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Everything posted by mister_25

  1. Dr Sethi and Pitella are both at the peak when it comes to skill in high Norwood cases. I think that there are a few key differences. Sethi has garnered a reputation of being skillful with beard hair. Whilst Pitella is very good at body hair and beard hair. In the end however they are both excellent choices.
  2. There are a large amount of options that are recommended on here. In India you have Eugenix, in Turkey the safest option is Bicer but there are numerous surgeons that have skill in hairlines like Konior, Freitas, Bisanga, H&W, Mwamba, Pinto, Couto etc. Be careful with Turkey due to the abundance of hair mills.
  3. I believe it would be a great idea to have it pinned and easily visible so that way newcomers can see what can be done under the right circumstances by picking the doctor that works best for you. It also actively shows what is possible in various Norwood’s with the right surgeons/clinics followed up by the forums official recommendations.
  4. In my opinion it doesn’t look like there is any signs of retrograde alopecia. Although I could be wrong
  5. When did you notice the shedding beginning when quitting fin and min? Was it a month in or the second month?
  6. I remember reading somewhere that if you had FUT it could be problematic.
  7. I've been impressed by Couto's temple reconstructions and Eugenix has made a bit of a name for themselves when it comes to Temple Reconstruction.
  8. I’ve never retrograde alopecia approach slick bald, but closer to slick bald than full head of hair on a few cases. Generally speaking I don’t think the average case of retrograde alopecia plays a big part in aesthetics as we usually cut above the ears and below the nape short anyway and when it grows long it is covered in almost 100% of the time. It’s more of a supply issue for further HTs
  9. From my experience on finasteride/minoxidil as long as you hair, even if its thoroughly miniaturized. It should have somewhat of a impact.
  10. You can treat retrograde alopecia with finasteride and minoxidil. Works better with Oral Minoxidil
  11. Bicer and FUECAPILAR are the top choices from Turkey that are recommended here on this forum. If you are a Norwood 6, and you want to maximize for the best result possible. You should do some research on who actually has a strong/large portfolio on Norwood 6-7 Cases. Sethi (Eugenix), Zarev, Pitella and H&W have a strong portfolio of Norwood 6 level patients.
  12. The top doctors all have different design philosophies that also represent which cases they shine the most in. For examples; Freitas is aggressive with hairline design and creates very nice NW1 hairlines. Hasson uses dense packing to provide natural results whilst also factoring in final norwood pattern, safe/unsafe donor area to get the most hair on your head without compromizing donor area. Sethi likes to take on more challenging cases and higher norwoods, this is where his skill lies and he is a believer in using beard grafts for added density. You got to get a list of names, know where their best work is and what their "vision" of the best practices for a hair transplant and you choose the one that thinks suits your case.
  13. You look to be approaching NW7 Territory and I don't think that you should think about "Which Doctor can I rush into a hair transplant" rather than "who can get me the best results" Dr Sethi, Dr Zarev, Dr Pitella are the top NW6/7 Doctors in the world. Definitely consider one of these. Dr Sethi has a large portfolio of successful NW6 and Complex Patients and in general has probably the worlds best beard hair transplantation skills. So if you have a good beard and are willing to use it I would say no other than Dr Sethi Dr Zarev in my opinion manages the scalp donor the best and is the best if you have a good quality donor. Dr Pitella is great at using all the resources available and provides a great result even if you have poor donor. From the photos it looks like you have Retrograde which would probably have a impact in your case and might make you struggle to get full coverage. You will need to approach this carefully and only go to the best. I'm sorry about your partner, I know a bunch of people here are saying "bullet dodged, shes done you a favor" but your still probably shocked about it because all things considered, your marriage was practically rejected because of your insecurity which is outside of your control. I offer my deepest condolences. Its not mentioned here because the thread/comment was deleted. But Lookmaxx directly said to @RTC that he was happy that he got butchered by a hairmill and that he deserved it. Whilst also making insulting/derogatory remarks about @Z--'s family. All RTC said was a slang word which directly translates to "friend, mate, bro" to trigger a response like this. Completely disrespectful and absolutely has no place on this forum. Misinterpreting a comment is one thing and he can be offended all he wants, but saying that someone deserved every bit of being butchered by a hairmill is a cruel comment especially considering we are all on a website dedicated to hair restoration where people frequent because they are insecure enough about their hair that they want to do something about it. I offered to amicably resolve this issue and tried give him a explanation about why people are pursuing this dispute with him but he ignored my private message. Perhaps its because he thinks im a "racist sympathizer" and that im "obsessed with him and that I have creepy tendencies" which he rationalized because I pointed out that he is quick to call racism based on post history. In the end you are right, this is @Joker06s thread and this is a forum about hair restoration, this whole thing started off as him asking questions about what's the best thing to do to get his hair back to getting derailed about racism, self image issues, and the topic of right or wrong bans.
  14. Looks more like Retrograde Alopecia in both above the ears and on the nape of your neck. It’s rather common and not necessarily going to throw you out as a candidate it just means that some of your donor is considered unsafe and if used could very well miniaturise in the future.
  15. Making another account is a big no-no. Its defeats the purpose of a ban which is the punishment you were given. Please respect that as RTC will do the same. I sent you a private message on your main account, you have the misconception that we dislike you because of a particular group you associate you with. This is untrue and I have a prepared you a message willing to explain the circumstances that you are in.
  16. Stabilize means that you have significantly slowed your hair loss to the point of across a year there is no significant change. Some people on medication actually truly stabilize your hair loss. Meaning that they do not lose any more and completely reconcile further miniturization. Rare but there are some examples on this forum. Most people slow it down so that they might need a top up 10-20-30 years down the track. In the end as well regrowth is a somewhat common occurrence when beginning medication which obviously means something right? I would describe "slow gradual thinning over the course of a decade" to be acceptable. Its safer to transplant where there is less hair as you are not risking the native/previously transplanted hair due to complications in surgery. This is why many clinics turn down those with mild diffuse thinning because they believe it poses a large amount of risk of damaging the native hair, which is either making the situation worse or just replacing healthy hair with transplanted hair with minimal increase in density.
  17. That is a massive improvement compared to the previous photo. Thanks for going out of the way and taking this photo, it really shows how two months can make a massive impact.
  18. Looks great Melvin, definitely looks like it thickened up. Was looking at a different thread and saw this image you posted back in august. Could you mimic these conditions/angle in your next update?
  19. There is no "best place" when it comes to hair transplants. It all depends on which surgeon you go to which can be anywhere. Turkey for example is known as "the place to go to" but it couldn't be further from the truth, it has the largest concentration of hair mills which is a massive risk. Its more like the saying "Some of the best options of hair transplants can be found in Spain" rather than "Spain is the best place to get a hair transplant" Also different surgeons have different "sweet spots" or are known for different cases/results. For example Bisanga is great ranging from Norwood 2-5 and is quite good with blonde hair. Freitas is known for hairline work and is a excellent choice between Norwood 2-4. Eugenix have a large testimony of advanced cases of Norwood 6-7 and are great using alternative donor (beard hair).
  20. There was no concerns on the final result. It was mainly aftercare, temple placements and amount of grafts used.
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