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Everything posted by mister_25

  1. I remember watching a video of Dr Zarev doing all the steps. Otherwise I would go to Konior if your looking to maximize doctor involvement.
  2. I don't think you have DUPA judging from these photos. I would say you are a Norwood 6, maybe your crown is dipping a little bit into Norwood 7 territory. Your sides go up quite high compared to normal norwood 6/7s so you got that in your favor. A good alternate to Finasteride is Dutasteride, but it has its own side effects. You can also try topical finasteride. You have a bit of hair at the bottom of your crown that you might be able to stabilize/recover which would go a long way if you decide on a hair transplant. If you were to get a hair transplant, you would be a difficult case and you would need to go to a doctor that is skilled in your Norwood class. Dr Sethi (Eugenix), Dr Pitella are the two doctors that I would reccomend. Dr Zarev has impressed me as well but he doesnt have as strong as a portfolio as the other two.
  3. Can’t really tell based on the angles but I would say your crown dips into a Norwood 6. Regardless if you have your hairline intact you can still lose it later if you don’t stabilise it.
  4. If I were in your position, I would attempt to stabilise my hair loss, give finasteride/minoxidil a year, maybe a year and a half and see what happens. If you stabilise then i would consider a transplant. If Finasteride doesn’t work I would consider Dutasteride. I would go to a top doctor that has a strong portfolio of Norwood 6/7, I wouldn’t even consider anyone else due to the fact that any mistake will ripple through your final result. I would recommend Dr Zarev because he is excellent with donor planning, and you do not seem to suffer from retrograde so I believe that a specialist with the donor zone like Zarev will get you a result that maximizes coverage on top while having the donor zone look untouched. It looks like your end destination is unfortunately Norwood 7, So you have to be super careful with preservation. Avoid Dr Cinik, he has no where near the requirements for a Norwood 6. I would look at Zarev, Sethi (Eugenix) and Pitella
  5. 1. I’d say 10 days, double check with a surgeon 3. I asked this before and got 1-2 weeks 4. You can wear loose fitting caps straight away 7. A sunburn would be devestating in the first 6 months, I would take extra care. 11. lol 15. You shouldn’t worry because it gets worse before it gets better as part of the process. I’d say a good time to be wary if growth isn’t great would be 8 months. generally speaking, seeing blood during the first week isn’t a good sign, you should be fine considering it happened on day 8-9 with no blood
  6. I truly believe that even if he was spreading severe disinformation, someone would of come out already and proven it with corresponding studies/articles. And in response NARMAK or any other reasonable person would be "my bad, I was wrong" which isn't the case cause he isn't spreading severe disinformation. I don't think he would be banned merely for being ignorant/wrong in a topic, unless he was giving genuine bad advice stemming from misinformation which he isn't. People are so hung up on Finasteride debates. It works for some people, it doesn't work for others. Some people get all the benefits of finasteride with 0 side effects, the others don't get the benefits only side effects. Everyone is usually explained this from the start because the information on the side effects of finasteride is just as publicly available as the benefits of finasteride itself. Nothing is guaranteed when it comes to stuff you are genetically predisposed with such as height and hair loss.
  7. I don't know how much the others cost. But Hasson costs $8 USD per graft ($6 USD after 2000 grafts) for FUE and $6 USD for FUT. You should email or check their websites to find out how much it costs and if they will accept you as a candidate.
  8. You can use Minoxidil on the sides topically. I know Melvin does, I would recommend Oral Minoxidil if you could get a prescription for it. You can always try topical finasteride, you want to attempt to stabilize your hair loss before it gets any worse. Stabilizing your hair loss will also benefit the outcome of a potential HT due to making it last longer whilst also benefitting donor. It wouldn't be a good idea to get a HT now, you have mild recession and if you were to get a transplant to match your current hair and you thin behind it, you would of burned through a portion of your donor and factoring in that you have retrograde alopecia its not a great plan. For doctors, I would say any of the top in Europe would be a good call. Freitas in particular.
  9. In Europe the one that has impressed me the most is Freitas for diffused hair loss, other names are Couto, Pinto and Bisanga In North America Konior and Hasson are the ones that have strong track records of diffused loss. Konior in my opinion is probably the best in the world if you can afford him
  10. Some of the best names in Europe are Freitas, Couto, Pinto, Ferreira, Mwamba, Bisanga. Just a small pool of names that I've been impressed by.
  11. Starting to come in, you will look great one-two months from now.
  12. Transplanting in areas where you already have hair poses a challenge due to the chance of damaging native the native hair. You want someone with a portfolio of patients with diffuse thinning. Couto, Freitas, Pinto and Hasson are four surgeons that come to mind that impressed me with their results on patients with diffuse thinning.
  13. I also wanted to provide a few bonus photos that I lost but just found. Wet Hair Combed Back (Mid-June) Crown at a Distance to show the size of it. (beginning of July) Crown (today)
  14. Hey Everyone, I am going to post a update here as I am going for my HT with Dr Hasson very soon and would like to establish a very clear baseline to compare to. I tried to get a photo with varying lighting but it was working against me. These are very harsh lighting conditions so this is working against me here. Keep in mind that in normal/bright lighting my hair is pretty much exactly the same as the final photo in the original post . The camera picks up more than what I can see with my eyes. If I can get a photo tommorow or so that is in better lighting conditions I will do so. I took two sets of photos in two different bathrooms. One with the window open and the other with bright/harsh overhead lights. In a few nights I'll see if I can take some wet photos. All of these photos were taken roughly 5 minutes apart, combed the exact same way (except the bonus september photo) Here are my 20 Months Finasteride + 19 Months Minoxidil results. Front: Front Tilt: Top: HD Top: Bonus Photo from the beginning of September Just to recap. I was quoted for a 4000-4500 graft procedure that was to reconstruct the front working all the way back to the midscalp as much as needed. I would like something that would look strong/balanced everywhere when wet but does not need to look perfect. What do you guys think? is my goal achievable? and if so how many grafts in total?
  15. I’ve booked for my flights to be roughly 10 days after my upcoming transplant. Although you could do earlier.
  16. Asli Tarcan have consistently been racking up a strong and steady portfolio of victims. Just know that there are many other victims that underwent the chainsaw in the Asli Tarcan clinic and by you sharing your experience you are deterring other people from making the same mistake. I think you should have a look at Electrolysis and completely kill the hairs as HappyMan2021 stated. Also the fact that the skin is still red is concerning. You should probably get that checked out and if you were to have a second procedure to conceal the horrific results of the first getting your temples checked could provide valuable information to a more experience surgeon.
  17. This is usually standard, however as mentioned above it is quite common for the second day to not go as smoothly due to the anaesthetic
  18. For Norwood 3: In North America I would consider Konior in The US or H&W in Canada. In Europe Some names that I’ve been impressed by more than others are Bisanga, Freitas, Couto, Pinto and Ferreira. If you can share photos, people may be able to help you. Norwood 3 for something dense is usually around 2000-3500 grafts. Varies based on how recessed. Hair characteristics, size of head, etc.
  19. From what I gathered, H&W techs are the exception to the rule of the more tech involvement the riskier the outcome of the surgery.
  20. You can always apply 2ML minoxidil once a day instead of 1ML twice a day. You could also consider Oral Minoxidil which is considered better than topical/foam and is significantly easier to take. Finasteride could provide some regrowth, you never know until you try it. Generally speaking once you discontinue minoxidil you will lose the benefits provided by minoxidil. But I am intrigued about the idea of finasteride holding on to hair strengthened by minoxidil. If anyone else has input on this I would like to hear it.
  21. Looks like great work as we come to expect from Eugenix, about to make your already perfect result even better!
  22. Dr Konior is probably the best in the world. I think he is the safest pick as he is a elite surgeon that is hands on in all the steps. Dr Shapiro and Dr Cooley are other well known names in the USA.
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