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Everything posted by mister_25

  1. When it comes to people at Norwood 7, I think of Dr Sethi at Eugenix or Dr Pitella in Brazil. No one else comes to mind maybe other than a few H&W results I've seen. I've been seriously impressed by how much Dr Sethi was able to do with Zoomsters beard so if you are going to use beard hair he is the one I would think of. Whilst on Pitellas side I saw a result of his that was outstanding on a Norwood 7 with poor donor.
  2. I relate to him. I lost my hair and was pretty much a slick bald Norwood 5 when I was 20 to almost 21. Thank god I responded well to medication and am a cross between Norwood 4 and 3 after a year. People at my age demographic are really harsh on balding. I got ridiculed for it daily and had to cut out a lot of my “friends” over it. absolutely sucks that men’s self image is treated like a joke.
  3. Don’t go to hair mills. This is a procedure altering your appearance, going to a hair mill drastically increases the chances of your final result being subpar or even possibly looking worse than you were before. for Afro hair, I’ve been impressed by Dr Bisanga from Belgium. Only good options in Turkey that I would trust and look into further are Bicer and FUECapilar. You will need to increase your budget. Never let money have a say in who you choose. I would also recommend looking outside of Turkey.
  4. I’m going to be honest, I don’t think there are doctors in turkey that I would say have consistent results and a great portfolio for Norwood 6. There have been some results in Norwood 6 level patients in Turkey before. But they aren’t as consistent and really fall below the elite clinics that have built reputations for Norwood 6 level patients. Stay away from Turkey.
  5. I don't think you can reasonably say there is a "best of the best." truth is different surgeons have different areas where their skills shine the most. If your a Norwood 5, I would say some names that are candidates for "the best" are Mwamba, Bisanga, Hasson, Freitas, Pinto, Zarev, Ferreira and Konior.
  6. The fact that these "clinics" didn't ask/tell you about medication is a warning in on itself. Hair mills and hair transplantation in Turkey is significantly cheaper, but the quality is significantly less. Bisanga is world class and personally I don't think there is a better choice for blonde hair type. Hair Transplants in Turkey is a minefield, there are so many choices of clinics and out of all of them about two-three are worth considering. And even then I wouldn't go to either of them if you were a advanced case (Norwood 5+). 3500-4000 Grafts which you were quoted could be almost half or more than half of your donor hair. If you get botched, you might not have enough hair saved for your future balding if you go into a high Norwood (6-7). Turkey are masters in marketing hair transplants, not hair transplants themselves. Save up money if you really want hair and go to a reputable surgeon who wont turn their back on you and who consistently provide the highest quality services hair transplants can offer. Not cheap 10-20 patients a day then block you on WhatsApp 6 months later. Bicer and FUECapilar are the only Turkish choices that are worth considering. Maybe HLC.
  7. Smile Hair Clinic and Elithair are hair mills, you will have a high chance of being botched or even on a successful surgery no planning for your future. While Dr Yaman is reccomended on this forum, I've not been impressed with his recent results on his forum. I wouldn't choose any of them. Please share some photos so we can see how much hair loss you have and you can get good responses. Before any surgery you will need to stabilize your hair loss before you do anything. No point in getting a surgery and then you bald around/behind the transplanted areas. Are you on medication?
  8. No doctor in Turkey has the skills for Norwood 6. And most doctors that do have the skills are not going to be in your budget range. Norwood 6 will need a lot of grafts, which will make the cost higher. The difficulty of your case also goes up so you want to go to someone who has a strong portfolio of Norwood 6 levels. If you really want hair, you should increase your budget by a large amount and go to a doctor with the reputation for similar cases as yourself.
  9. I’ve never seen a scar like that. Is that after your third surgery or your other two?
  10. In these photos, You look to be about a Norwood 4 who will clearly go into a Norwood 5 I highly advise waiting a full year on medication. 3-4 months on Finasteride is nothing for your long term goals. You will need to document 12 months too see if your hair has stabilised. if you go now and your hair doesn’t stabilize. You will get a island of dense hair in the front and partially the mid scalp and a barren empty crown that takes up a large portion of your head. No doctor in Turkey has the portfolio or skills for your case. I would recommend you go to a doctor that specialises in higher Norwood’s and has expert world class donor management skills. Your showing signs of Retrograde Alopecia above your ears and by your name. This limits your lifetime donor. Also I can’t tell by the lighting clearly but you might be showing early signs of going into a high Norwood pattern (6 or 7). You will need to prevent this because it will give you a large challenge in the future. Luckily your beard doesn’t look too bad and could be used as a alternative resource if things go really bad. having a Norwood 6/7 final pattern with retrograde puts you in a poor position. You will need to go to the very best to get the most out of your donor without compromising it. With all respect. Cosmedica and ASMED have been producing poor results quite frequently and follow a hair mill like structure of quantity over quality and are doing their best to make sales, rather than successful hair transplants.
  11. After recent threads I wouldn't go to HLC either. But they are still a notch above the rest in Turkey.
  12. To be honest your hair looks fine for now. Just maintain on medication and see where you are 10 years from now.
  13. Yaman from what I gather is one of the only surgeons on the forum recommended list that is getting more consistently poor results. I’ve noticed a downward trend with his recent results. Cosmedica is a hair mill, the likelihood of you getting botched there is way to high. Turkey is a risky game and they have very strong marketing skills, not skills for hair transplants You are a advanced case. Norwood’s 5 can get strong dense results but they have to do it right from the start. You won’t be able to find anyone in Turkey with skills for Norwood 5. Can you share some photos? And are you on medication like Finasteride or Minoxidil?
  14. Smile Clinic is a hair mill. There is a high chance of you getting botched if you go there. Diffuse thinning makes you a difficult case, can you share some photos? The only good options in Turkey are Bicer, FUECAPILAR and HLC. And even then depending on your level of baldness they won’t be good fits for you. Turkey to the public eye is known for hair transplants but In reality they are the riskiest destination to attempt to get your hair back. Are you on Medication? You will need to stabilise your hair loss before you get a hair transplant.
  15. If someone pointed out my thinning before I noticed and told me treatment options before it got out of hand. I would always been grateful. Just tell him, you will be saving him from a world of pain and insecurity in the future.
  16. I started seeing growth at about 4 months in. But it really grew between the 7th-8th month mark. I shed quite frequently and the areas always grow back but I usually have like one "seasonal" weakspot. Back in November of 2021 my hair was at its best from regrowth. I will get a picture if I can.
  17. Finasteride is to stop further progression of baldness and to stop the root cause of hair loss. You will need to take this to prevent your hair loss from getting worse. Minoxidil is used to strengthen your miniaturized hair and help you get some regrowth, Minoxidil helps you get back some ground on the battle against hair loss but will not solve the root cause issue. You can take Minoxidil Topically, Orally and in Foam. I have had success with topical but the best results come from Oral Minoxidil.
  18. I started taking Minoxidil a month later after I first started taking Finasteride. I started to see results in about 4 months (since starting minoxidil) and those results peaked at about 8-9 months (since starting minoxidil). I experiences side effects on my second and third week of finasteride but after those two weeks I felt normal again.
  19. Medication is a must here, you have a large amount of native hair and if you are lucky and get decent regrowth the amounts of grafts you could save would be dramatic. Finasteride is a absolute must, Highly would recommend Minoxidil here. all things considered you could get something rather dense and blends in well with your native hair cause you aren’t that advanced of a case. Your about a Norwood 3-4 and if you play the HT game right you could get something where no one even people in the know on hair transplants can tell if you had one or not. Or if you were ever balding in the first place. right now I wouldn’t consider transplants. Not for another 1-2 years. I would use the time that you are using too see if you stabilise on fins sterile for a year. And maybe build up a bit of money to go to a top surgeon for your case. Like Freitas.
  20. Scalp hair is the primary source for hair transplants. It mimics the hair on the top of your head Beard hair is coarser and doesn’t look natural on the frontal third of your head. It works well in the mid scalp and if used well can look good in the crown. body hair has weak coverage value and is mainly used on higher Norwood’s. it has less survival rate.
  21. Asli Tarcan is one of the worst places to get your hair transplant. Take a look at @RTCs experience with them. Same amount of grafts as you were quoted and you can see how he is undergoing a repair with Dr Mwamba. You would need less than half that. 2000-3500 depending on how dense you want it and your final pattern of balding. 5000-5500 is anywhere between 60% to 90% of your donor area. Asli Tarcan will pillage your donor area and destroy your hair. I would recommend Dr Bisanga for your case. He is ethical and will get you the most hair on your head for your lifetime.
  22. I am 22 and have been on Finasteride and Minoxidil for almost 2 years. I had significant regrowth and have stabilised my hair loss. I went from Norwood 5 to about a Norwood 4 almost a Norwood 3 Vertex. No side effects other than the second and third week of taking the medication.
  23. If you had 4600 grafts that didn’t grow, your donor is heavily compromised especially with your level of baldness. You have to go to the very best. And you will probably need to use alternate resources like beard and body hair. Mwamba in Belgium, Pitella in Brazil and Sethi in India could be befitting for your case. No doctor in Turkey has the skills to give you your hair back now. You need to definitely consider medication. Since almost 5000 grafts didn’t grow your native hair is at the upmost importance to give you anything near full coverage.
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