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Everything posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. Who the hell is SW and what am I missing here? I recall reading that thread regarding the Farjo clinic. Wasn't there some big pissing contest on Hair Loss Help or something?
  2. latinlotus, Arrie is right in that Armanis' ethics are questionable at best. He does produce mind blowing results and I often wonder how. His biggest red flag is that most of his patients are very young with minimal hair loss. He then uses as much donor hair as possible to achieve an 18 year old hair line in his young patients with (more than likely) much more hair loss to come in the near future. So the problem is that you will look amazing for a few years, but what happens if your hair loss accelerates and you don't have enough donor left to fill in the rest of your balding head. In addition, if you want the ht done by Armani himself the price tag is simply outrages. One poster on here said that Armani quoted him $100K!... That is obscene. Period. I think it would be helpful if you posted your age and current hair loss situation. If I had minimal hair loss and I was already in my forties, then I would probably feel comfertable going to him to give me an outstanding hair line. But, in any other event, I would not. Im sure plenty of people will get in on this one, as Armani is a hot topic. When I look at his patients I admit I get total hair envy, but I don't think the long term results are going to be there if you are a young patient.
  3. I know there are a host of variables which dictate the final results for a hair transplant, but cant most of these variables be determined by the doctor prior to your individual surgery to help assess what your individual outcome will be? For instance, measuring the thickness of your hair and showing you a patient who has similar characteristics so you can see how you will turn out? I know individual results will vary, but I would really like some input as to why the below examples were so outstanding. Here are a couple examples of my personal favorite outcomes and I would like some input from others as to why their hts' turned out SO outstanding: http://www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/galleryview.cfm?id...lution|gallery10.cfm http://www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/galleryview.cfm?id=shuffle|gallery17.cfm http://www.nicnitro.com/ "Shuffle" (the second example) is one of my personal favorites, because he was COMPLETELY bald and ended up with what appears to be a FULL head of hair... In addition, his hair is straight (not curly) and does not appear to be extremely coarse and thick, yet he still achieved this fantastic result. He did have over 7K grafts, but there are others who had that much and don't appear as good as he does. Any ideas?
  4. I know there are a host of variables which dictate the final results for a hair transplant, but cant most of these variables be determined by the doctor prior to your individual surgery to help assess what your individual outcome will be? For instance, measuring the thickness of your hair and showing you a patient who has similar characteristics so you can see how you will turn out? I know individual results will vary, but I would really like some input as to why the below examples were so outstanding. Here are a couple examples of my personal favorite outcomes and I would like some input from others as to why their hts' turned out SO outstanding: http://www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/galleryview.cfm?id...lution|gallery10.cfm http://www.hairlosshelp.com/websites/galleryview.cfm?id=shuffle|gallery17.cfm http://www.nicnitro.com/ "Shuffle" (the second example) is one of my personal favorites, because he was COMPLETELY bald and ended up with what appears to be a FULL head of hair... In addition, his hair is straight (not curly) and does not appear to be extremely coarse and thick, yet he still achieved this fantastic result. He did have over 7K grafts, but there are others who had that much and don't appear as good as he does. Any ideas?
  5. well, the hairline certainly looks ideal. I just wonder if your compromising density for such a great hairline. I guess it depends, as always, on a number of variables (i.e. donor hair quality and quantity, the stabilization of your hair loss, your goals, etc...). Im sure others will chime in with more than what I have. good luck.
  6. looks good balody. I (believe) I remember reading one of your prior postings in which you stated your goal was to have enough hair that it would look good shaved down. Is this correct? If so, then I completely understand as I agree that having some stubble on top looks ALOT better when shaved down as opposed to mere skin. But, how do you feel about the scar if you intend to keep it shaved down short?...
  7. Mrjb, well I know we are both men and are both pervs... SO I guess it's back to step one: hair fetish? Maybe Ill start a hair porn business, but it will only show girls hair (no body parts) and I can market it exclusively on balding blogs. It will serve to the betterment of the balding community as millions of hair deprived men will be fulfilled with the absolute beauty of womens' hair. I will be both a benefactor to the balding community and the recipient of material ($$$) gain. I will go on to win awards for relinquishing the need for sexual traditional based porn, will give speeches over 40 year old aged rich, robust red wine, tender tartar filet mignon, the dark long silky haired beauties will hand feed me chocolate dipped strawberries and champagne and fan me with palm branches as I block the glare from the light-reflecting bald heads of billions of men in the audience as I give my (well deserved) acceptance speech for my multitude of rewards with one hand and wipe away my tears of joy with the other. I will use my billions to feed the children in Darfur, give hairs to the needy, Rosie Odonell will have a full host of plastic surgery: liposuction, radical reconstructive facial surgery, so her lesbianism will be a blessing rather than a curse. UBL will be found, hunted down, and killed.We will be able to name teddy bears 'Mohammed' in peace without lashings. Indeed, the world will be one fucking peaceful place with my thriving hair porn business. I'm either having an epiphany that hasn't been imagined, described, or seen in centuries or I simply have too much time on my hands... Either way, Im still dripping tears of joy right now...God, hair is beautiful and it just brings us all together. Doesn't it?
  8. that is amazing. Maybe I will postpone my idea of stealing hair from a girl and see if this works. thanks Janna.
  9. WOW! Now that guy has some big-ass temples. I guess I would view it more as luxury, as I would prefer most of the hair to be on the top of my head. Thanks doc.
  10. Any one else notice after all of this obsession over our hair, that when your checking a girl out you begin to get really turned on by a chick with beautiful hair? I do. Just love: long, silky, dark hair. Maybe my subconscious is planning a line of attack: charm her, wine and dine her, make her want to do anything for me, then, when she is least expecting I will TAKE that hair for MYSELF! You know, like the stories you've heard of guys getting conned by prostitutes in Vegas and they end up taking their liver and selling it on the black market? Or maybe hair is just seXXXier on a girl when your losing yours and have hair-envy and all I really wanna do is play and tug on a long dark, silky pony tail... Anyone?
  11. Any one else notice after all of this obsession over our hair, that when your checking a girl out you begin to get really turned on by a chick with beautiful hair? I do. Just love: long, silky, dark hair. Maybe my subconscious is planning a line of attack: charm her, wine and dine her, make her want to do anything for me, then, when she is least expecting I will TAKE that hair for MYSELF! You know, like the stories you've heard of guys getting conned by prostitutes in Vegas and they end up taking their liver and selling it on the black market? Or maybe hair is just seXXXier on a girl when your losing yours and have hair-envy and all I really wanna do is play and tug on a long dark, silky pony tail... Anyone?
  12. this is just amazing...absolutely ridiculous...no bald man should ever end up with this much hair on their head. Rather than leaving your extra donors "in the bank," why don't you donate them to me?
  13. I think you are NOWHERE near having to shave it all off. Unless that picture is severely inacurate, your hair looks thick. You have a receded hairline but other than that it looks good.
  14. you chose a fantastic doctor whom Ive heard nothing but praise for. Im sure you will be another happy patient. I would start lifting weights to take yours and everyone elses attention away from your head and onto your body. Ive heard this works great for others and I would definetelly do it myself. Congrats and good luck with the waiting game.
  15. GFS, here- no insults. just some common sense... constructive? I find it very counterproductive (to say the least) to see you asking the EXACT same qestions, which are entirely irrelevent to the thread your posting them on, over and over again. Most of the questions your asking can be answered by simply taking a look at one coalition doctors website page and reading some basic info. Everyone on here asks questions, myself included that is why were all on here, but I mean seriously. Come on. Look at your post on someone elses thread. Its entirely composed of questions. Twelve to be exact. Why dont you print up a page of the answers this time so you dont ask all of the EXACT same questions again, and again, and again. Im doing you a favor here pal. I never see anyone answering your questions, because they probably take one glance at it and think the EXACT same thing I do. So here ya go, these are my thoughts on your questions. 1. Two combined variables play a fundamental role to this answer: (i) age; (ii) future hair loss. (i) is a given, the younger you are then the more loss you will probably experience and one does not want to use up valuable donor hair on a low hairline to end up chasing hair loss in the future. (ii) is somewhat unpredictable. Some people end up losing all of their hair in a relatively short period of time, while others lose it gradually. 2. same as above and most guys dont want a comb over. 3. & 4. same as above. donor hair is limited and one must be fully aware of all of the risks and have a future plan of attack in mind. 5.No... 6. Fuck no! do you want the hair from your balls on your head? 7. Body hair transplants are still in the experimental stage. 8. they have talked of this for years. No one knows if and when they will be succesfull. 9.what options? your "theory" is precisely the reason why people discourage this line of attack: transplant alot of hairs to the hairline making it dense, but then what? Body hair transplants are still in the experimental stage so then what? You end up with a thick hairline and a bald top. 10. yes. 11. no. 12. yes. I bet ANYTHING you will still ask at least eleven of these questions again. Then I will be a smart ass and we will go through this whole riduclous, time comsuming superificial soap opera again...Cant wait!
  16. GFS, you always ask the same damn questions. You already know that you cant transplant "fake" hairs. I think your "interest in psychology" is called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
  17. Macevelli, cool name. Sounds like a metropolitan restaraunt with a slick bar where you can chow down a filet and pound bottles of cabernet. Anway, what were we talking about?...What doctor did you go to? I think most coalition doctors would perform a ht on a 29 year old, but then again you said you wanted to improve your hairline. If you want the hairline of an 18 year old, then that is a different story. What is your current hairloss situation? If its limited to the hairline with a typical v shaped pattern then I would definetely hold out a while.
  18. FC, Im a diffuse thinner as well. Its certainly a dilemna: your unhappy with your current situation, yet on the same token you have a considerable amount of hair and dont want to undergo this entire process only to lose it permanently via shockloss. Its hard to say no to a ht when you see pictures of guys going from totally bald on top to having more hair than you currently have. I personally have gone back and forth on this issue myself. B-Spot, I want to ask your opinion. My hairloss is somewhat similar to FCs' with respect to the amount of native hair on top. If I was to go forward with a 4000 graft transplant, having them spread out over the entirity of the top of my scalp and with a mature hairline, then what is the material risk? Keeping in mind that the grafts are spread out over the top of my scalp and not giving me some dense 18 yr old Armani hairline?
  19. yeah, opium is really good for you. its right up there with spinach.
  20. I dont get this. Just because something grows naturally out of the ground does not mean that it belongs in your body and is healthy. Marijuana and opium grow out of the ground. Naturally.
  21. oh, and I would feel fucking insulted if the narcissistic asshole spent three minutes with me and then expected me to shell out six figures based on his "consultation". Who the hell does this guy think he is? He does produce great results, but how does ANYONE feel comfterable trusting this self-absorbed prick with their head? Seriously. He belongs in Hollywood. He looks like he should have his own reality show. I would only feel comfterable using him for my hairline. Thats it. Period.
  22. $110,000!?!?!?...this can NOT be correct! Seriously? If this is true, then its an outrage. H&W do about 5,000 grafts for around 16K. This is absolutely nuts.
  23. mark, sorry to hear your unhappy with your results. regarding your questions: 1. I rarely hear anyone complaining about their results from coalition member surgeons. 2. the only cause I have heard of regarding low yield is a less than qualified doctor and the same goes for abnormal appearance. 3. I have not heard of anyone getting a graft count from a doctor independent of the ones who performed your surgery to verify the total number of grafts transplanted. Who were your doctors? If two of them were coalition doctors then I (and everyone else) would like to know. That is the purpose of this site. That is, to share your experiences with doctors and help others out, ESPECIALLY if it was a coalition doctor (one who is recommended by this forum). I encourage you to share more of the details of your experience. Also, why do you and others assume only a 75% yield? And how is it abnormal in appearance?
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