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Everything posted by mister_25

  1. Thanks mate, if you don’t remember I was on a crossroads and one of your private messages set me straight and away from Aus. I wouldn’t of felt confident in my decision if it wasn’t for your advice.
  2. At the end of November I flew from Australia to Canada and had my procedure with Dr Hasson. I was nervous/excited as I've been battling hairloss extensively for up to two years at this point (but been losing my hair since I was 16). My expectations from the start was always two surgeries to reach my goal. I asked Dr Hasson if my goal was realistically attainable and I described that as "A head of hair that is uniform when wet, meaning it can look thinner and scalp can show but not patchy and still quite good, and when dry and in harsh lighting if someone was to rummage their hand across my hair/scalp randomly they would not see any thinning/weak points what so ever" From memory he believes this is attainable. My experience with the clinic was positive, back in Australia when I asked questions to various dermatologists about the current state of my hair loss they would be evasive and not give me clear answers however Dr Hasson would give me clear answers, I asked things such as "Do I have any thinning in my Norwood 6/7 Zone" which Dr Hasson did confirm and showed me under a microscope some examples, unlike my experience back in Australia where they took a look under a microscope and told me the exact opposite. My procedure took around 14 hours on both days. On the second day of the procedure, I developed severe tonsillitis and I was coughing non stop throughout the procedure, Dr Hasson noticed that it was worsening and within a hour of the implanting stage he changed my pre-op medicine and gave me a injection which helped me relaxed and my coughing slowed down to a much more manageable level. On the first day of my hair wash (Day 1 Post-Op) Dr Hasson went out of his way to clear all my questions, and gave me advice on medications by telling me I should include Topical Dutasteride and switch to Oral Minoxidil 5mg from Topical Minoxidil. This came as a surprise as from what I've gathered Dr Hasson has been against Minoxidil. He explained to me that I have a large amount of hair in the telogen phase and that switching to Oral Minoxidil would benefit that situation. Also after advising me with new medications he gave me stronger Tylenol then the post-op package originally included to help me with my tonsillitis. On Day 1 the graft count was: Singles: 300, Doubles: 1102, 3-4s: 620 Total: 2022. All implanted in the hairline On Day 2 the graft count was: Doubles: 1357, 3-4s: 493 The plan was to strengthen the frontal third to a strong degree and anything else would work towards giving me a "illusion" to work with on my crown. If I read the chart right around 950 grafts went into my crown. Dr Hasson estimates that I will need 2000 Grafts on a second procedure to finalize it. Sorry for the Poor Photos, I actually lost my phone after the first day of the surgery so I had to improvise with my Ipad which is lesser quality camera. Day 1: Post Op Day 4 Day 6 Day 8 Day 9 Day 9 Donor Pre Op: July 2022 Pre-Op September Harsh Lighting HD Would love to hear feedback on the surgery and the condition of my Norwood 6/7 Zone and Donor Area. I also have a concern and I will email this to the clinic but also wanted to get some opinions, below is a photo and I wanted to highlight a small area I noticed when I arrived home. I know that Dr Hasson said I do have miniaturization in my Norwood 6 Zone (He said I lost about half of my hair in that area) and said I have small Norwood 7 Zone miniaturization. When I looked in the mirror and examined my donor I noticed this line of hair, almost like a FUT scar but it only goes from the middle of my donor to my left side. It doesn't extend to the right side of my donor at all. Does this look like shock loss in my donor? If you have any questions, I will answer at the best of my ability
  3. Funny that you asked this I did just have my transplant and there is work in the frontal third and crown. I do have retrograde alopecia so my donor isn’t as strong as I’d like it to be, but I should be fine. I also have mild thinning in the Norwood 6/7 zones but I thinks it’s safe to say It’s been stabilised since I started medication. You can see in one of the previous photos that my crown closed in on the Norwood 6 zones from finasteride. I will also be starting topical dutasteride and oral minoxidil when I’m back. I will post my transplant when I’m back home in a week or two
  4. Looks like Norwood 4/5. I would say continue finasteride until you hit a year, 6 months at least then consider consulting with some of the best in Europe and elsewhere. I would say somewhere between 4500-6000 for something very strong
  5. As long as finasteride works for you and you are willing to be on it for life. I think you are a excellent candidate.
  6. Always been impressed with their results, most definitely should be recommended on here.
  7. Your first three surgeries are some of the best results I've ever seen. This one is going to be no different.
  8. Will be following your thread. I have similar sized loss in my crown so it would be good to compare as I'm going for my HT soon. Work looks excellent
  9. I wouldn't go to any of these even if they paid me. I'm pretty sure there are some good/top doctors on here with moderate wait times but maybe not 3 weeks of a wait.
  10. Most likely not. Only very strong responders would get anything like that. You would probably go down a Norwood to Norwood 4 but with having your hair at a certain length/style might pass as a Norwood 3. People on r/tressless have had crazy comebacks though from similar baselines to yourself, Norwood 5 to Norwood 2 with Minox + Microneedling.
  11. It adds difficulty to the case, but as StillAlive said above if you go to a qualified surgeon that matches your case it shouldn't be a obstacle that would impact on your final result
  12. The pro of type 2 would be that you can use fibers to get a strong illusion until your second surgery where you wont need them anymore.
  13. Your entire frontal third is gone with miniturization in the crown, I wouldnt consider you a Norwood 3A or 3V. 5A or 4 sounds about right. FUECAPILAR is one of the only good options in Turkey. You dodged multiple bullets by not going to Smile/Vera. Do you mean 3000-3500 hairs or 3000-3500 grafts. Minus the crown 3500 grafts seems pretty good and should get you a strong result.
  14. I would go with Dr Konior. I think he has a strong and versatile list of cases from all Norwoods and hair types, and you maximize doctor involvement. I do think there are surgeons out there that are just as good as him, but you know for sure that with Konior you have experience, doctor involvement, and the skills for your case. Close honorable mentions are H&W, Bisanga and Freitas
  15. I do like Feriduni's work but I wouldnt add Lorenzo, from what i've seen/read he has rotated into a more hair-mill structure. I've also noticed some results of his that weren't that impressive compared to the top in Europe. Decent results but below the standard that doctors like Bisanga/Freitas/Couto/Feriduni provide.
  16. You could always try topical finasteride, to be honest I don't think you need a transplant at all. Just hold on to what you have and you should be fine.
  17. Bicer and FUECAPILAR (Dr Turan) are the ones on the recommended list. They are producing good work, another name is HLC that is not on the recommended list.
  18. I found the poor growth cases on this website, you can use the advanced search bar and filter on content titles only with the search term "Yaman"
  19. I haven’t been impressed by recent Yaman cases, I’ve seen a more cases of poor growth compared to the other recommended surgeons The options in Turkey on your list that I would keep on your list to do further research would be Dr Turan, Dr Bicer. HLC is also a option and I have seen some great results, but also some poor ones. HDC and Eugenix also do good work. Dr Ferreira has impressed me and I think he is one of the best choices in Europe I don’t know how much they charge, but you can also look at Dr Pinto. The other surgeons That you listed in your budget I’m a bit ignorant in and haven’t seen enough results, so I can’t help you there. Although some of those UK options I narrowed out on my list.
  20. Looks phenomenal for 5 months, Well done!
  21. Nader in Mexico and Camacho in Bogota
  22. The closest thing I remember to what a High Norwood looks after a good result with buzzed hair is this image before Captain Calico's third surgery. Ill quote his before any surgery and the photo im talking about. Hopefully this helps answering your question.
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