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Everything posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. if Im going to spend my money on anything, constant attention and eye contact from the opposite sex is the best investment...I dont care what I do for fun or how much money I spend on something, it is absoltely NOTHING compared to having a georgous women to touch and taste.
  2. Jotronic, thank you. An excellent result and a great guy. Hey could you adress Bills' questions and mine on the NW5a diffuse post? Thanks.
  3. but, Ill send one to your email when I get one.
  4. the way I have heard it described is that "not all of the hair will come in at the same time, but they will ALL eventually grow"...At 3.5 months I think this sounds perfectly normal. While different people experience growth (of transplanted hair) at different rates, you will not reach maturation until 12 months and full maturation up to possibly 18 months. Im sure your doc told you this right? who was your doc? From my understanding, the rate of your natural hair growth has nothing to do with the rate of the transplanted hair coming in. Some poeple dont see any transplanted hairs growing for several months.
  5. GFS, yeah! dont hijack my thread. Janna, I dont have a good picture of my temples right now and I wont attempt to take one myself. I just thought I would amuse you since you seem to find my hairloss so funny.
  6. ya know, I persistently asked about this same topic and was VERY dissapointed in my responses. I guess nobody on here knows about this ...sigh...its just you and me mark...
  7. Ta' Ta' temples...TEMPLES!!!! Da' da''definetly, defintely need temples...CANT lose temples. gotta have temples..
  8. Chris'_girl, I havent tried propecia. Some claim excellent results, others (while rare) say they have experienced sides though. In the worst case scenario Chris might not be able to get you pregnant, because his wee-wee will go limp and he will lose interest in having sex with you. This is supposed to be EXTREMELY rare, but I want you to be fully aware of all of Chris's risks while taking propecia; thats just the kind of guy I am. Regarding my girlfriend: does it help if I leave my mark on her somehow?
  9. HairlossCure, thank you. GFS, have you seen the cult classis The Christmas Story? You know, that kid who asks a MILLION questions and doesnt even care about the answer let alone give anyone else a chance to respond? Remind you of anyone?
  10. WOW! Can you do that photo shop on some of my pictures if I send them to you? pretty impressive. First off: stay the HELL away from Bosley...plenty more people will be getting in on this post and they will second this. Second, getting a hair transplant isnt like buying a cheeseburger...your not going to shit it out in 20 minutes. Its going to be on your head (just above your eyes) for the REST of your life. So you dont want to go to a doc whose going to take coupons or anything like that...(by the way I dont even eat the tacos in Mexico let alone let them stick a blade in my head). Dont do it based on price...if you cant afford it, then wait until you can. You could end up in a far WORSE situation then your currently in (i.e. totally unatural looking appearance and a hidieous scar)... That being said, check out the coalition docs recommended on this forum (click on the picture that says 'coalition docs' in the upper left hand site of this page). SERIOUSLY!!!! Do NOT do this procedure for someone based on price!!!! Just check out the horror stories on this and other blogs. Your better off just going bald.
  11. plus if you live up to your name and your whacking enough bush, then who cares what anyone thinks.
  12. this is so relative to the individual. Obviously if you are in a situation where you cant hide it (like wearing a hat to work or around for a while) then you have NO options, except to lie and make up some story...If not, then it is totally relative. Are you the type of person that likes to be open and tell others things, or do you prefer to maintain a certain level of privacy? You dont have to tell ANYONE. If thats what your comfterable with. Isnt that PRECISELY the reason we get hts', to feel more comfterablein our skin? *one cavieat: if your a norwood 7 and people walk up to you and say..."uh, did you gain 10 million new hairs?" then thats a different story...no comfort in privacy there.
  13. Congragulations! That will be nice to have your staples removed. Im sure that is a big relief and you will be well on your way to begin healing. Im sorry I dont have any usefull information regarding the 2 hsirs you lost. Im sure your doctor will inform you tomorrow. Keep us posted on your healing progress. Best of luck.
  14. Oh, CG one more thing. If you want the most bang for your buck-to find the most powerful and usefull information in the most time effective manner-then just do a quick search for: "notgoing2gobalds posts"...I find this is the best way to find information.
  15. sounds like the classic exapmles of an anxiety attack to me...
  16. CG, watch out for Mrjb apparently he has a very seductive head of hair. This is a fantastic site to begin your research. Did he just start thinning? Is it only in the front? Does he know your on here? How do I get my girlfriend to let me reffer to her as my property? Mrb, I can just see you dangling candy in fron of your giant head of hair..."here little girl..."
  17. no...no boat building. I like the stories of the woman slaying mop better. now I dont even want to see the pictures of your hair. it will ruin it for me. I have this comicbook image of a big walking head of hair walkding down the street with a bunch of short skirts screaming and chasing it. its ok. if you have stories of womanslayinghair, do tell. I enjoy.
  18. I still like the image of all these legs flying around this massive mop of hair with no face...just legs and Mr's hands fixing his hair..."NOoooo....not the hair ladies...." this should be Hasson and Wongs commercial on late night tv.
  19. thanks Bill, but if Im a diffuse thinner, then the hair on top has oviously been impacted by male pattern baldness and is miniturized as is evident by the fact that its thinning. So then how could any diffuse thinner have terminal hair on top?
  20. blah, blah, blah, all we ever hear about is your sex life! I guess I should have saved all that money on hookers and just got a hairtransplant.
  21. what are you Osama bin laden?...ok, fine... Id rather see videos of the girls then your mop anyway. lets see this girls gone wild folicular fuck video....The way he makes it sound is that all well see is a bunch of legs mounting around this monumentally massive mop of hair reaching towards the heavens; Mr will be pushing the legs off of his head primping his hair.."Oh! watch the hair ladies...NOT the hair ladies!!!"
  22. thanks mrjb. I thought there was more of a technical definition between the two types of hair though. Can a doctor tell a definite distinciton between terminal and velous hairs? Even though I have quite a bit of coverage on top of my head, I dont know if vellous hairs constitute 40% of my hair. Is the distinction obviuous? Both Bill and Jotronic seem to say that terminal hair are at no risk to PERMANENT shockloss. Do others disagree?
  23. did a reputable doctor give you a prescription? do you have a good doctor?
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