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Everything posted by Acrobaz

  1. Hello all I have updated my blog today with my 8-month photos. I'd welcome any comments. My own position, in short, is: - It's a monumental improvement from where I was (I never lose sight of that) - Thrilled with the look from the front, particularly the natural looking hairline - Thrilled with the look from the left - Hoping for a little more thickness on the top of the forelock - Hoping for a lot more thickness on the right, which is still lagging behind - The scar is a bit wider in places than ideally I would have liked - and yet ... knowing there is still some way to go! Oddly the right hand side is where, when I first started to thin, I lost hair first. I attach a cropped photo of me in 2003 - I'm thinning more on the right there than the left too. I wonder if it's connected? I'm particularly interested in any styling suggestions people may have, in order to maximise the illusion of density. This is because I am beginning to wonder if the lack of density on the right is simply the way my hair happens to sit when unstyled. And I am rubbish at styling it. I'll keep posting - probably at 10 months post-op next. My sincere thanks again to Dr Feller and his team.
  2. Thana I think your hair looks great and the styling option you have chosen does indeed maximise the illusion of density. Your level headed and realistic approach to the future is also spot on. The gaps in the hairline are not immediately apparent - I had to look twice. Such irregularity, in my view, looks more naturalistic. May I also take the opportunity to thank you for your insightful posts on this forum: they have no doubt helped along many a prospective HT candidate as they have helped me. Regards
  3. For my part, I think this is an amazing result, particularly for only 7-8 months. It blows me out of the water too at this stage! But we each grow at different rates ... and I am very happy with where I have got so far. This result represents the place where, in my mind, I hope to end up. I'm sure he's very happy - he certainly looks it.
  4. Hello poorgrowth I'm very sorry to hear that you are not satisfied. In response to your question: it really depends on the circumstances. Personally, I would consider it potentially misleading to recommend one particular course of action to you as "fair" at this stage when I know so little of the facts. The success of an HT is variable and as you know the variables include your own physiology as well as surgical skill. I understand why you would not wish to name your surgeon at this point, but I strongly recommend that you speak first to him/her and try to resolve your disappointment face to face. There is no "standard response" you should expect from a clinic, but an ethical surgeon will do all he/she can to understand why there has been poor growth in your case and explore options with you to help. If you find the clinic to be unsupportive, at that stage you may feel able to tell us some more about your case so that clearer opinions can be given. Good luck.
  5. Just ordered my new batch of Revita. DS Laboratories have changed the design so that the bottle can now stand up on the non-dispenser end. Much better.
  6. Hi Abe My temples are coming through at different times too but, so long as I see improvements on both sides, I am confident that the right will eventually catch up with the left. Keep the updates coming - it's looking good. Regards Acrobaz
  7. Thanks for all the positive comments so far! I have updated my blog today with the following three entries: - 6 months post-op (wet) - 6.5 months post-op (after short haircut) - 6.5 months post-op (close ups) I am pleased with the way things are developing. I'll aim for the next update at 8 months post-op.
  8. It's looking really good Bill at only 4.5 months. I definitely see a difference. Best wishes Acrobaz
  9. Looking good Mane! That's really impressive early growth. You must be delighted! Best wishes Acrobaz
  10. Coming along really nicely there Adam - I'm delighted for you!
  11. Hi Ceasar I will only take Q1. First, it may be worth sending Eman a PM as he was going to be experimenting with products I believe. For my part, I used aloe vera gel like a lot of people after my HT to ease the redness in the recipient area and I have continued to use what I had left as a hair gel. It's safe, natural and (I find) it has a surprisingly good straightening effect. And it's cheap! It might be worth a try. Good luck P.S. Would not a raunchier title have been "I need some sticky lotion to keep me straight"?
  12. Great stuff Tubs! And an encouragement to those of us coming up behind!
  13. Great write-up Joel. I loved the descriptions of the day, particularly the Harley Street/M4 image! I really did "lol" at that one. Heal well and keep us posted!
  14. I have put my five month post-op pictures up on my blog today. It's all coming along nicely.
  15. swim - that was brilliant. Bravo!
  16. I am becoming more and more impressed by Dr Konior's work. His name deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as the very best. This is an excellent result - and, just as important, his results appear consistently excellent.
  17. Fascinating - I'm sure that's true for many.
  18. I agree. It's blending in nicely and there is now additional thickness, with lots of maturing to come.
  19. Looks good to me too. I definitely see an improvement, and it's still early days!
  20. John - I am not a rep, paid or unpaid. I am a patient of the same clinic, one month ahead of you, that's all. My post was not intended to attack you and I am sorry if you gained that impression. As I said in my post, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you too.
  21. This thread has come back to life after a while but, at risk of going off the topic started by exibel, I wanted to add one thing to John Malloy - you shouldn't feel misled by anyone, least of all members of this community. Those of who did our research properly need to take ownership for our decisions and responsibility for the outcome. No results are guaranteed. But I am keeping my fingers crossed for you too: you are barely four months out, so give it time. For those who posted a while back, e.g. zhiangde, it would be good to hear if things have now improved.
  22. Jotronic - great patient care for taking this up. If Dr Hasson writes and gets a response, perhaps you could let us know?
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