, I don't feel you have any shock loss in the crown and temples. Be patience, enjoy life and in a few months you will look awesome.

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I don't think you have the density you want for your hairline, but with only 1700 grafts, that is not going to provide a lot of density regardless. The good news is that you are entirely able to get to where you want with your hair. Many people on this forum don't have their expectations met after one surgery, that is not at all unusual. And since you have good donor, filling in your hairline is not a big deal. I think most of your angst comes from the fact you are more of an "ugly duckling" then you expected and since it's all hairline work, it's pretty hard to conceal. The good news is you shaved your head, and you can shave your recipient area down real soon as well. Even with your existing hairline and your head shaved your hair does not make people wonder what is going on, from the pics. you've posted it does not look out of the ordinary. But achieving your final result will mean getting another pass. You need to find a surgeon who does hairlines.


Here is an example of a hairline repair that was far worse than any repair you will need, in fact, you only need more density.




Consider yourself lucky, I was way more butchered than anything you will ever see, and even after spending a small fortune your hair looks way better than mine. I'm not trying to diminish how you feel, hairlines are the one area all of us want to look perfect. I know how I felt when I got mine repaired, it was a high relief, one beyond words. You will surely get there yourself, that is not an issue. The issue is how, and when. Do your research this time and make sure the doctor has done the kind of hairline work that you expect and that you both agree on a plan of action before you sit down in the chair for surgery. You'll get through this, I promise. I'd just keep my head shaved close for a few months until growth begins and in this time I would do a lot of research.

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I feel a bit better now and have relaxed a little. Mostly thanks to you guys. Can't thank you enough I don't know what I would do without the support. I mean I'm still very unhappy. Very much so. I think its more that I asked for thick hairline and that would not be noticeable. I stressed the density. I even said use as many grafts as needed go to 3000 I just want it not noticeable esp the temples as I'm concerned about this recession and they seem to be getting worse but go mega as a decent thickness at the hairline means I should be fine for a long time. I even said can you plant right into the temples. I was told not to worry the density transplanted would not be distinguishable at all. It was only after it was done and I came in after the scabs were off was I told yeah its going to look like that and yes it will be noticeable when short. I mean what is that? I think I expected honestly and from a respected surgeon to say hey there will be a very noticeable difference in density and especially when short so lets stay higher. I think it's obvious that this is probably the limit of density some doctors could do. I wish I was told how thin it was going to be when dropping the hairline by 2 or so cms with 1700 and why not use the 3000 I said. Esp if he looked at my hair and said it's so thick you should have no problems. I think after looking at the results here and the feesback I really just put myself out there and expected to be guided.


Damn long post apologies gents just once I start...


Wylie I really feel for you mate. You are a much stronger person than I and the courage and strength it must have taken you. Bravo mate. Glad to see its all well. And I agree with what you said about my density I just wish the surgeon told me that. Will keep it buzzed and hope for the best and will research for the future. Cost is a huge factor for me. So will not be able to afford the top end but will continue to check out the surgeon aftermath suggested and more. Ive had a few questions about why it's so much lighter/thinner and not sure what to really go with esp with the redness but said I look pretty normal so a bit relieved have called in sick for a week though so hopefully prepare myself for that.

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Dermatch works better on really short hair for me. Toppik is ok on longer hair but does look poor as you said dirt like.


Try using a really minimal amount to blend the line between high and low density. I think it could work with trial and error.



'Shirley' you can't be serious?!

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Try using a really minimal amount to blend the line between high and low density. I think it could work with trial and error.




'Shirley' you can't be serious?!


Agreed! It took me a while 2 get it right after my last op!

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This Bhatti patient had a similar procedure and it came good in the end:



4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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Try using a really minimal amount to blend the line between high and low density. I think it could work with trial and error.




'Shirley' you can't be serious?!



I wasn't being serious, Matt. And stop calling me Shirley!

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Sorry just to be clear, are you saying use a little bit of dermatch on the hairline to blend the difference in density? ?


I've read on here that dermatch might affect growth in the receipent area though? ? There is an absolutely huge difference in the densities. The sad thing is now I'm used to it I actually kinda like my hair buzzed so short but it will never be an option now either. I think unless there's a miracle and over the next 10 months it grows in much denser I will be looking at another surgeon to fix. Until then there's nothing I can do but try to disguise it the best way possible. But yeah getting a hold myself :)


I will wait and write up a review in a few months and at least give it a chance and to be fair. Right now though I am bitterly disappointed. I don't think I was really listened to at all. I was concerned about density and there being a noticable difference. Was told there would not be. After the surgery told there would be when short. I stressed how important it was that this not be so obvious esp when I go back to work in 3 weeks. Told it wouldn't be and plenty of time. Afterwards told why don't you just tell them you had a ht?? I said I hated that my right side was much worse and he agreed however the grafts planted there seem to be far less and disappear completely in the sun. The right side actually looks so much worse than before as the native hairs look bare and it goes back. Although my hair did look really think pre op now its shaved you can see there is some concern and after reading some posts here theres a miniaturization check that most do. I just got looked at normally briefly. I guess thats my biggest concern further loss means i wont be able to keep hair short which waw the reason for fue and it will make the already bare lowered hairline look even worse and take too many precious grafts to work. After the responses here from some very knowledgeable people it seems 1700 grafts is not enough to lower it that far so I just can't think why a decent surgeon would do that anyway esp considering I said several times I thought you would need more what about using 3000??. I guess you guys are right and whats done is donejust after waiting such a long time thinking this will give me back confidenceand allow me not to worry its done the opposite and to think I have to wait a year and go through it again. If I can. Cheers

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Hey matt yeah that result was the one that pretty much swayed me to him. Just checking he used 2360 grafts there which is almost exactly 600 more than me. So don't understand why not more for me. Perhaps my area was smaller I don't know. Wow though he was super red for like over 3 months. I am praying my result turns out like that!

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Wow though he was super red for like over 3 months. I am praying my result turns out like that!


With any luck, your prayer will be answered and *WHAM* --- you'll be that red for 3 months too...

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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18 day update - still looking the same pretty much as when the scabs come off. Is there any excuse I can use for it looking like this? I can't really think of anything. Especially since I've never shaved my head before. Photo also demonstrates my concern as this is seemingly pre shed before 3 weeks so dont hold much hope for the future.


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That's pretty much what it's going to look like for the next couple of months and - the grafts will become even sparser. Regardless of if it was 1700 or 2500, (and I am not in a position to tell you it was not enough or just right) it's gonna be red and it's gonna fall out and look like before but now with a scraggly few hanger-on'ers. If you had know that then you could have grown your hair a bit prior to the procedure and copped a Beatles (or Caesar) hairdo for a grand cover up.

I'm serious.  Just look at my face.


My Hair Regimen: Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

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just tell friends you noticed some thinning on the crown and decided to just shave it and use Rogaine, from use of the Rogaine "little hairs in the front have been popping up"


the GF may want to tell her the real story depending on your relationship and future plans

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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"scalp irritation caused by the Rogaine," it'll fade soon

go dense or go home


Unbiased advice and opinions based on 25 plus years of researching and actual experience with hair loss, hair restoration via both FUT & FUE, SMP, scalp issues including scalp eczema & seborrheic dermatitis and many others


HSRP10's favorite FUT surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr Hasson, Dr. Rahal

HSRP10's favorite FUE surgeons: *Dr. Konior, *Dr. Bisanga, Dr. Erdogan, Dr. Couto

(*indicates actual experience with doctor)

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I know mate I'm sincerely trying trust me. Its about as low as ive felt in my life.


I tell you what though quesionmark's link above has given me some hope. He had a very simlar one done but wit 2400 grafts (which is 700 more than me which is so weird considering the doc said no to be getting anymorehowever he does look like he ha slightly bigger area done...or maybe that's wishful thinking). Anyway he seemed to has hadgreat results so hoping, wish he had posted pics at 2 weeks!

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I know mate I'm sincerely trying trust me. Its about as low as ive felt in my life.


I tell you what though quesionmark's link above has given me some hope. He had a very simlar one done but wit 2400 grafts (which is 700 more than me which is so weird considering the doc said no to be getting anymorehowever he does look like he ha slightly bigger area done...or maybe that's wishful thinking). Anyway he seemed to has hadgreat results so hoping, wish he had posted pics at 2 weeks!


I saw that link, it does look like a larger area than yours in all honesty, that's what I said before about hair characteristics though, some people have larger calibre hair than others and can get away with less grafts, you won't know until it's grown in, but I have a feeling it's gonna be nowhere near as bad as your imagining!

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