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Bad HT Experience - Dr. Feller (long)


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1) To change a misstatement that Dr. Feller did not provide a copy of the waiver at the time surgery. I honestly do not know one way or the other, only that I could not find a copy.

2) To clarify that in no time do I believe Dr. Feller "drugged" me into signing a waiver. I do not believe that nor did I ever.

3) To change the tone and make this more into what I personally experienced rather than to portray that this experience is the rule


Here is a lengthy FYI for everyone contemplating an HT and/or using Dr. Feller's services. Everything I write is absolutely factual to the best of my ability. If Dr. Feller and associates contend against anything that I've written then they can feel free to reach me: they have my phone, email, and address, as well as my lawyer's. I would be *more than happy* to speak with them.


To make a long story short: HT is not a guarantee, and the salesmanship I witnessed was unsettling.


The details:


I went in for a minor HT to fill in a thinning crown area on 1/29/09. The surgery seemed to go perfectly smoothly by Feller's own admission. I contacted the Feller office February of this year concerned that I was not seeing any new hair growth and I also forwarded photos of the current growth in the transplant area. Feller wrote back, acknowledging the lack of growth and stating "Unfortunately some people have a physiology that simply won't permit good growth after a transplant. It is rare, but at this point you seem to be one of them."


I was given three options:

1) Do nothing.

2) "Take a chance and come back for another procedure into the crown for which I will offer you a STEEP discount."

3) Seek another doctor.


This was a surprise that was to hear. My email response is attached at the bottom of this post.


I read Dr. Feller's extensive website: Hair Transplants New York / New Jersey, Long Island and International

both before and after the procedure and I could not find any mention of a possibility of a "null" result.


I met with Dr. Feller for the initial consultation where he explained how thick the transplant area would grow, but he did not mention the possibility of a null result.


I was required to take a blood test for HIV/Hepatitis before the surgery (mine was all negative, as I suspect almost everyone's is, no problems there).


On the day of the surgery, I took the prescribed Valium, signed a medical waiver. I was either was not able to find my copy of the waiver after the surgery or it was never given. When I requested it later, I didn't hear back from Dr. Feller. Only after I hired a lawyer was a copy of the waiver produced.


In the waiver the closest that I and my lawyer could find to an admission of not getting the results anticipated is this passage:


"Potential Complications:

Results may vary. While every effort is made to provide you with the finest restoration possible, individual factors seen and unforeseen may lead to variations in results and procedures from patient to patient."


Under the effects of Valium (and a low-dose Xanax in my case, as my regular doctor prescribed a handful to ease medical anxiety when it comes to having blood drawn, etc. Feller et al was well aware that I would be taking one along with the Valium to ease my nervousness) and AFTER a substantial deposit was required, I was given the waiver to sign.


Was I told "results may vary" before plunking down thousands for "non-refundable" deposit? No.


Was I told "results may vary" while I was even in a non-drugged state of mind? No.


I felt that I was sold a bill of goods no mention of the fine print.


The big question that I asked myself and that EVERYONE CONTEMPLATING HT SHOULD ASK THEMSELVES:


If there is a chance of spending thousands of dollars, enduring a rather uncomfortable medical procedure, enduring the crusting scalp for several weeks after the procedure, wearing a hat to work and everywhere else for a month to hide a scabbing, red, shaved scalp - all for nothing. Would I have said no?


If I had known this was even a possibility, I would not have gone through with the HT. It just isn't worth it.


I'm living life just fine. Keeping my hair short, but still long enough to be styled. I have the same small balding spot that I've had for years. It seems to be halted by the Propecia that I started on five years ago. I'm ok with it.


At this point Feller's insurance service is talking to my lawyer. They're doing all they can to dissuade me from pursuing this by lengthening the process - which means adding to my lawyer fees. Of note, the agency said that another patient had recently brought up a similar complaint but decided not to pursue after seeing the waiver. I can only conjecture that their lawyer suggested that it would be an expensive process and the plaintiff gave up hope.


I wonder, just how many others decided not to pursue recourse against this kind of salesmanship also?


The response I sent to Feller is below. Their response was that I signed a waiver. I then asked for a copy of the waiver and I never heard back until hiring a lawyer on retainer. This is my personal story that I hope is informative to others considering HT.


> > 3/12/10

> >

> > Hi Dr. Feller,

> > I appreciate the detailed reply. I am, however, very disappointed in the

> > options available. Taking a chance on another surgery, even a test patch,

> > isn't an attractive option after the time and discomfort involved from the

> > previous surgery. I am really surprised to discover that my lack of results

> > are even a possibility with an HT.

> >

> > To me, my only viable option is to request some sort of compensation of the

> > procedure fee. I understand that you can't please everyone with HT results,

> > but I consider this beyond being dissatisfied with how the new growth turned

> > out - rather there is hardly any growth to speak of.

> >

> > Please let me know your thoughts on this. And know that I'm simply reaching

> > out as a gentlemanly solution.

> >

> > Best,



Edited by badluck
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We do our best to please everybody, but unfortuately can't always do so.


Despite the best efforts of any and all doctors, some patients will have a less than signficant cosmetic result. Usually there are extenuating reasons like preexisting conditions, prior surgeries, or medications. But sometimes the physiology of the patient simply won't permit a signficant result- a possibility that is discussed verbally and in writing with all patients prior to all procedures.


Since you refused to visit for a follow up exam I can't speak with authority as to what actually happened in your case. I did offer you a few choice to help you, but you were not interested.


To be clear, you were not medicated prior to your preop discussion and consent declaration. When we premedicate, which is rare, we do so only in the back of the office where the operating rooms are. All paperwork is performed in the front prior.


We performed your procedure to the highest possible standards and, as always, your photos and notes I took of your procedure are availalbe to anyone you may wish to show them to for their assessment. Should you decide to give your permission, I will gladly post them on this forum for the world to see.


I'm sorry we couldn't do more to make you happy, without even a quick post op visit there isn't much more can I offer than I already have.


I wish you the best.


Dr. Alan Feller

Feller Medical, PC

Edited by Dr. Alan Feller
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Sorry to hear of your problems badluck, and hope that you can get them resolved one way or another. Dr. Feller is a very well respected surgeon on these forums and his record has been largely outstanding from what I can see, both his results and also his relationship with patients. The whole valium situation in particular does not sound like something a good doctor, let alone one with the reputation of Dr. Feller, would be a part of.


I'm not in a position to dismiss your claim of course, but it flies in the face of much of what I've read about Feller on these boards. Any surgery carries risks and whilst HTs are usually pretty successful a poor yield is a potential complication. A waiver is there for precisely that reason; to explain and limit the doctor's responsibility against consequences they cannot change even with the best possible knowledge or techniques. Results will always vary to a degree with an HT, but usually the degree of success will be such that even the lower end of results will still constitute an impressive cosmetic change. It's a shame this didn't happen for you.


I hope you can find a peaceful resolution to this as I'm fairly confident in saying Dr. Feller's reputation on here is very high and for good reason, as well as his popularity as an ethical doctor. I'm sure he would not have deliberately or intentionally put you in a position where you paid lots of money for a procedure that was to be unsuccessful. Let us not forget it is in no doctor's interests to do sub-par work; they still have to put the effort in on the day and good results are both satisfying and important for continuing business.

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I have found Dr. Feller to be one of the most trustworthy doctors around. You are not going to find too many people on this forum who will believe he drugged you before giving you a waiver to sign.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I hate to sound like I'm blaming the victim (and it doesn't mitigate the issue of informed consent), but if you didn't know that little or no growth was a possible (even if relatively rare) outcome of a hair transplant, then you didn't research the procedure very thoroughly before agreeing to it.


And although it sucks to pay a lot of money and not get even close to the results you wanted, you can't really expect a doctor to be liable for issues completely outside of his control. He performed the procedure you wanted, and unless you can show malpractice, he deserves his fee.


In general, anytime you schedule a medical procedure, you should ask the doctor's office to provide you with copies of any attendant paperwork requiring your signature (including waivers) in advance so that you can review them prior to the day of surgery. (This practice also ensures you will have copies of such documents on hand should the need arise.)

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Get real mate!


Every medical surgery is a gamble and not a certainty no matter how good the dr..... i dont think you can spin the line dr feller doped you in to going along with every thing!!!


any adult is fully aware the human body is not an exact science,


i had a failed HT at the age of 23 and even at that age i knew it wasnt a sure thing even though the dr didnt fully explain the cons....... thats life!


i think at worst you could probably have dr feller for not going into depth about the possibility of it failing....


and in all honesty failed HT's are rare for dr feller he prob didnt think it was going to happen....


but it has happend and im affraid its just bad luck you are one of the unlucky ones and not a result of poor work by dr feller. NO dr has a 100% rate of satisfaction.


either way i still think Dr feller should offer you a FREE surgery and if you dont want to return to him a partial refund not a total refund as stated before as i dont think it would be his fault its one of them things.


thats life good luck



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I agree, I have seen free surgery offered for no or very very poor results.


For docs or the well educated....what is Dr. Feller speaking of? For instance, what kind of pre-existing conditions, medication etc can cause very poor results.


Also, what percent of patients does this happen to?





To add: that sucks about your situation, i wont say much because this is kind of a he said she said situation.

Edited by Spanker

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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I would prefer to see pics before making judgement. Pre-op and post-op please. Many docs wouldn't get the benefit of the doubt, but Feller does.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with our community. I think honest discussion regarding hair transplantation is a huge asset to patients, and our community prides itself on evaluating all angles of a given situation. Furthermore, let me say that I'm sorry to hear you didn't get the results you expected.


Having said that, I wanted to make a couple points:


First, as others have stated, Dr. Feller is one of the most respected and ethical hair transplant surgeons practicing today. Frankly, I think there may have been some issues regarding potential miscommunication, failure to read the fine print at some point, unforeseen circumstances, etc. Let me be clear that I am not blaming you in any way, shape, or form, but our community simply interacts with Dr. Feller so frequently, and he (and the dozens upon dozens of his patients involved with our community) does nothing to seem anything less than dedicated, skilled, and ethical.


I think his willingness to openly discuss the issue on the forums without becoming defensive or demanding we edit your story, and his offer to provide photographs proves this. Additionally, many of the issues listed in the post (signing paperwork saying "nothing is guaranteed," taking a blood test (which, to my knowledge is to make sure you are fit to undergo the procedure, not to test for any sort of disease), discussing potential results during a consultation, etc) are really standard procedure.


However, the fact remains that you are now dissatisfied with the result and are seeking resolution. In my opinion, there are several options you can explore from here. First, if you would like, you could try to continue working on this issue with Dr. Feller. I don't want to immediately suggest you book another procedure, but perhaps the situation can be further investigated and solved between the original parties involved.


Second, you always have the option of seeking the opinion of another qualified hair transplant surgeon. It never hurts to get a second opinion, but keep in mind (as I stated before) Dr. Feller is a highly talented professional, and I don't think many other hair restoration surgeons would find much fault with his assessment, performance, etc.


Third, you can also look into some proven, non-surgical solutions (like Rogaine/minoxidil and Propecia/finasteride) and see if these type of products would help improve the appearance of the previous transplant procedure.


In the meantime, I highly recommend researching our community and possibly investigating what could have happened, the differing end results of hair transplant procedures, how you would like to proceed from here, etc. Also, you may want to consider sharing photographs, as this will really help the community analyze your situation and provide helpful input. If you would like to discuss this issue privately or have any other questions and concerns, please feel free to send me a private message.


I hope this was helpful! Good luck!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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either way i still think Dr feller should offer you a FREE surgery and if you dont want to return to him a partial refund


Those are choices that a doctor might opt to offer out of a sense of compassion or good business relations, but why should any doctor feel obligated to provide them for circumstances beyond his control? That's like saying that if an earthquake levels your new house two weeks after the end of construction, the architect should either design you another house for free or refund half his fee.

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I really sympathize with the OP.


But I think you have to face reality that results are never guaranteed in ANYTHING in life and results can be disappointing.


Just a month ago I had a surgery done (not a HT) and I'm not sure that I am thrilled with the result. I am supposed to wait many months before the final result is revealed, but I am not sure that it will change for the better enough to make me happy. But before I even called the surgeon for a consultation, I knew that cosmetic surgery is a risk.


I don't know where the OP is from, but I imagine he found Dr. Feller by searching online about hair transplants. So at least some research would have had to have been done prior to the surgery. With all of the negative information about HT's online (especially repair cases), I would be surprised if that information didn't come by the OP before he contacted Dr. Feller for surgery.


I'm just a guy who reads the boards because I am thinking about getting a HT. From what I've read, Dr. Feller is a good man and a great surgeon. He posts a lot of work online for anybody to see and there's a lot of happy patients of his who share their feedback online. He's very transparent, ethical, and honest (almost too honest) particularly about the limits of some kinds of HT surgery (I've enjoyed reading his opinions on the limits of FUE). He doesn't even remotely strike me as a used car salesman. His website is pretty simple and straightforward, and he isn't pushy or aggressive about selling HT's.


The results for the OP's procedure could have been MUCH worse. There are still in 2010 a lot of HT butchers out there without any regard for the patient other than getting them in the chair and taking their money, overpromising them everything in the process. From what I've read (and mind you that is only based on reading boards like this one), Feller is the exact opposite of that.


The OP is still able to wear his hair short and fortunately doesn't look disfigured. I presume that there's a strip scar in the donor area? Hopefully it will be very easy to conceal.


That's just my 2 cents.

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...... I am really surprised to discover that my lack of results are even a possibility with an HT......



you simply can't make a statement like this on a board full of HT gurus and expect to gain any sympathy.


the claim about having to sign the waiver after being drugged up could be considered dafamation if found untrue.


that said, thanks for a very interesting thread! LOL

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Those are choices that a doctor might opt to offer out of a sense of compassion or good business relations, but why should any doctor feel obligated to provide them for circumstances beyond his control? That's like saying that if an earthquake levels your new house two weeks after the end of construction, the architect should either design you another house for free or refund half his fee.


i kinda get your thinkin?


but then you have to be realistic also???


The house may have fallen due to the architects errors!? this is just as much a possibilty how ever the architect is not going to say that is he.....


for example the techs could have had a off day and the grafts where compramised!!!??? im not saying this is what happend but you have to say it is a possibility...........


and you have to admit that any patient paying alot of money even though the risks are fully explained never wants to accept that a bad result might occur and neither do the dr's really????


dr feller is a awsome dr but every one had bad days? as stated no body here knows the details,


but im just saying you have to consider all angles before jumping on the band wagon!!!


yes it could all be down to the patients conditions not being able to grow grafts but at the same time it could also be due to an error in the HT surgery process?




either way im sure dr feller is a great dr and all issues will be resolved

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Many valid points have been made here and I won't take the time to reiterate them. I do want to say however, that at the end of the day, a physician can only help patients who want to be helped. If you are refusing to present photos and/or refusing to visit Dr. Feller for an in-person consult to attempt to address your concerns, there's really nothing he can do.


While I certainly feel for any patient who is less than satisfied with their results, at this point, we really can't determine whether or not you've had the expected results. Patients may be unhappy with their results, but it's not always from less than optimal growth. Some patients simply have unrealistic expectations.


Since you came to this community to share your experience, I think you owe it to us and Dr. Feller to present your photos showing your before and after photos. Otherwise, all we can surmise is that you're unhappy and unwilling to cooperate with your doctor who's already offerred to help you.


I do however, request that you reconsider meeting with Dr. Feller in person so he can evaluate your results and discuss with you your options in more detail. I'm sure he'll be willing to work with you and that you two can come to an amicable resolution that's fair for both of you.


Best wishes in getting these issues resolved amicably and free from lawyers,



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for example the techs could have had a off day and the grafts where compramised!!!??? im not saying this is what happend but you have to say it is a possibility.


Yes, it's always a possibility, but since the patient has so far declined to provide any details or be examined by the doctor who performed the procedure (or any other), one cannot assume any culpability on the part of the doctor -- certainly not to the degree of asserting outright that the doctor should be performing additional work for free or rescinding his fee.

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Hi Dr. Feller and to the forum,

I appreciate the thoughtful comments here. I'm happy to answer questions and to help clarify any points that I made. I would like to stress that I am not faulting Dr. Feller's medical ability, to this I have no way of evaluating if there was a problem during the procedure or if I have some unique physiology. That is not my point of contention. I do not believe that Dr. Feller was maliciously or intentionally misleading. However, I do believe that there were was a severe communication problem and Dr. Feller should have much better practices in place for when cases such as mine arise.


A few points from Dr. Feller's post that I would like to reply to:


Firstly, I can absolutely accept the possibility of a lack of results. The trouble is, I was not notified of this possibility before surgery through anything other than the vague statement on Dr. Feller's waiver. I was not notified that "extenuating reasons like preexisting conditions, prior surgeries, or medications" could cause no results. Nor was I notified that for some patients the "physiology of the patient simply won't permit a significant result". I was not notified verbally in the consultation nor was I notified in writing. If such a document does exist with my signature, then I will absolutely concede that point. The closest expression of such problems with the patient is contained in the waiver stating "results may vary". Is it possible that I was told of such a possibility during the consultation? I can only state I am not one to spend thousands on a procedure with a questionable outcome and I certainly would have paid attention to such a statement. I stand by my contention that I was not made aware of such a problematic result.


Second, at no time had I "refused to visit for a follow up exam". I scheduled an appointment and returned to Dr. Feller's practice to have the staples removed at the required time. Dr. Feller was not present. I received no call, email, or any suggestion for scheduling a follow-up exam. I am curious, how long after the surgery is a follow-up exam recommended and what is involved?


Third, I was explicit in my nervousness about the exam and about taking medications prior. I was given a prescription by Dr. Feller for valium for the day of the exam. I took this before entering the office along with a Xanax to be sure that they would both "kick in" and ease my nervousness. I called Dr. Feller's office prior to the exam to make sure that this would be ok and that the addition of the Xanax wouldn't be a problem. At no time was I told that I was required to take the medication at the office nor that I would be signing a waiver on the day of surgery. I can unequivocally state that I was indeed medicated before "preop discussion and consent declaration".


Fourth, "without even a quick post op visit there isn't much more can I offer than I already have". I was never offered a "quick post op visit" during any of the exchanges with Dr. Feller's office. At no point was I ever confrontational with Dr. Feller. All of this discussion was via email and is documented and there is absolutely no mention of this.


These are the facts to the utmost best of my ability. If I have made a mistake, then I will be the first to admit it.


There are a number of replies stating that I have no excuse not knowing that my outcome was a possibility. I will take blame for apparently not researching the procedure more thoroughly, but I don't understand how you can fault someone for taking the information that they are given by a trained professional in a consultation setting as the facts that one would need to know before having a procedure. With this logic, you must also blame the victims of the large Toyota recall last year even though the manufacturer simply did not disclose that they knew there was a problem. The victims would have known had they done more research, correct? I believe the analogy illustrates my point.


I do not see the point of producing photos on a public forum. Dr. Feller acknowledged the lack of results after he saw photos that I sent to him (doing my best to maintain the same angle and lighting as before the procedure). He never questioned the photos and if he had I would have been happy to come in so that he could exam the surgery area himself. This was not requested.


If he would agree, I would be happy to copy our email correspondence on the subject here which I believe would answer any questions that the forum may have regarding our communications.


I am very happy that there are plenty of positive results with Dr. Feller and his associates on this forum. However, the measure of a man is taken by how he handles himself when things go wrong, not when they are right.



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Yes, it's always a possibility, but since the patient has so far declined to provide any details or be examined by the doctor who performed the procedure (or any other), one cannot assume any culpability on the part of the doctor -- certainly not to the degree of asserting outright that the doctor should be performing additional work for free or rescinding his fee.


****first of all let me say im a big fan of dr feller and followed him for a long time ever since i got envolved with HTs over 3 years ago now, this is no way an attack on the dr im just thinking out load theoreticaly and putting my self in the pateints shoes, and this could also be and example of any patient with any dr not this case!


i my self have sufferd a failed HT along with many other members so i know how it feels!!!


ok in response to you reply,


im not assuming any culpability on dr fellers part... im simply saying its possible and this isnt aimed at dr feller directly as this is a team surgery after all. and this is a fact that can not be denied!!!!!!!


also as the author has yet to prove his situation its hard to comment? every thing said on the matter will just be surmising??? there for nothing can be said with real relivance.....




how ever in response to patients getting poor results, then many things may be at play for example,poor characteristics then he should not of had the procedure in the first place and this is something the dr is to decide.......


how ever if the patient went in the sun with out a hat the day after the surgery then hes to blame.......


you have to remember that HT drs are selling the result after all and even though it can not be gurantead... i still feel that once all the factors have been highlighted and discussed and evaluated if the error is indeed in the hands of the DR/team then some means of compensation has to be put forward.. whether this be a discount surgery or a partial refund!!!


*************** i came to this conclusion by means of rational thinking, the difference between the Drs of the bad old days and the glowing reputations of the Drs of modern times (such as dr feller) is due to this increased sense of patient rights and not being left to lick your wounds in the event of such failiures!!


if prospective HT patients thought it was russian roulette in terms of getting a good result or indeed good after care then i can assure you many men would avoid such surgeons, the final result is what men pay huge amounts of money for and to simply say hard luck isnt good enough as it stands to reason that the factor behind the poor result is equal between patient and dr ie you cant just assume the patient had done some thing wrong when it may have been the dr also? and i feel the drs have a responsibility to work with patient in such an event to get him/her the good result they desire if possible and as far as reasonably practical as the patient lost alot of money and its such examples like my own when i lost $6000 on a failed HT that creates hesitation to wards the industry. if you buy a new car and it brakes down on the way home you wouldnt expect to cover the repair all on your own would you!?


*******and to be honest if you do a simple search you will see all coalition drs display fantastic after care and in the case of a failure you will find many examples of drs who offer free work or reduced priced work or financialy help the patients as lets face it they prob lost alot of money!!! and dr feller is exactly on of these DRs more than most who displays such good patient care,


so where as many of points may seem derogatory they are anything but im simply thinking analytical in regards to the situation and applying it to the industry as a whole not this case.


untill the author posts pics or presents more details in regards to the situation then im affraid he cant be helped by us as dr feller knows the details more than any one..


im sure this matter will resolve



Edited by j1j9j85
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I can appreciate that you feel there was a lack of communication. But instead of dwelling on the last couple of weeks and whatever lack of communication there may have been, why not contact Dr. Feller now that he's offered to see and evaluate your results in person?


In my opinion, there's no sense in dwelling on the past when resolving your concerns lies in what the two of you decide in the future.


That being said, I do encourage you and Dr. Feller to keep this community posted on how your concerns are resolved.


Best wishes,



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I don't understand why Dr. Feller refused to give him a copy of the waiver. This type of story certainly makes Dr. Feller look bad.




Where did you see that Dr. Feller refused to give him a copy of the waiver? I may have missed this. Furthermore, I think Dr. Feller's honest response and the community's attitude toward his work actually paint the opposite picture.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I received an email from Dr. Feller who has some serious concerns about your post and the claims that you've made. Now that I've re-read them, I happen to agree.


You've made some very bold claims and accused Dr. Feller of indulging in two criminal acts.


The first is that he drugged you prior to discussing and having you signing a standard consent form for surgery. The second is that he withheld a copy of this consent form which is a violation of NY state law.


Dr. Feller claims that these two statements are scandalously false and believes that the purpose of your post is to tarnish his hard earned reputation.


In our terms of service, it directly states:


You will not provide a User Submission that: is defamatory, threatening, disparaging, grossly inflammatory, obscene or sexually-oriented, false, misleading, fraudulent, inaccurate, unfair, contains gross exaggeration or unsubstantiated claims, violates the privacy rights of any third party, or is unreasonably harmful or offensive to any individual or community.


Thus, unless you can provide proof of your allegations, I feel compelled to remove this entire topic as it unfairly maligns Dr. Feller and his hard earned reputation. I expect a public or private reply within 2 days in order to substantiate these claims or I will be removing this topic.


Just as physicians are held accountable for their results, forum members are held accountable for their claims.


Nonetheless, I still encourage you to contact Dr. Feller privately to resolve your concerns and take him up on his offer to consult with you in person to evaluate your less than optimal growth.


Best Regards,



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I don't agree with the removal of this thread at all. Potential transplant patients come to this forum to research both the good and the bad about a doctor.


After all, this is the "surgeon review section", which is exactly what the OP has done. You might not agree with what he has said, but others can make their own judgement on whether they believe him or find him to be a credible source.


For clarification purposes. I have nothing against Feller or his clinic. Just stating my unbiased opinion

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I don't agree with the removal of this thread at all. Potential transplant patients come to this forum to research both the good and the bad about a doctor.


After all, this is the "surgeon review section", which is exactly what the OP has done. You might not agree with what he has said, but others can make their own judgement on whether they believe him or find him to be a credible source.


For clarification purposes. I have nothing against Feller or his clinic. Just stating my unbiased opinion


I see what you mean, but I ultimately agree with Bill.


Having read the longer version of the OP's story it seems to me this a case of miscommunication primarily. I do feel for the OP because he's been eloquent in his description of how he feels events have unfolded, and so deserves to at least be commended for that (it's better than somebody who would come on here with hostile or abusive comments, and not be willing to listen to anybody).


That having been said, it is one thing to say you did not feel a surgeon did a very good job, but it's another to accuse a surgeon of engaging in illegal activities or being unprofessional to the point of dangerous.


None of us here can verify the truth apart from those directly involved, but that's not the point. Dr. Feller has proved his professionalism consistently and it is technically easy for anybody to come on here and say what they want about him. It would be unfair if surgeons were subject to uncorroborated stories and accusations that later turned out to be false or unfounded (and I am not saying this one is; I have no platform to make any comment).


Ultimately, in the same way a surgeon needs to post results and prove their abilities, patients must be able and willing to back up what they say. Otherwise the forum could be littered with unfounded accusations that, to a virtual 'passer by', could paint an unfair image of the coalition doctors.


This is a tricky case because it seems complex and it seems both parties may be 'at fault' - not deliberately but in an unfortunate and sometimes inevitable case of miscommunication. But the severity of accusations are such that, until proven guilty, no respectable doctor on this forum should be tainted by them.


I hope the patient and Dr. Feller come to an amicable solution and are both willing to see each other's point of view and find a common way forward. In the meantime, whilst the patient deserves every right to discuss his opinions, specific accusations of illegal activity cannot be allowed to stand until proven or quashed.

Edited by mahhong
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I agree to some extent. However, this isn't just a "passer by". This is a forum member that is sharing his personal experience he had with this doctor, and I feel he has the right to do so. The point fo this thread was to express his dissatisfaction with the final results. The 2 issues Bill has, really, were just added details of the overall experience. If Bill has an issue with those points, delete them, not the whole post.


After re-reading the OP's post and 2nd reply, I don't feel his intention was to maliciously tarnish the doctors image. I really feel like he's giving an honest version of his experience. It doesn't seem like he's implying the doctor drugs up his patients then makes them sign papers. It's easy to not consider some of this stuff when you're expecting to get a good result. After having a transplant, I can see how it was OK'd to take pills prior[not saying it was or wasn't Ok'd by Feller or staff]. Perhaps its his own fault for not considering this but at the same time, I don't think that issue holds much weight to the overall point of the post.


Would love to see those emails. I think that would explain alot to hear what feller was saying back then rather than what he's saying to defend himself.


Good luck guys, hopefully this issue can be worked out.

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