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Everything posted by notgoing2gobald

  1. WOW! I just got Jotronics response, that was quick. He said that diffuse simply means that I have a very discernible outline of having a NW5a pattern, given the hair on top that I do have is thinner than the rest. thanks for the quick response Joe. great guy.
  2. Yeah sure, just take a look at your description of everyone ELSES posts: PHeNomeNaL!!!...PoWeRfUL!!!...InCrEdIbLe!!!!!......and mine: ....thoughtful......Oh how sweet. thats like saying the fat ugly kid has a "nice personality"....to hell with everyone!!! IM GOING TO START MY OWN FORUM called haircloning.com. Everyone will belive me. Hell, if they can clone a whole sheep then why cant they clone some hair. makes sense.
  3. Matthew Mcohauhey: 1.mugshot: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/mugshots/mcconaugheymug1.html 2.hollywood: http://www.imdb.com/gallery/granitz/2928/Events/2928/Ma...Conaughey,%20Matthew 3.the whole article: http://www.baldingblog.com/2005/12/20/matthew-mcconaugh...nd-hair-transplants/
  4. thanks nobuzz, no I havent posted pics and yes the hair on top is thinning, but theres still quite a bit there. I just got a short hair cut, today for example and if there is no product in my dry hair you cant really see any scalp.
  5. Man, what a transformation!!! Your a new man! You must feel great. Rahal did amazing work and your only 6 months out!
  6. I got my email consutation back from H&W today, but Im confused. They say Im a NW5a "diffused". 1. what is "diffused"? I thougth that was when your hair was thinning EVERYWHERE (including the sides and back) and as such your not a ht candidate. But they said I could get a ht. 2. How could I be a NW5a if I still have hair on top? Is this their prediction of my final pattern? IF ANYBODY HAS AN IDEA ABOUT THIS LET ME KNOW.. Im waiting to hear back from them directly as well.
  7. I got my email consutation back from H&W today, but Im confused. They say Im a NW5a "diffused". 1. what is "diffused"? I thougth that was when your hair was thinning EVERYWHERE (including the sides and back) and as such your not a ht candidate. But they said I could get a ht. 2. How could I be a NW5a if I still have hair on top? Is this their prediction of my final pattern? IF ANYBODY HAS AN IDEA ABOUT THIS LET ME KNOW.. Im waiting to hear back from them directly as well.
  8. congrats steve! I know, from what Ive seen, you have been very dilligent and passionate with respect to your research of surgeons and Im sure it will all pay off for you. I know you have helped me in my research and if you feel comfterable moving forward then Im sure you have made the right decision as you have done more than your share of research. Im sure all will work out for you and cant wait to see a head full of hair for you! Keep everyone posted.
  9. Emu, I tried to delete your response but the system wouldnt allow for it... how was your consult? wasnt it yesterday?
  10. NEW AWARD FOR: OVER A MILLION POSTS AND OUTSTANDING SENSITIVITY ACHIEVEMENT.... presented by: notgoing2gobald presented to: notgoing2gobald AWARD DESCRIPTION: the first of its kind, never to be matched in veracity or achievement, and shall never be surpassed. ..."finally, the recognition I so gretly desrerve..." (excerpt from notgoing2gobalds acceptance speach) ..."I will be giving this award to the hungry children..." (another excerpt)
  11. NEW AWARD FOR: OVER A MILLION POSTS AND OUTSTANDING SENSITIVITY ACHIEVEMENT.... presented by: notgoing2gobald presented to: notgoing2gobald AWARD DESCRIPTION: the first of its kind, never to be matched in veracity or achievement, and shall never be surpassed. ..."finally, the recognition I so gretly desrerve..." (excerpt from notgoing2gobalds acceptance speach) ..."I will be giving this award to the hungry children..." (another excerpt)
  12. yes, congragulations to all of you. But, personally I feel these numbers are skewed. Somebodys' cookin the books. I have personally been counting my posts and they are in the seven figure range, which will put me well above MrJBs' measily 145... I have given up family, friends and loved ones' to achieve this and have yet to recieve any recognition... Also I think we should be giving awards to members for their sensitivity and thoughtfulness to another members topics. If somebody emails me a picture of their head asking my opinion of their loss I completely ignore them and just ask them.."how do you FEEL about yourself as a person?"..."as a baby, were you fed by breast or by BOTTLE?..." Obviously my care and concern is more of a wholistic approach and is not skin deep....cant I get an award for something like this? I like awards.
  13. hey man, Im just wondering, if you dont want to have to shave your head, then that means you probably have a considerable amount of hair on top, right? Arent you more concerned about shockloss to those hairs than you are about your immediate post op appearance? Just wondering. I know it would suck to go through either the bozo the clown look or having the scar revealed in the back due to shaving, but I still think its better than having a greater risk of excessive shockloss (permanent or temporary).
  14. Aviran, didn't you ALREADY have a strip procedure done with H&W?
  15. Ill have to look at that because from the way things look to me it appears that this is an area that shouldnt ever thin. its just behind where I thought the normal temporal thinning would occur...I dont know, maybe its just that the hair is lighter their. But, I also noticed that on the back of my head on the edges of the back sides and bottom the hair appears thinner than in the middle of the back. is this normal?
  16. your probably right. Ive taken other medications, I just think I have a mental block with propecia: the big head might tell the little head something is wrong. Maybe I should get over that and give it a try.
  17. Jotronic, so have you guys had some celebs before? Michaellovesnyc, yeah both Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise are in their mid to late forties and look as though they have never lost a hair in their life. Its either make up, transplant, or some really good genes.
  18. man I want to try propecia, but Im worried I wont be able to get it up merely as a psychosomatic response from being worried about it. let me know how it goes.
  19. but how far back is it supposed to go? I mean by the looks of things it appears to be going back further than just that triangle shaped area...freaking me out as if Im going to lose the entire side or something.
  20. yeah, but on some people it has regrown hair in the front. like that charger guy who was on here recently. he regrew all of his hair in the front.
  21. is it normal for the entire temple area too thin out? I mean it looks thin beyond the normal temple area. as in just above the side burns. I always thought my temple area only LOOKED thinner because the hair is bleached out their from the sun. But, it recently got longer than usual and I cant tell for sure but it looks alot thinner than on the sides.This has got me worried...its a pretty good size area and to me it looks like an area that shouldnt ever thin out or go bald...I still have quite a bit of hair on my head too. what am I doomed to become a NW7?
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