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Everything posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. is it normal for the entire temple area too thin out? I mean it looks thin beyond the normal temple area. as in just above the side burns. I always thought my temple area only LOOKED thinner because the hair is bleached out their from the sun. But, it recently got longer than usual and I cant tell for sure but it looks alot thinner than on the sides.This has got me worried...its a pretty good size area and to me it looks like an area that shouldnt ever thin out or go bald...I still have quite a bit of hair on my head too. what am I doomed to become a NW7?
  2. Dr. Feller, thank you for passing this along to everyone. Im somewhat familiar with Spenceer Kobren and the bald truth website. I have never heard the radio program. What are your thoughts on them? I ask because I noticed that their recommended doctors are much different than those on this forum, from what I recall anyway. As far as the laser comb goes: there will always be some poor sucker out their who buys anything out of desperation. Its too bad, but Im glad your doing your part to help deflate their false hopes.
  3. im starting to get a headache with all of your questions. man, curious goerge eh? Ive never had a headache from it. never heard of it.
  4. did you ever notice that virtually all bald men are very hairy? while it is of course true that not all hairy men are bald. but this sucks because Ive got plenty of hair everywhere else too.
  5. I sit on my ass at home all day complaining but I still dont like her.
  6. Dr. Beehner, thank you for that great response. What exactly do you mean by the "whisker hair" comment and how does the nature of that hair factor into the equation if its by the ears? My hair is kind of like that on the sides and by the ears in the back.
  7. it just seems strange that if they believe it has such huge potential and even the study itself indicates positive effects, then why should their be a lack of financial potential? Products that treat MPB would have a huge financial potential. that is just wierd to me.
  8. giants, the study indicates that this stuff is very effefctive, yet they claim that more research wont be done because of ..."lack of financial potential..." what the fuck? if this stuff works, then the financial potential is through the ceiling. Doesnt make sense to me.
  9. I know thats why Im suprised only one person responded. do you know of anyone who went to a coalition doc to do the top of their head and then went to Armani specifically for the hairline alone?
  10. only ONE guy on this board went to Armani?! What the fuck? I was hoping too heare some responses as well. Great avatar johnny! Mmmmm...she looks tasty.
  11. i heard african goat shit works great too. just rub it all over your head before you smoke a joint.
  12. Godsway, did God fedex or UPS his hair restoration plan to you? Whats the return adress?
  13. Dr. Beehner, so then why would the surgeon do the top of his head? Wont he run into the same problem as the crown years later (i.e. hair on top but bald everywhere else)?
  14. what is this stuff? sounds like a pick up line to a MILF.
  15. NickD, if you want to do it then go ahead. who cares what some guy on oprah says anyway. I hate oprah. I heard she flies all the way to LA just to get her eyebrows tweezed. and guys with a bald head shouldnt do a ht?
  16. dont even consider bosley. everyone always thinks their the best based solely on the commercials, but after researching this and other forums youll find out they are the worst.
  17. Im going to try and contact Dr.Rassmans office to get a direct response to see exactly what he he meant by that.
  18. SLK, no. for some reason your blog couldn't be accessed. It sounds like youve done more than your share of homework, so Im sure your in great hands. Rainbow: never heard of them. are they a modern version of the village people?
  19. Hey BJ, you should get in touch with a forum member named "Mrjb" if you havent already. I believe he had all of his ht with Dr. True. can you taking sleeping meds instead of the painkillers? just curious.
  20. Oh. Sorry man, I dont know the answer to that question. But, Im sure its nothing. I know I would be freaking out if I just had a ht too and over analyzing all of this. Thats precisely why I havent had one yet. I know Ill worry myself to death. Im sure its nothing. From my understanding, once they transplant the hairs your pretty much good to go. Unless you have a car accident or some really jolting phenomena which would cause the grafts to fly from your head...Sorry if Im not much help on this one. But I SERIOUSLY doubt theres anything to the bent ends of the hairs.
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