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Dr Bisanga or H&W ?

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Originally posted by dakota3:
A word of caution though. It does appear that you might be thinning at the lower back of your head, at the top of the neck.


Mattj, What does this have to do with anything? Is this a sign of a future NW pattern? I also have thinning in the same spot so I'd be interested in your answer to this question. Thanks!!


Some men's hair recedes upwards from the neck. I'm not entirely sure if this is always a sign of a very advanced future balding pattern, but I do associate it at least partly with the sort of hairloss which leaves a very thin and narrow band of hair around the back of the head. The poster in question does have very aggressive hairloss at a young age so it might be wise to have a transplant doctor examine this area closely. I can't be sure that what I see in the photo is thinning upwards from the neck, but it does look like it.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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I need you advice. I am 27 and am loosing my hair since I'm 24. I tried Minoxidil during a whole year but it didn't help at all. I don't want to use propecia.


Catastrophique, if you've been losing hair for only 3 years and you're already almost a norwood 5-6 at 27 years old (with some diffuse hair left at the hairline, and fuzzy peach hair left all over), it means you have a "very" aggressive hair loss pattern, and will maybe (probably) end up as a full norwood 6-7 in a few years (without medications).


In my case, 4000 to 4500 grafts (FUT) would be needed.


Who gave you that estimate? You will need that to begin with...


You will likely need more than one strip surgery if you want acceptable coverage and an acceptable illusion of density (with your degree of hair loss). Unless you just want "some" hair, and you're satisfied with a Ceasar hair cut for instance (which is a perfectly reasonable goal for some people). Or unless you fall in the rare H&W cases of more than 7000 grafts in a single session.


4000-4500 grafts will not cover the entire scalp. If you're fine with having hair upfront, and a bare crown... then forget what I just said.

If you want to address the crown, you will need maybe another 3000. If that's your wish, I would choose the H&W route rather than Bisanga. But I would make sure to have a consultation before, to confirm you have the donor, the laxity and the hair characteristics that are necessary for such an ambitious plan. I would also be very conservative with the hairline placement and future planning, considering you're not on a 5ar inhibitor. And I would start scalp exercises today! icon_cool.gif


but I also know that Hasson & Wong are excellent surgeons (especially for 4000+ megasessions) and the FUT scar is almost invisible with them.




Do not ever take for granted that your scar will "almost" be invisible, particularly with mega-sessions. Most subtle trichophytic scars are from first and small sessions only. If you choose the strip road, with the extent of your hair loss you need to consider the fact you will have to keep your hair longer (forever) to hide a scar, or to hide some shockloss around the scar that may not return.


Remember, hair tranplants are unpredictable. In the hands of a great surgeon, you just have more chance to succeed, but still take a risk...


I do not believe you will ever be able to cut your hair as short as you have now after strip surgeries (if that becomes your plan).


Catastrophique, mon conseil serait de prendre ton temps et de rechercher encore plus longtemps pour etre certain que ton plan soit r?©aliste, et que tu puisses atteindre tes objectifs. La transplantation de cheveux n'atteint pas toujours des r?©sultats remarquables, et elle r?©serves parfois des surprises... Et si tu veux te garder la possibilit?© de garder tes cheveux tres courts, ca ne sera pas possible avec une cicatrice... crois moi. Mais c'est parfois un compromis qui en vaut la peine.


Bonne chance


Best of luck



note: as a reminder of the extent of your hair loss, people might want to see the last pic you uploaded in your initial post.

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Hi Serious


Thanks for your advices (in both french and english icon_biggrin.gif)


I consulted five surgeons and all of them told my that I would need around 4000 UFs. 4500 UFs is what H&W's rep told me, maybe because he's the last one I was in touch with, and that more hair has fallen since the first time I went on a consultation (six months ago)


I am aware that I will most likely need more than one surgery to cover my scalp. I'm sure the crown area will loose much hair in the next couple of years. This is sad, I just hope that I'll have enough spare UFs for a second or a third surgery.


About the scar, well if I have to keep my hair longer in order to hide it then I will. Presently I'm cutting my hair very short because the hairloss is a bit less noticeable this way (I said "a bit", what I really mean is that it's less ugly) I my HT allows me to keep longer hair with a decent head then I won't bother keeping them longer than now.


Once again thank for your wise advices buddy.


Merci et bonne soir?©e !

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