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3875 FUE HT with Dr.Bhatti (India) on March 19th, 2014


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mickey you said absolutely right dr bhatti is improving. I think in terms of hairline dr bhatti has to do lot of home work. I have been saying this from almost more the a year. mickey you are right bisanga, lorenzo, rahal are great hair line artist. I would also consider dr mwamba in that league. I would say giving correct and structured hairline is like almost half the battle is won by bald guy. To me it really tackles your frontal look right away if given proper hairline and thats what first matter as people look you from front and cosmetically trust me this can be acheived right in first session even if person is class 6 and he need multiple session. It gives sigh of releif and that only bald person knows what is to get hairline what every bald person desire always until he gets right one and perfect hairline. I would say not only these doctors mentioned above but their are many other also who gives good hairlines but I am keeping my finger crossed for dr bhatti maybe he will surprise us with good hairline in coming months or year. I wish dr bhatti good luck on hairlines. I know dr bhatti has lot of potential. It is my opinion. Even on social sites like facebook twitter dating websites you post your frontal photo and I will again request dr bhatti doctor you can make better hairline and i have full confidence that may be in months or year or years dr bhatti will learn and will do it.

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Dr. Bhatti I guess is already having knowledge of this Issue , and has started working in this area , I have yet to see the results .... but I guess he is fast learner ..... hopefully newer patients will get awesome reults .... time will tell , but thus far .... Dr. Lorenzo , bisanga , Hakan , edrogan ,Rahal are my absolute Favourites ...... I just Love their work of frontal hairline .... better update california ( Dr. Bhatti's Rep.)

I hope he will bring this to the Notice of Dr,Bhatti ....


Better itself wud be that Dr.Bhatti Himself adds something on this Page ... regarding the Hairline.

it wud really show how much the doctor really Cares !!!!

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Dr. Bhatti I guess is already having knowledge of this Issue , and has started working in this area , I have yet to see the results .... but I guess he is fast learner ..... hopefully newer patients will get awesome reults .... time will tell , but thus far .... Dr. Lorenzo , bisanga , Hakan , edrogan ,Rahal are my absolute Favourites ...... I just Love their work of frontal hairline .... better update california ( Dr. Bhatti's Rep.)

I hope he will bring this to the Notice of Dr,Bhatti ....


Better itself wud be that Dr.Bhatti Himself adds something on this Page ... regarding the Hairline.

it wud really show how much the doctor really Cares !!!!

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mickey i agree with you dr bhatti should come here if he has time and give his input . I have not seen one single case of dr bhatti with perfect hairline with close up pic. I mean to say he should come here and post how much difference he has made as far in terms of hairline. This is high time for him to learn hairline.

Its my opinion that dr bhatti is not even closer to what is hairline.

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well , I think u r bashing a sincere doctor , He is admitted to his lack of hairline skill , but he is not that Bad .... I think he is a ethical doctor and he has the skill .... just need to be more artistic ... maybe he is Bad at drawing the hairline . But to say he is all wrong is absolutely wrong , his patients often report that he is a wonderful person and a wonderful person is a Quick Learner , I have known doctors from asia spoiling a HT and not even admitting it ... happens all over the world , but the one who accepts his mistake is the one ... who will be doing great Future work !

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well , I think u r bashing a sincere doctor , He is admitted to his lack of hairline skill , but he is not that Bad .... I think he is a ethical doctor and he has the skill .... just need to be more artistic ... maybe he is Bad at drawing the hairline . But to say he is all wrong is absolutely wrong , his patients often report that he is a wonderful person and a wonderful person is a Quick Learner , I have known doctors from asia spoiling a HT and not even admitting it ... happens all over the world , but the one who accepts his mistake is the one ... who will be doing great Future work !


Hi Mikeey,


Thank you for your input and thank you so much for your kind words. They are highly appreciated.


As far as the "FUEONLY Dr. Bhatti hairline bashing" is concerned, I request you to search for all posts by FUEONLY. You will be shocked to find out that about 90% of his posts will talk about Dr. Bhatti (even if the posts are not even remotely linked to Dr. Bhatti) and then somehow he will make comments on "Dr. Bhatti's hairlines". I have stopped responding to his comments a long time ago and so have the majority of veteran users on this Forum since everyone "recognized" what he was trying to do.


Now, to address your questions/concerns and the desire to have Dr. Bhatti share his vision on hairline design, I wanted to let you know that Dr. Bhatti did do that, in great detail when he was recently being reviewed for recommendation on this Forum (which he ultimately made with flying colors). I am taking the liberty of copy/pasting Dr. Bhatti's comments from that post below. I am sure that you will be able to get a feel of Dr. Bhatti's honesty, ethics, sincerity and passion to do the best for his Patients in this writer up: Also, here is the link to that thread:




Hairline Design:


Hi Blake and members of the Forum,



When I was undergoing training in aesthetic plastic surgery, my professor and mentor Dr Ian T. Jackson (Southfield,MI,USA) used to often say- “Crazy doctors operate on crazy patients!” I could not help but it has stuck with me throughout my practice and now that I am in full time hair transplant practice, this caution reflected in the conservative hairlines I once routinely liked to do.

It is not that I am not open to discussion and meeting patients’ needs if they are within esthetic guidelines and norms. However since I first joined the forum criticism has mellowed me down a bit and I am less likely to be so persuasive as I was earlier of strictly observing the “Rule of Thirds” and designing hairlines to suit one’s racial characteristics only. It is a global village now- a patient (of Indian ethnicity) who came in from Birmingham and who is a professional singer in an African band wanted me to do an African straight hairline with clear geometric transition points. Now see what I did. I would never have done this 2 years ago. The patient after 5 months is elated!

(see pictures- the first picture in sunglasses is with a masking paint he wore before the procedure!)

Also see this client for example who received an SMP procedure at a novice clinic and when he needed a hair transplant, I had no choice but to place the hairline along the SMP hairline since he was getting married in less than a year!

(see pictures)- details will be posted tomorrow when I discuss Body Hair Transplants and my philosophy- my pet topic.

This said, I have rarely had to counsel a past patient with a ‘conservative hairline’ returning and wanting his hairline lowered when the hair have fully grown. However hairlines can also be lowered with minimal grafts thus-


If any clinic has a green thumb, it has won more than half the battle since a head full of hair is the first objective always and every time. Hairline design is important but there is more aesthesis involved in this than are any important technical considerations. The final hairline should dovetail so wonderfully the esthetic judgment of the doctor and the desire of the patient while keeping in mind realistic long term goals without throwing caution to the wind. I will never do a low hairline which is less than the length of the nose and which does not have temporal recessions in the male. As a word of caution to some and solace for others, I never forget to tell each one of my patients when we are at hairline design- “you can never set back a wrongly placed hairline but can always move a high hairline down.”

This is my usual hairline and it is criticized all over the forum by a few members but whom I respect for their constructive criticism. If there were no critics in this world, how would one introspect, improve and remain competitive?

(see pictures)

I agree that I have done some harsh hairlines before but the patients had extremely low single yield which is common in Indian clients. In such cases you can soften the hairline using chest hair but then there is the limitation of budget since body hair is expensive. You can examine one of my earlier harsher hairlines in this video-


However the patient was getting married in 6 months time and he did not feel any difference. The result seen is after 6 months of the procedure.

For hairline design I observe a few yardsticks rather strictly-

1. Is the patient psychologically stable to decide on his hair line? If the patient is stable and the hairline requested is within laid down norms but I think it is not suiting his face I will advise him accordingly but if he insists I would take his signature on a photograph with his hairline for future record. Many a patient can turn back and say many years later when they are older and mature in thought- “Oh Doc! But you should have told me so!”

2. Has he done his research well? This is mostly the case with patients who have been on one forum or the other- especially the HRN, BTT and Hairsite.

3. I make it a point to give the patient ample time to make a considered decision regarding hairline design and placement. This is done 4 times-

(a) Online or in-person consultation wherein I first ask him to try and draw his hairline himself. Thereafter I draw one which I feel suits his face. Usually a compromise is reached midway if it is a young patient. Patients above 30 years usually ask the doctor for his advice! The patient then is asked to click pictures of the hairline since memory regarding hairlines has been found to be very short term in my practice!

(b) If the patient has not had to the chance to come for a in person consult, he send in his pictures which are marked and sent back. We then try and reach a mutually agreeable hairline and this is locked.

© The second time is the day before the procedure so the patient can mull it over one full evening before he turns up for the procedure.

(d) The 3rd instance is the last time- he has to finally commit to a hairline design. This is on the day of the procedure before trimming is done. Measurements are taken and photographs clicked for reference during the procedure.

(e) The 4th time when the patient can give only ‘minor’ suggestions is when he is turned around after the harvesting is complete, before slit making. However at this point since the hair has been trimmed down and there are no landmarks to relate to, taking the patient’s advice can be detrimental to the whole plan. The patient is not encouraged to make any major change. Measurements are compared to the pictures taken before the hair were trimmed.

Though not dogmatic about it I am of the firm belief that patients’ objectives and goals keep changing with age. I have seen many a patient regretting getting a lower hairline at 25 years many years later when the balding has proceeded to an extensive stage and not much donor area has been left. With experience, I have learnt not to fall into the “20s trap” when the patient (mostly in the 20s) starts to hard-sell his home-made low hairline design!

If there be any questions you may have for me, I would be pleased to answer to the best of my ability.


DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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woodraider, good luck to you on your HT.

Seems like I am slow responder but I am not worry. If I waited that long for new hair than I can wait another extra 2-3 months. I hope that I get most of my HT hairs grow at new location.

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Hi, I'm about the same pattern as you and balding for the past 10 years or so. It's finally time to do something. Thanks for the excellent write up - looking forward to your updates. I'm sure it's tough to put so much thought into whether or not to get the procedure done and then on who to use. Then after the day of the procedure, you essentially have to wait a year to see the results. Mentally that can't be easy. But stay patient man - it'll be worth it!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi U2rock,


How you doing bro? Just wanted to check with you regarding your progress. I am assuming its been 5months already, if you can put up some pics as to how its going it would help us alot.


I am scheduled for a surgery with Dr.Bhatti on 1st of Sept, so just curious to know.

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Yes, its been over 5 months now. I didn't see whole improvement from previous month so I didn't feel like posting pictures and updates. I am still on meds and treating my hair same as past.

I do notice that my implanted hair at left side temple are sticking out than my original hair. I have keep my temple hair bit longer so they don't stick out.


I hope your HT went smooth and good luck on your recovery.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hello again,

I didn't provide my 5th month status update because there wasn't any major changes.There isn't much change between 4th and 6th month update of my HT but I wanted to provide you status anyway.

I am still taking same medications and applying Rogaine Foam once a day.


I've taken some close-up pictures to show you there aren't any small hairs growing if I am slow responses. I had over 3800 grafts planted but new pictures doesn't show that many.


Feel free to provide your input and comments.










Edited by U2rock
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I need your input. I've taken generic brand of Finasteride (Finax by Dr.Reddy1MG) from last 6 months (since my HT). I've noticed that my sexual desire has been decreased and so is erection.

I've taken Avodart prior to HT (.5MG) on & off and I never encounter this issue.

I would like to get more hair wiith these mediction but I NEED to my sex drive active :)


I've stopped taking Finax since Thursday (9/25). I am wondering if I can switch to Dutas .5 MG (Dr.Reedy) right away which is general brand of Avodart. I have Dutas in my possession as well.


Please provide your professional input or comments. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi U2


Cant advise you on meds (i am a novice myself), but was comparing your pre-op pics to 6 month updates, and I can see a lot of improvement. Probably the results are not per your expectations, but they are definitely not bad. I think in 2-3 months, its gonna get much better.


All the best.. and be positive!


I have completed 12 weeks post HT, and I guess next 2 months will be crucial. Hoping for the best myself.

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unfortunately its becoming a rare occurrence that I see a Dr. Bhatti patient post results that are satisfying. he just doesn't seem to have very good yield. hair lines are improving tho so that a good thing.

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unfortunately its becoming a rare occurrence that I see a Dr. Bhatti patient post results that are satisfying. he just doesn't seem to have very good yield. hair lines are improving tho so that a good thing.




As always, thanks for your candid feedback. Just wanted to bring to your attention the fact that the Dr. Bhatti Patients that you might be referring to....(where the yield might "seem" less than optimal) are only a few months post-op. As you know very well, HT results take time to show and you can make a fair judgment on the success or failure of an HT only 12 months post-op. Some folks are fast growers and some are not.


Just as a reference point, I am copy/pasting some Dr. Bhatti Patient cases from this Forum that are mostly 8 months and over post-op. Anyone can type Dr. Bhatti in the "search" field (title) and the same results will come up.



Shane13- 12 months post-op



Manish1990- 9.5 months post-op



Prime209-9 month post-op






GaelicDawn- 12 months post-op



Questionmark- 15 months post-op



HoustonChandigarh- 8 months post-op



8 months post-op



Thank you,



DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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I think the Old cases are Just recycled ... we need New Evidence , not to be harsh on anyone , BUT if the patient is saving his Life earnings just to change his life with a Top class result and when this is Not Translated to his dreams , No amount of refund will bring back the smile on his face !

Mr. california with due respect ..... pls get some fresh results .... and I do not wish to challenge the skill of Dr. Bhatti , But there does seem a lot of the Guys are particularly NOT Happy with the way they are Handled . we save our hard earned Money just to realise a Dream .... if we do not get the Result .... you guys just say Sorry or at max do a free procedure ... Nah we do not want ur free procedure , its serious tiring to follow the post operative care again and again !

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  • Senior Member
I think the Old cases are Just recycled ... we need New Evidence , not to be harsh on anyone , BUT if the patient is saving his Life earnings just to change his life with a Top class result and when this is Not Translated to his dreams , No amount of refund will bring back the smile on his face !

Mr. california with due respect ..... pls get some fresh results .... and I do not wish to challenge the skill of Dr. Bhatti , But there does seem a lot of the Guys are particularly NOT Happy with the way they are Handled . we save our hard earned Money just to realise a Dream .... if we do not get the Result .... you guys just say Sorry or at max do a free procedure ... Nah we do not want ur free procedure , its serious tiring to follow the post operative care again and again !


Hi mikeey,


I totally agree with you on the fact that HT is a very important, very costly and very stressful part of one's life. This is something that no one (Patient or the Surgeon) can take easy. Every possible effort needs to be made to make each and every HT procedure successful. Saying "sorry" after a botched procedure does not help anyone.


That said, I would respectfully ask you to point me to the Patient cases where folks said that they were not "handled" properly by our Clinic. There was a thread recently from a Patient who was not happy with a few things that he experienced during this recent HT procedure with Dr. Bhatti (such as time for pre-op consultation, not getting to see Dr. Bhatti the day after the procedure etc.). We did address all his concerns and also apologized for things that we could have done better. I am not aware of any other such cases. We try very hard to be proactive and to provide the best possible service to our Patients.


In regards to the patient cases that you have commented on as being "old", just wanted to let you know that:


Shane13 completed his 12 month post-op on September 14, 2014

Manish 1990 completed is 9.5 month post-op on October 11, 2014

Prime209 completed his 9 months post-op on September 27, 2014

HoustonChandigarh got this HT procedure done in March 2014. He is 7 months post-op now

The last case (3000 grafts) was 8 months post-op on October 1st, 2014.


We will definitely keep posting more Patient cases and a lot of Dr. Bhatti Patients are religiously updating everyone with this HT progress also.


We are far from being perfect. We look forward to feedback from our Patients and well wishers like yourself and apply it to provide a better service to the folks that matter the most to us.....our Patients.





DarlingBuds FUE's profile photo 
North America Representative and Patient Advisor for:
Dr. Tejinder Bhatti, Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center, Chandigarh, India.

Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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I just had my ht today finished about an hour ago. Back in the hotel now. I will post pics and hopefully video(s) when I return back home in November.
good for u! I know uve been searching for quite some time to get a HT. how many grafts did u end up gettn? wat was the cost?
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I am hoping for good results after 12 months. I am going to keep maintain and take medicals for long time. Good luck to you on best results.



Do you usually relay these comments to Dr.Bhatti either if they are good or not?

I think learning from these comments will benefit him in the long run. If some patients aren't getting some attention from Dr.Bhatti than it means he is lagging in that department. As you know in western culture meeting patients expectation is MUST. I hope he doesn't try to run factory with HT. He does need to provide more patient care and spend more time with patients.




Hi U2


Cant advise you on meds (i am a novice myself), but was comparing your pre-op pics to 6 month updates, and I can see a lot of improvement. Probably the results are not per your expectations, but they are definitely not bad. I think in 2-3 months, its gonna get much better.


All the best.. and be positive!


I have completed 12 weeks post HT, and I guess next 2 months will be crucial. Hoping for the best myself.

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