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Everything posted by PanamaJimmy

  1. reywd30, I certainly understand your desire to look better. However, I see some clear red flags. I don't think you'll like what I have to say, but here it is. You're being too hard on yourself, first off. Of course it sucks to have to live with your parents (I've done it), but its not the end of the world. Do you have your health? Do you have a family that cares about you? It looks as if your donor area is pretty good. Count your blessing mate! In my opinion, if you can't confide in your family, then who can you confide in? There is a time in any parent-child relationship where you have to relate to each other as adults and not as you did in high school. Time to grow up. If they disagree, at least you've become your own person and who won't respect that?? SLOW DOWN. Forget about the wedding! In fact, I think you're better off waiting until after the wedding. Go with your head shaved. There is no guarantee that you will get the results you want in 8-9 months, and most likely it will take 2 sessions to get the density you want. A Hair Transplant will help with self confidence. HELP, is the key word. Only you can decide to have the mental attitude that gives you self confidence. It sounds like you're really betting the farm on this turning everything around. If you're not OK with yourself inside, then an improvement outside will be a short term gain at best. We're all here to help and support you, but also to tell it like it is. I hope what I've said will be helpful. Panama Jimmy
  2. Chris2010, TTP is right; you've come to the right place! It takes the "shady" part out of the business of hair transplantation. Now it's all about RESEARCH!! Stick to the doctors recommended on this site and you should be fine. Even if money is tight, it's best not to make a decision based solely on price. In the long run, the best doctor for you, regardless of price, will be the best decision. Ask lots of questions. Contact lots of HT recipients on the site. We are all here to support you! Please keep us posted. Panama Jimmy
  3. Orange Hair, I agree, looks excellent! Thanks for posting. It's great to see women successfully using HTs to regain hair! Panama Jimmy
  4. stardog champion, You look like a quick healer actually! Very little redness. I don't think I looked that good until at least two weeks out. No worries! Panama Jimmy
  5. pianoman99, I was definitely lucky because I was not too advanced on the Norwood scale, but still, comparing before and after photos, there is a clear difference. I got a lot of comments once my hair grew in and people wondered if I'd lost weight, been working out, etc. Still, not one single person ever guessed why I looked different! Obviously, the more advanced the hair loss and the more dramatic the change, the harder it is to explain away! I myself had to show my parents before and after pics before they actually believed me!! The hardest part of an HT, the waiting, is actually in your favor. First of all, almost nobody, aside from those of us who have faced this, have any idea what a Hair Transplant is. People still think, "Oh, big noticeable plugs!" So, the last thing people will guess a year from now is that you've actually had thousands of incisions in your head, invisible to the naked eye, that have produced a totally natural head of hair even a stylist can't call out! When people ask, and they will, why you look so much different or better, or perhaps even why you have a fuller head of hair, they'll buy almost any story, because, remember, in their heads, if you had actually gotten a Hair Transplant they would believe they could spot it, plugs and all. Rogaine is more socially acceptable, so use that if you want. Or, tell them your blood circulation has improved after working out. The hardest part is hiding all this in the beginning. Even if you don't care if others know, like myself, it's best to hide it in the beginning because not only is it a bit ugly, but then you're a walking science experiment for the next few months! LOL I still believe that even if everyone in your office found out tomorrow, you may get a rough time in the beginning, but the last laugh is on them when the results show. Whatever negative comment some insecure wanker might have, there is no doubt that you end up esteemed and respected by the great majority. Who doesn't want to look better?? Only a loser, that's who! What argument do they have a year from now?? Office person #1: "Hey, can you believe that guy got an actual hair transplant?!" Office person #2: "No way, that's BS, you'd be able to tell!" Office person #1: "Seriously, he has way more hair now! Don't you remember?" Office person #2: "Um, whatever, looks really good at any rate. Hey, can I bum a smoke?" Remember, it's mostly in your own head :-) Panama Jimmy
  6. flyg, Although my own opinion is that you did no damage at all, it might set your mind at ease to contact Dr. Farjo and explain the situation to him. It would be great if you would post after you speak with him to let us know what he says. Panama Jimmy
  7. Jotronic, Nice website! Even a short video, in place of a photo, really brings it to life :-) Panama Jimmy
  8. Captain0, I remember at about the 3-4 month mark I thought I looked worse than before! My doctor, Dr. Charles, did a pretty good job of explaining that this is normal for many at this point on the timeline, so I was concerned, but confident. Then after another 3-4 months? HUGE difference! Hang in there. You're just getting over the hump! Panama Jimmy
  9. stardog champion, What on God's green earth is that animal in your avatar? Cracks me up! Now its all about PATIENCE; the hardest part of all!! I'm sure you'll have great results. Looking forward to your updates! Congrats on taking this big step. Panama Jimmy
  10. jmg544, Excellent and natural looking crow's peak at 9 months! Congratulations! I'm sure over the next 3-4 months you'll see even more density. Panama Jimmy
  11. Pianoman99, Thanks for sharing some great thoughts, along with some good pointers. While you may be right that from someone else's viewpoint an HT may not be "normal", the only normal that matters is in your own head. Just wait until about a year goes by and you see people you haven't seen for a year. Even if you care about what they think, they won't be thinking anything other than, "damn, that dude looks a lot better than last time I saw him!" A Hair Transplant, aside from the obvious physical change, is about EMPOWERMENT. Anyone that goes through this odyssey has balls my friend, and has taken matters into their own hands. Looking forward to seeing photos a few months out! Panama Jimmy
  12. Bill, Good idea to put out a warning. I've been propositioned here too, and its more comical than anything wondering who these idiots are behind these pathetic attempts at minor extortion. I think Bosley is behind it ;-) Panama Jimmy
  13. BigBill1234, Although it is important to be confident in your choice of doctor, track record is everything. As Pat mentioned, Dr. Charles has over a decade of overwhelmingly positive reviews! Now that is something to base a decision on! Did your first HT doc have a 10 yr track record here? I'm guessing......"no". Personally, I had a great experience with Dr. Charles and his staff and I highly recommend him. Although our hair circumstances aren't the same, feel free to check out my blog with photos. You are welcome to shoot any questions my way. Best of luck and keep us posted! Panama Jimmy
  14. This is most likely because of the ingrained attitude of drug companies selling only the marketed (and expensive) brand. First and foremost, they've got your wallet in mind. Never forget this. It just stinks! :cool: When Lynyrd Skynyard was asked to comment on the US Big Pharma, he so poignantly commented: "Ooooh that smell!" To bathe yourself of this putrid stench, order generic finasteride from www.canadadrugs.com There is no fear of being prosecuted by anyone, but if you find a Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman outside of your door, you can't outrun a horse, so swallow all of your pills immediately. And your breath won't even stink. After they leave, take epikak, because finasteride may become hallucinogenic from doses in excess of 100mg. Before you argue that it is strictly illegal to import prescription drugs from Canada, read between the lines: "Under U.S. law, it is illegal to import drugs from Canada. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, does not prosecute anyone who imports prescription drugs for personal use. Americans may import up to a three-month supply of medications without fear of prosecution. " http://www.ehow.com/facts_4911225_legal-buy-prescription-drugs-canada.html "Some members of Congress even encourage the practice by listing Canadian pharmacies on their Web sites." Interesting read: http://www.suddenlysenior.com/canadiandrugstores.html You decided not to become a genetic victim when you chose a hair transplant, so why be a financial victim at the hands of Big Pharma? Panama Jimmy
  15. I'm half Canadian, which maybe is why I keep plugging these guys: http://www.canadadrugs.com Best prices I've found and very reliable service. Panama Jimmy
  16. Bill, That's classic! Thanks :-) Panama Jimmy
  17. Sparky, This might be of interest to you regarding diet and hair: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PanamaJimmy/blog/10/ Panama Jimmy
  18. arrazem, I agree with Empty Area: don't focus on the cost. Within the US, there just isn't going to be that much of a difference between the best surgeons and finding someone willing to do it for a markedly lower cost may be a grave error. Many of the coalition surgeons may be willing to offer financing even if your credit is less than perfect. It comes down to research. Find a few within driving distance if cost is an issue and then ask the doctors and the recipients about the cost, experience, etc. Best of luck! Panama Jimmy
  19. Sparky, 75mg every other day is a pretty low dose, but everyone needs a different amount. I'm not sure I'd trust a shrink recommending this low of a dosage or an "every other day" regime. Most people need between 150-300mg daily using the XR pills. I've found the best way to go off them is by lowering the dose every two weeks until you are done. It's tough to divide them up, but if you have the plastic shells filled with the little balls you can divide them up although it's incredibly tedious work. Try 60mg for two weeks, then 45mg, then 30, then 15, then you're done. This should prevent you from having any of those crazy electric shock things. Good Luck! Panama Jimmy
  20. It is no secret that hair loss can be a source of depression. Those of you lucky enough to experience normal depression and are not prone to clinical depression, will pass through this phase much like someone experiencing any other traumatic event in life. However, some of you might be prone to clinical depression, which is a genetic tendency, and hair loss may be the trigger that sets off this nasty malady. Or, perhaps you've experienced deep depression before. All depression can be serious, but anyone prone to clinical depression has an imbalance of chemicals in the brain related to seratonin and synapse receptors. Often, the only way to treat this is through prescription drugs. Just like medicine for diabetics or sufferers of high blood pressure, antidepressant drugs can correct the imbalance. Despite it being 2010, some still feel depression or taking antidepressants is a stigma. It is not. I myself have been on a daily 150mg dose of Effexor for 12 years. Thank God I found it. I was lucky. I first had to recognize that I had a problem with depression, and then I needed the courage to face it and conquer it. Many, especially men, deny the problem altogether or buy into the fallacy that "only weak people" need drugs or help. Although there are many effective drugs for depression, finding the right one is more of an art than a science, but it can be done. I have been through hell and back more than a few times in my life and would like to offer any help I can to any of you who are dealing with depression. Feel free to Private Message me if you'd like. Also, it would be good to hear stories from others on this forum regarding depression. Thinning, bald, or with a full head of hair, life is meant to be enjoyed! By sharing our collective experiences here and reaching out to others we can help sufferers at any level of depression, especially those suffering from deep, clinical depression. Panama Jimmy
  21. Here's the best source I've found for ordering generic Finasteride (Proscar) www.CanadaDrugs.com This info might help others looking for the lowest price point. Or, maybe someone has a cheaper source? At CanadaDrugs.com 84 of the generic finasteride 5mg tablets is $115 and this will last 336 days!! Their service is reliable and you can fax or email a prescription to them. Panama Jimmy
  22. Here's a cheap source of Generic Finasteride (Proscar) www.CanadaDrugs.com This info might help others looking for the lowest price point. Or, maybe someone has a cheaper source? At CanadaDrugs.com 84 of the generic finasteride 5mg tablets is $115 and this will last 336 days!! Their service is reliable and you can fax or email a prescription to them. Panama Jimmy
  23. Reds, Congratulations on deciding to go for it! Looks good so far. Remember, patience is the key! Panama Jimmy
  24. Diverso, MPB- Male Pattern Baldness I know that people can be pretty self conscious about the shape of their noggin, but yours really appears to be pretty decent! There's a chance that you'll retain your donor hair, or at least enough for a transplant, but it's really better to wait for a few years until you know the hair loss pattern back there. Otherwise, getting a transplant could simply result in your transplanted hair naturally falling out as genetically planned in your donor area. Stay positive! Remember that there are a thousand worse things, really, that can happen to you in life. Do you have your health, your family, a roof over your head? Focus on that. Gratitude is powerful, whereas sinking into depression will only cause pain and suffering. Panama Jimmy
  25. PanamaJimmy

    thin hair

    Lailo, Good to hear from someone down under. Strange fact: I know the Australian national anthem. Toured Australia for a month with a college singing group back in the day. Love your country! Some people experience significant difference in their hair thickness and appearance by adhering to diets that promote hair growth. I posted a blog on the site here that may be of use: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/PanamaJimmy/blog/10/ Best of luck :-) Panama Jimmy
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