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Everything posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. I dont care...If I can dig up elvis, Im doing it.
  2. thats great MRjb! Sounds like your turning into a complete manwhore. have fun! So, when are we going to see some pictures of this woman slaying hair? Show us the million dollar mop!!!
  3. this is fucking disgusting...I wonder if all these bald guys showed up with shovels at their local graveyard after this... from what Ive heard hair from someone elses head (even a LIVING donor) will be rejected by your body. Even if this worked I dont think I want hair from some corpse...unless I can dig up Elvis.
  4. I completelly understand your apprehension. I havent had a ht yet, but when I do get one I will probably where a hat when I go in public until it looks decent. Maybe just shave the whole thing down pretty short. I dont know your situation (i.e. totally bald on top or still have native hair) but it sounds like from what your asking that you wont be able to hide it (i.e. wear a hat to work). I know I would be feeling the same way, but shit, I would say at LEAST 50% of the women in my area have fake tits. then theres the botox, weave-shit they put in their hair...so why cant a guy who just wants to have hair on his head get something done about it? These women dont feel the slightest bit awkard going from having complete flapjack-tits to looking like Dolly Parton over night. They basically wear a sign that says NEW TITS (i.e. tiny little tight tank top with BRIGHT glittery 'Bebe' logo over their tits...I literally saw a girl who goes to my starbucks evvery morning do just this. It was SO obvious she got them done. she didnt care. she flaunted it because she knows it gives her more leverage with the opposite sex. So, why should a guy who just wants to have hair again feel bad? Im not making light of your concern, as I share it myself, but Im just speaking my mind about the situation.
  5. Fantastic! Just another reason I want to go to H&W...and at only five months? Should get even better. Noglare, how is the scar? How short can you cut it without it becoming visible?
  6. Im also in Southern California and to be honest it seems strange to me that after all of my research not only are most of the top docs outside of SC, but their in CANADA!?!? We ARE the mecca for plastic surgery! What the fuck? I think Hasson and Wong have some of the most spectacular results, but I must admit I innitially thought it was so strange that I live in Southern California and I would go (not only outside of the state) but outside of the country for surgery. All in all, I will go wherever I believe I can get the best results...still thought it was strange though.
  7. HK, Ive seen your photos while researching this site in the past. Honestly, even in the pre ht#1 photo it appears that you have ALOT of hair. I think part of this is due to the styling and length of the hair. But, regardless you DO have ALOT of hair now too! It looks great. You look like one of those guys who if I saw in public somewhere I would say to myself: how did that lucky bastard keep so much hair!?!? It looks great, but it is hard to tell by those photos how much loss you had before, I think in part because your hair was so long too so that its hard to tell. Either way looks good.
  8. leaning towards it. I have gotten in touch with one of Dr. Hassons' patients in LA (I live in San Diego) so hopefully I can see a ht first hand. That will really help push me over the edge. My biggest concern is permanent shockloss, which I was told in my case wasnt a considerable factor. But I want get a better understanding of the difference between a 'terminal'and 'vellous' hair. Bottomline: if I knew I was going to get your results I would be on a plain tonight.
  9. Some bald men have a widows peak at the begining of their bald period...BUT not all men with widows peak are going to go bald!!!! First off, just because you have a widows peak does NOT mean you are necessarily going to go bald. Second, of course your widows peak was more obvious when you held your "fringe" up. Thats like saying..."my beer belly is more obvious when I lift up my shirt..." Third, while it is true that alot of men with male PATTERN baldness, develop it in a receeding hairline pattern resembling a widows peak it is not true that ALL men experiencing hairloss will have this receeded hairline pattern. Many are diffuse thinners who will thin all over the top with no particular pattern whatsoever. Finally, while I can COMPLETELY understand your worry about this, at this point (the age of 15) I would not worry about it. I think your probably making a mountain out of a mole hill. Stop thinking about it. It is probably nothing. Personally, I think for someone like yourself researching this at this age and at this stage is probably very (psychologically) unhealthy. It sounds as though your obsessing over it, when there is a significant chance it will turn out to be nothing. Forget about it for now. In a few years watch and see what happens.
  10. Bill, I had a virtual consultation. What exactly is a "terminal" hair? Based off of your input it sounds as if it is a hair that has not been miniturized at all, but then that doesnt make sense because my hair on top is thinning hence the " DIFFUSED NW5a" categorization... So? whats the deal? Can you define the terms 'terminal' and 'vellous' for me and given the context of their reference to my thinning head how this plays out for concerns of permanent shockloss. I dont want to beat a dead horse here, but this is my biggest concern (as it probably is for all diffuse thinners concidering a ht) and would like to know as much about this as possible.
  11. OUTSTANDING! Youve just gotta be thrilled, pushing...Im leaning more and more towards going ahead with it everyday. Its got to be a strange feeling having so much more hair after years without it, isnt it? I know its a long process, but still after spending years without it its got to be strange in a good way.
  12. I think getting a widows peak in the height of your pubescent period is not abnormal at all...your testosterone levels are heightened and your body just may be responding... this site has been very helpfull for me; but in all honesty given your circumstances (i.e. young age and seeming tendancy to be paranoid about this) I would stop questioning everything, not think about balding, and just enjoy your youth. The simple fact is NO-ONE can tell you one way or the other with any degree of certainty; but to be certain: every guy who questions this (no matter what age) is getting raped of their quality of life...it very likely is nothing. forget about it for now and adress it in the future. just out of curiosity: what promted you to assume you were balding? are you generally skeptical of your health / well being?
  13. I have not had a ht yet myself, but have researched what options are out their in the event that I go forward with a ht, to see what can be done about a horrible scar...I saw a case where someone FUE'd into the scar and it came out very well...But this individual had stablizised his hairloss and was happy with his recipient area... So, I would ask: how happy are you with your hairloss situation(i.e. would you prefer donor hair be placed on the top of your head or in the scar?) I think that is a paramount question to be asked. Given a finite donor supply, where would you like to see it go? Or if you elect for the T-closure method then you will not have this dilemna; but I have seen cases where the patient was unhappy with old closure methods, and then even went ahead with another ht, using the T closure method, and still after this FUE'd into the scar...and ultimately they were happy with their results. So I would still ask what is more important to you: using your donor for the top of your head or to fill in the scar?
  14. Emu, You're a dedicated, diligent, determined, and meticoulous student of the fine arts of hair transplantation. Your insatiable appetite for wisdom has led your quest into depths of the abyss of knowledge which is unparalleled across the globe. Your understanding of even the most delicate and complex intricacies of hair transplantation will be studied for many, many years to come. Anyone who expects only the best results should be forced to endure such a rigirous process. The world class efforts by which you sought out such wisdom will be directly rewarded to you in your world class results. .....can I have your cliff notes?
  15. thanks guys. NN, I had never seen your pictures before. do you have any more recent? That is interesting that they measured your hair density per cm2 prior to the transplant. I wondered if they do this. Should this be expected from a top doc? People are always throwing out figures regarding their transplant (i.e. 45 hairs per cm2...) if I knew my current density rate then this would give me some frame of reference as to what can be expected from a transplant and would be a huge plus before going through with it. So, did you experience any permanent shockloss from your ht? How does one really know anyway; can you tell the difference in the hair texture from native to transplanted? regarding minoxidil: I was told to stop at least two months prior to a ht. it thins the blood out on the scalp and as a result the grafts keep popping out of the head during surgery, which is only a concern because it makes the surgery 50% longer to perform. Hasson and Wong believe that permanent shockloss would not be an issue for me as my hair is still terminal and they would be shaving it for the transplant to minimize transection; but still, if your a diffuse thinner the idea of ANY chance of losing your native hair is concerning to say the least. Im going to have to post pictures soon to get better feed back from you guys and hear your opinions. thanks
  16. Id also like to add, that if anyone is familiar with the current Mcdonalds Monoply game, I have won several coupons for free small fries and breakfast sandwiches... I personally love Mcdonolds breakfast sandwiches and small fries, but I intend on mailing these coupons'(redeemable for small fries and breakfast sandwiches) to the children in Darfur. As they are hungry and can use these coupons to be fed... all they need to do is find a Mc'e'dees' which is not hard to do...I encourage others to follow in my footsteps... PS..if ANYONE has monoply coupon 820, then I have the remaining two for the $50K prize!!! Lets cash in and take the money to the bank!!!
  17. ...fuck!...Im confused. Should I go ahead, when at the least I can lower my hairline, and know that the hair that is transplanted within existing natives will last a long, long time...and by the way, I was told that the native hairs will not be permanently lossed from shockloss as they are terminal. But it seems that many of you lack confidence in this claim (i.e. that permanent shockloss cannot be guarenteed with any certainty?) So, what does a diffuse thinner do? Only adress the hairline?....Sigh....then I have to go back in later to adress the rest of the top of my head. So I wait until Im totally bald?...not a reasonable counter position to take as well....I know Nervous Nelly and B-spot, you guys are conservative with respect to native hair, but whats the alternative if your a diffuse thinner on top?..... natives always scalp foreigners....everyone knows this...
  18. Aviran, are these pictures taken with or without flash?
  19. thats better! Nobuzz, yeah it might take others a lifetime for what I do in one month....But Ive gained 100pounds from sitting on my couch drinnking new castles, chain smoking, and ordering pizzas in...I havent seen the light of day...I just slide the money under the door when the pizza gets here...most guys who do this are watching porn, but Im sitting here looking at mens bald heads...SHIT....Im going to get a life...
  20. ...just got off the phone with Jotronic. I was excited, but now after hearing your comments. Im a little concerned...SHIT! wanthairs, hey buddy!..thats my biggest concern.I dont want to go through with a procdure and end up looking the same with the exception of a lower hairline. But, I think as long as I adress the entirity of me head (i.e. not just the front) then I should be ok as far as not using up my donors goes, right? Joe said that the hairs on my head are terminal and arent at risk for permanent shockloss. I hope hes right. Nobuzz, did you transplant into native hairs? So, what do you guys think?
  21. I second that...your hairline looks good. Better than mine, I look like mickey mouse. I would use it ALL for density.
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