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Does Bill Gates Wear a Piece?


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I've seen Bill Gates from two tables away in a local restaurant and during many technology conferences here in the Seattle area. I'm pretty good as detecting rugs and I'm almost positive that he doesn't wear one. I'll ask him when he and Melinda have me over to his house next time though. We have a world domination strategy to refine.





Carpe Capillus!!



Was he surrounded by security at the restaurant? I would think it VERY dangerous for him to venture into public.

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I met Bill in an airport restaurant once. I was about to have an interview for an important job with my prospective boss. Bill was kind enough to help me impress him by agreeing to stop by our table on the way out and say "Joe! - great to see you, thanks for the help on that project."


I was a shoe-in when I replied "Not now Gates, can't you see I've got an important meeting?"


My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice

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I seriously doubt he wears a piece.


Although based on his farther, maybe he will get a transplant or piece in the future, or not.


Many guys go bald later in life.. Have full heads of hair for most of their life, then suddenly it all goes in Their 50's, etc.


Take a look at Al Gore. For most of his life he had a full head of hair. But his father Al Gore Senior was completely bald, and he will likely follow in his shoes. (he seems to have work done or on some kind of preventive regime himself)

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For many years his hair was something of a moppy mess. He was also known for his poor grooming and hygiene. I've heard that he would appear at important events and would practically knock people over with his odeur trop naturelle. It has been said by many that he tends toward the Apergerger's Syndrome end of the autistic spectrum - great cognitive abilities in certain areas, but almost a complete absence of the ability to appreciate the subtleties of the intersubective human space. So, the failure to bathe, poor grooming, odd taste in clothing - all behaviors that rely on an ability to see and experience the world as most others do, are typical deficits among those with Asperger's Syndrome. I once read an article that either Melinda or a previous girlfriend made a real project out of teaching him some of the basic requirements for engaging in successful social intercourse - "Bill, no matter what you may think, you've gotta take a shower every day, use soap, and brush your teeth. And when you're done, put on clean clothes - socks and all." "Even clean underwear too!!" "Yes, even clean underwear - every day."


In fact, his insensitivity to the subtleties of human interactions have been much talked about in the media.


So, back to the hair question. In these patients, I've seen the very moppy look because they don't cut their hair frequently enough and they have any sense whatsoever of what might look stylish or complimentary to their appearance. I've seen many who have a wig like look about them. I think since Bill has been "cleaned up" over the past few years, he's looking much better. But, I wonder if his past has left a lingering suspicion about what might be going on with his hair?


My Surgery With Dr. Sharon Keene


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Interesting. I'm a software engineer and I think most in the industry regard him as more of a businessman than an engineer.


Being a successful businessman requires great social skills so I assumed his hair was that way because he has no other choice. I guess I had him profiled completely wrong. I admit I know next to nothing about him.

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  • 10 years later...
  • Regular Member
I seriously doubt he wears a piece.


Although based on his farther, maybe he will get a transplant or piece in the future, or not.


Many guys go bald later in life.. Have full heads of hair for most of their life, then suddenly it all goes in Their 50's, etc.


Take a look at Al Gore. For most of his life he had a full head of hair. But his father Al Gore Senior was completely bald, and he will likely follow in his shoes. (he seems to have work done or on some kind of preventive regime himself)


I've always thought that must be a tough thing to experience-- having a full head of hair throughout most of your adult life and then in your late 40's/ early 50's to go seriously bald.


I have known guys like that-- now maybe smugness is the wrong word to describe their attitude, but it's not far off. These are the guys who for decades have made cracks and jokes at their balding friends and family members-- all the while supremely confident that hair loss was not an issue for THEM. Hair loss was an issue that happened to the OTHER guy.


It must shake their self confidence and world view right down to the bottom of their souls when it starts happening to them all of a sudden.


We all know the other end of the spectrum-- the young guy who starts losing his hair in his early 20's (most common). You never seem to hear about this opposite end of the scale.


Now I'm sure the young balding 20 something would gladly love to change places with the 50 something suddenly balding guy, hair wise. It's well known that the 20 something thinks with his peck&@ and can't conceive the concept of a sexual life beyond 30 years old. But still........



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not sure if he does (or did) or not


my gut says he does not wear a wig







Dr. Dow Stough - 1000 Grafts - 1996

Dr. Jerry Wong - 4352 Grafts - August 2012

Dr. Jerry Wong - 2708 Grafts - May 2016


Remember a hair transplant turns back the clock,

but it doesn't stop the clock.

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  • Senior Member
I met Bill in an airport restaurant once. I was about to have an interview for an important job with my prospective boss. Bill was kind enough to help me impress him by agreeing to stop by our table on the way out and say "Joe! - great to see you, thanks for the help on that project."


I was a shoe-in when I replied "Not now Gates, can't you see I've got an important meeting?"


My Pix and Hair Mentor page with advice on Choosing a Doc, anti-swelling and healing advice



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  • Senior Member

Looks like it to me

 2,000 grafts FUT Dr. Feller, July 27th 2012. 23 years old at the time. Excellent result. Need crown sorted eventually but concealer works well for now.

Propecia and minoxidil since 2010. Fine for 8 years - bad sides after switching to Aindeem in 2018.

Switched to topical fin/minox combo from Minoxidil Max in October 2020, along with dermarolling 1x a week.

Wrote a book for newbies called Beating Hair Loss, available on Amazon

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  • Senior Member
I've always thought that must be a tough thing to experience-- having a full head of hair throughout most of your adult life and then in your late 40's/ early 50's to go seriously bald.


I have known guys like that-- now maybe smugness is the wrong word to describe their attitude, but it's not far off. These are the guys who for decades have made cracks and jokes at their balding friends and family members-- all the while supremely confident that hair loss was not an issue for THEM. Hair loss was an issue that happened to the OTHER guy. "



Boy oh boy i know some people i would PRAY for this to happen too. Ultimate Karma. These guys were always the first to insult the balding person and highlight it in a group with no regard for that persons feelings. Mainly becuase their hair was one of the few if only things they had going for them. Proper ugly guys. Purely as a form of self elevation and help their own shitty self asteem.


I also love how they look at me now and cant work out whats going on that i have full head of hair again. I wasnt overtly bald before but had receding hairline. They really cant work it out!! Needless to say any comments from them stopped.!!

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what about Steve Jobs? he had amazing hair in his early Apple days.. and was a bit of a playboy too. I wonder how much he was affected by his hair loss.

Paulygon is a former patient of Dr. Parsa Mohebi


My regimen includes:

HT #1 2710 grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in 2012

Rogaine foam 2x daily, since 2012 (stopped ~10/2015)

Finasteride 1.25mg daily, since 2012 (stopped ~12/2015)


HT #2 3238 grafts at Parsa Mohebi Hair Restoration in Los Angeles in Jun. 2016

Started Rogaine and Propecia in July. 2016 after being off of them for about a year.

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