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Dr Bisanga or H&W ?

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Hi everyone,


I need you advice. In my case, 4000 to 4500 grafts (FUT) would be needed.


I am hesitating between Dr Bisanga and Hasson & Wong. Dr Bisanga is a convenient solution because people usually get good results with him, and his clinic is in Belgium.


But I also know that Hasson & Wong are excellent surgeons (especially for 4000+ megasessions) and the FUT scar is almost invisible with them. It's a litte more expensive compared to Dr Bisanga's fare but maybe it's worth ?

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Bisanga is a fine clinic, and I'm a big fan of their FUE work. Based off your considerations and what you've said I would go with Hasson&Wong, though, without question.


Their strip work doesn't get any better, and you have the best shot in going to them and getting the number of grafts to make you most happy.


Plus, them being in the Coalition gives you an incredible amount of support and support network throughout your HT on this forum. You'll be covered from top to bottom, and Hasson&Wong, Jotronic, et. al. will have your back 100% without a doubt.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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People on here would support you whether you went to Hasson and Wong or Dr Bisanga, wouldnt make a blind bit of diff who you went to.


Propecia would prob help loads though as your a diffuse thinner, I've been on it since 2002 with no side effects.

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You'd be in good hands with either surgeon, but you look like the kind of patient (with advanced hairloss) who H&W really excel at helping.


A word of caution though. It does appear that you might be thinning at the lower back of your head, at the top of the neck.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Of course he would be supported were he to go to Dr. Bisanga. I am simply pointing out for Catastrophique that by going to Hasson&Wong, by way of this forum and Hasson&Wong's involvement, he would have a unique level of support.


I can't say I've seen Dr. Bisanga nor any of his patient representatives have much of a prescense on this forum one way or another.


I can say with certainty, however, that by going to Hasson&Wong of the Coalition he will have the added benefit of direct and easy communication and support by way of Jotronic, e.g. Much in the same way if one goes to Dr. Feller they would have Spex on the forum, etc. etc. etc.


But as I referenced, it's simply a nice benefit and thought that he may want to take note of, on top of the overarching reasons why he may commit to H&W or Bisanga.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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your lucky with your balding patern as you still have a hairline, so you will be able to keep your natural look and just have it thickend up. so you shouldnt have to worry about design. personaly if your going strip then go H&W if you thinking FUE then Bisanga or Feller as H&W dont do FUE.


if i were in your shoes with the amount of loss you have i would go H&W without a doubt, his work is second to none. to this date i am yet to see a bad transplant from H&W.


Dont let cash or travel make your mind up. its very hard but always worth it in the long run.


You are lucky to have dr. bisanga on your doorstep. his work is also very good from what i have seen so far and i feel he is doing very good FUE work, i am considering him myself for my repair.


ULTIMATLY if its STRIP you want and you can afford it then H&W all the way

Dr A. Armani 2500 Fue

Dec 2008


Proscar X1 Day

Monixodil X2 Day

Msm Daily



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I think both Bisanga (I am having a FUE procedure with him this weekend) and Hasson and Wong are excellent clinics. You would be in good hands with either but you should also consider a few other clinics.


Both Dr Feller and Shapiro Medical Group do top quality strip work. Definitely worth checking them out.



2425 FUE - Dr Armani - Nov 2007 (poor result)


1000 FUE Procedure with Dr. Bisanga - March 25th 2010 (great result)


1599 FUE Procedure with Dr. Bisanga - Feb 3rd 2011


My Hair Loss Website

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Originally posted by hdude46:

u need to get on propecia if u want to go thru with a ht this young and being as bald as u are.


I would agree with this.


There could be many reasons why you don't want to take the medication, but if you're worried about side effects then I think you should reconsider and give fin a try. The horror stories out there come from a loud but tiny minority.


I really think that the anti-finasteride corner must be responsible for an awful lot of unnecessary hairloss.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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Hi everyone


Thank you for your replies and your precious advices.


I don't think that a FUE would be appropriate for my case. From what I've seen on the forums, usually FUE patients get good results with - at most - 2000 grafts surgeries.


I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna loose more hair during the next couple of years, and I think that a FUT, compared to a FUE, would definitely help me save more follicular units for a second surgery, if my crown and vertex areas loose more hair.


From what I can read most of you think that I should go to H&W clinic.


Thank you for your advices, it definitely helps

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I wouldnt push him into going to anybody in particular, but Dr Bisanga does also have very good patient co-ordinators, just like all the coalition docs do, as I would imagine any of the other good docs out there that arent part of the coalition.


The only difference is you dont talk to them on this particular website.

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The only thing that bothers me with Bisanga (based on what I've read online, I haven't met him yet) is that it takes him a whole day for 3000/3500 UFs surgeries (8AM to 10PM)


Since I need at least 4000 UFs, I don't know how he could achieve everything in a single session. I don't want him to feel obliged to do a quick and dirty job to finish everything in time. That's something I'll ask him during the consultation.


By the way, is Hasson better than Wong, or their are both at the same level ?

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Sparky makes a good point that Dr. Bisanga has a very good patient coordinator in Philb but they also have Stephen as well. Their patients have plenty of direct support. Stephen and Phil are both active on a UK forum, among other forums with many educational posts. From what I've heard of their patient care, I don't think anyone has to worry about lack of support. I've been very impressed by their work and patient care.




With you being so young and not on meds, the clinic you choose will likely urge you to get on them. If you don't halt/slow your hairloss progression and go ahead with a ht surgery, your results may not be what you or your clinic expect....just my 2 cents on the matter. Who knows what the future holds - be optimistic that there will be other options besides taking a pill everyday. Best of luck with your consults.

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Originally posted by catastrophique:

The only thing that bothers me with Bisanga (based on what I've read online, I haven't met him yet) is that it takes him a whole day for 3000/3500 UFs surgeries (8AM to 10PM)


Since I need at least 4000 UFs, I don't know how he could achieve everything in a single session. I don't want him to feel obliged to do a quick and dirty job to finish everything in time. That's something I'll ask him during the consultation.


By the way, is Hasson better than Wong, or their are both at the same level ?


Dont let how long he takes put you off.


if he is going slower that means he is taking his time and you know your not being rushed. i think H&W could probably pull off 4k in 1 session but theres not many clinics that can with great results.

Dr A. Armani 2500 Fue

Dec 2008


Proscar X1 Day

Monixodil X2 Day

Msm Daily



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@Janna : Thank you for you post. I would gladly take propecia if it wasn't a treatment "for life". I don't see any point in taking a daily medication whose effects are canceled as soon as you stop taking it (except for medication on which your life depends of course, like insulin for example)


I'm pretty sure that I would quickly drop propecia if I were to take it, even if I got good results with it. But I fully understand that some people are okay with that treatment.


@Balboa & Julius : sure thing, but if H&W manage to plug 4000 to 4500 grafts in a single session, and get the same (or better) results compared to Bisanga, it's probably a better choice.


I'll ask Bisanga about the "number of grafts per session" issue, because I haven't seen any 4000+ session made by him yet

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Firstly, base your decision on the results you have seen - not who is closer or who is cheaper. IMO, Hasson and Wong are the kings of megasessions, they do some of the best work in the world. If you go there, you'll be in the best hands.


It's likely you may only need one surgery (or one megasession and a smaller session), whereas if you go elsewhere, you may need 2-3sessions.


good luck


Propecia since July 2008

2201 Grafts with Dr Lorenzo on 19.10.22 - See my write up here:


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A word of caution though. It does appear that you might be thinning at the lower back of your head, at the top of the neck.


Mattj, What does this have to do with anything? Is this a sign of a future NW pattern? I also have thinning in the same spot so I'd be interested in your answer to this question. Thanks!!

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Just to clarify what I've said, and perhaps said poorly at the expense of my intention:


I do not mean that H&W have patient care that dwards Bisanga, and I do not feel that his decision should be primarily based in any way off of a feeling that if he chooses Bisanga he will be ill-suported. Not in the least, and if I felt so in any way I would not encourage people to seriously consider Bisanga as often as I do, and to have even gone out on a limb supporting his clinic a few times in the past.


Given that he has chosen this forum to share his story with, and get involved with and to talk things over, I was just pointing out that -- as a pleasant perk -- he will have a unique level of support on here with H&W given their level of involvement/Jotronic, and their Coalition status.


That said, Cata, it is truly impossible to say if Wong is superior to Hasson or Hasson is superior to Wang in any definitive way. You may want to talk with Jotronic about your specific case and see if he has any thoughts on this matter, and if you might prefer one doctor over another; however, either doctor would perform an absolutely world-class HT on you.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Who is Jotronic ? Is he the webmaster of http://hairtransplantmentor.com/, or a member of this forum ?


He is Hasson and Wong's main consultant, as well as a hair transplant celebrity, and the web master of hairtransplantmentor, a member of this forum, and a member of ALL existing forums about hair loss, in all possible languages (he speaks 12 languages). I heard he's a good poker player, and cook good pastas.


He also works for the CIA.



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