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Everything posted by PanamaJimmy

  1. An important aspect of maintaining a healthy head of hair, or whatever quantity you currently have, is your diet! This fact seems to be overlooked by many, but if your main goal is to have your hair look as good as it can, then it's best to follow a healthy diet regime. Food that is suggested by the experts are as follows: -Eat foods high in Vitamin B -Flaxseed, containing essential fatty acids (can be sprinkled on cereal) -High quality protein foods, especially eggs (but be careful if you have high cholesterol) -Up to 50% of your diet can be fruits and vegetables -Grains, Nuts, Seeds, Legumes -tea made from alfalfa, burdock root, dandelion, and yellow dock Supplements can also help your hair maintain a healthy, glossy shine. The most important vitamins for healthy hair are vitamin A, C, E, B6, B12, Biotin, Inositol, and Niacin. A daily multi-vitamin will usually cover these requirements. Deficiencies in your diet can cause, gasp, HAIR LOSS, among other things! So, if a decision has been made to invest a substantial sum of money on a hair transplant, make sure that you really stick to a healthy diet to give your new hair the best opportunity possible to grow and thrive. Making sure to get a full night of sleep and regular exercise can also ensure that your hair looks its best. Panama Jimmy
  2. Dr. Limmer, Thanks for sharing this. I'm sure as the aging Baby Boomer wave builds over the coming years there will be more and more older hair transplant recipients. I'm thinking to myself, a steady supply of viagra and a well done hair transplant might keep the rocking chair at bay for many an older patient! Why not! Panama Jimmy
  3. NotSoSure, Have you taken Propecia before? If so, what side effects have you experienced? Panama Jimmy
  4. NotSoSure, Waiting for hair cloning or multiplication should definitely NOT be a strategy. Even if a breakthrough occurs and we see it, say, in a decade (not likely), there is an adoption phase where doctors need to master the new techniques in perfecting a new technology, and this takes time. As for Propecia, it seems there is a general paranoia in regards to side effects that is largely unfounded. Less than 2% of users experience any side effects. Finasteride has proven to be a solid and important part of the entire hair transplant process aimed at your best chance of success, so take it and find out for yourself. If you experience side effects, then stop. Simple. Panama Jimmy
  5. Empty Area, If you have more photos that can show your temples and hairline better (front and side), you will have a better chance at getting the best input from the community. All the best on your hair journey! Panama Jimmy
  6. Standard car windows act much like a sunscreen and block most of the harmful rays, BUT NOT ALL of them. IMO since anyone getting a hair transplant is forking over a fairly substantial amount of money, if there is ever any doubt as to the harm of exposure or anything else that can have a negative impact on your investment, just play it safe rather than sorry! PanamaJimmy
  7. While propecia has proven to work best on the crown of the head, I have spoken with some who have had results in the frontal lobe as well. It appears to be just as the others say; it really depends on the person. In any case, from the current condition you describe, it certainly can't do anything but help! Panama Jimmy
  8. Mav, Looks like it is going to fill in nicely! Congrats on taking matters into your own hands. Remember it is still early days and patience is key to the process over the coming months! I remember how difficult it was to stay away from the mirror, always checking the progress. I'd love to hear about your Bangkok adventures and I'm sure the other future HT patients in Thailand would find it useful for the downtime after surgery. Panama Jimmy
  9. Gujrat, Good for you in taking the leap, and quite a positive difference. I think a 2nd session for density would only add to the effectiveness. Why not go all the way since you've already walked so far along the path? As for Propecia, doctors claim less than 2% of people suffer any side effects and I believe this is accurate. Probably much less than 2% There seems to be a high level of paranoia in regards to Propecia that is unfounded. It is critical in protecting your investment and helping to keep what you have gained. Panama Jimmy
  10. Although hair cloning is exciting to any of us with hair loss issues, the one thing I would warn any potential HT recipient about is banking on this being a strategy in the 5-10 year time frame. There are 4 main players: Histogen, Follica, Aderans Research Institute (a research arm of the Bosley Group), and Intercytex. All have slightly different variations of how to "trick" the body into rejuvenating weakened hair follicles and/or creating new ones. The first to market stands to make a fortune and significant advances have been made. However, keep in mind that there is always an adoptive phase with any new enhancement procedure (especially anything involving injecting or cutting the skin)where the results are mixed. Exactly like the current industry, would you have wanted to be one of the unfortunate recipients of a hair transplant prior to the days where you could research and find a doctor with outstanding results? Never line up to be first for a new technology. When it comes to work being done on your body, a track record is crucial! Promises in hair cloning going back a decade have us "just five years away" from entering the market. Yes, it will come some day, no doubt. But anyone putting off a hair transplant so they can get cloning done in the next decade is making a mistake. Panama Jimmy
  11. Topcat, Thanks for documenting your journey so well for others. I can only imagine how frustrating and emotionally draining a botched job can be, but I'm very glad to hear you've found some redemption with BHR. All the best in the coming weeks with this! Panama Jimmy
  12. 1966kph, Have you considered Brazil? I'm assuming flights there from the UK aren't too expensive and we have an excellent Dr in the Coalition there. Panama Jimmy
  13. PD, It sounds like you put in a ton of research, so kudos on that! Without mentioning any specific strengths or weaknesses of particular doctors, I'm curious to know if you found any major differences between them worth sharing, and if so, what those differences are. Thanks, Panama Jimmy
  14. We are all self conscious beings, whether we like to admit it or not. That's why it feels great to look the way you WANT to look; as in having more hair. However, what Pat, the Big Hair Guy himself says, is really the root (should I say Follicle?) of it all: Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters! Panama Jimmy
  15. In response to the question of where to buy Finasteride (proscar) at a low cost, I haven't found anyone who sells it for less than here: www.canadadrugs.com They are reliable and shipping has never failed. 112 tablets of the generic Finasteride 5mg tablets is $154 with free shipping. I hope some of you find this useful! Panama Jimmy
  16. Personally, I wasn't crazy about the way I looked when I shaved my head, but like Bill said, there are definitely some women that are into it! Everybody's got their own taste! Panama Jimmy
  17. Nicknite86, Thanks for the great list! Diet is always my struggle and when I train, and since I am a hard gainer, I have to really concentrate to get enough protein in my body. I used to take Myoplex protein mix but developed an allergic reaction to it and started getting hives!! I personally recommend EAS 100% Whey Protein as a supplement because it can be purchased at Target, is cheap, and it works. Panama Jimmy
  18. azn_guy, This brings to mind a famous quote. I'm not sure who it's from originally. "Those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind." Own it! Be proud of it and people will be proud for you! Panama Jimmy
  19. Valiant, My two cents? Wait until your 30s. It's really not bad at all right now, and who knows what technology jumps might occur in the meantime. Definitely get on Propecia, although I recommend Finasteride because it is much cheaper. There is a very low chance you will have any side effects at all. A good place to order Finasteride for very cheap is www.canadadrugs.com Best of luck amigo! Panama Jimmy
  20. All, Thank you for the compliments :-) Bill, same to you when we met in Montreal, as I would have never known otherwise that you were a former hair loss sufferer. I am impressed by the level of commitment and time it takes for those who need multiple sessions, because even with just one session the waiting is no fun! Reminds me, in a weird way, what is was like waiting for puberty: "Hey, I think there's some hair coming there!" Panama Jimmy
  21. TrueBrit, I was at about the same level you are at now, and I had 1,600 follicular units done, so feel free to ask any questions. Just a side note, if you go with the surgeon in Austin and are wanting to combine vacation/surgery (and why not as long as you don't sunbathe your scalp?), Austin is a fantastic little city with a great music scene. Truly a gem of a place with friendly people! Panama Jimmy
  22. That's a fair barb by vincehair, as it is certainly better to be safe than sorry in order to protect your investment. However, sometimes exposure happens, as does life, and of course you-know-what happens all too often so let's not point fingers. I was a lifeguard in college in the strong Los Angeles sun and saw many sunburns. Any wounded flesh or scar tissue is extremely sensitive to the sun and should always be covered up, especially until scabs form! The main thing is that if there is no redness or swelling that leads to peeling or dryness of the skin, then there should be no problem. On the other hand, healing skin that is burnt can scar permanently and seriously mess up your baby follicles trying to grow! Panama Jimmy
  23. Dr. Meshkin's list of questions to appraise the quality of the technical staff is excellent. I feel that length of tenure and using microscopes to cut the graphs are both crucial pieces of info to obtain. In regards to questions to ask doctors, something I found quite interesting, is that some actually cut and make their own blades instead of using the standard supplied blades for scalp incision and graft work. This extra step is usually the sign of a very conscientious and skilled physician. Panama Jimmy
  24. Churchies49, If you enter the witness protection program, the government will pay 100% for a hair transplant ;-) It would be frustrating, however, not to be able to show off the results to your family and old friends! Panama Jimmy
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