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Everything posted by John1991

  1. Your crown looks fine. It's called having a part-line and a cowlick. Especially if it's been roughly like that for a good while, I wouldn't say grafts there would be wise. There may be some on this forum that will tell you you're surely on the verge of disaster there, but the type of person to look at that fourth pic and say that is the type to over scrutinize everything. I can't speak to how good your doc is, but the graft number quoted to you looks pretty reasonable for the design you've drawn. It may end up being more in the 1800 graft range, but if 2200 ends up being needed to make the area dense, better to use the extra 400 to create a great hairline than save them for later.
  2. Looks good density-wise and the design also looks appropriate. Should leave you with a strong, but not overly flat/low hairline. And as far as healing/etc goes, I think you look about as standard as one could possibly look at this point. Any idea what the FU/cm^2 was?
  3. That dark bloody look is a classic sign of high density. Looks very good. How old are you?
  4. I agree with you on everything except the crown comment. That looks like a fairly standard cowlick under bright light conditions to me.
  5. That's a time and money consuming circle for patients. It's a shame people don't research more thoroughly before putting themselves through something that will - even if it yields great results in as quick a time as possible - result in many months of waiting/having an impaired social life plus many thousands of dollars.
  6. Looks good. And definitely looks "dense-packed."
  7. Thanks. I wonder what that will look like. I’ll leave this here and then post again at around 4 and a half months out.
  8. I'm 31 and it was 2659 grafts. It was FUT. I don't have any recent pics of the scar, but as of a few weeks ago it was looking quite good. There is hair somewhat growing through it too. It's worth nothing that a good amount of the hair in the front is buzzed native hair that has grown back. As in this picture. Still, it's quite clear a lot of grafts are growing as evidenced by the difference between the below picture (around 8-9 weeks post-op) and the ones in my prior posts.
  9. If you'd told me this is what it would look like at 3.5 months, I would've taken it gladly. It actually looks a bit better in person (except in very harsh lighting) than in those pictures. This is more favorable. Obviously the grafts that are growing are thin and that's to be expected, but would you think (and I know it's a guess) that there are likely 40-50% that still haven't "popped" through the scalp yet?
  10. The pictures are as follows: my hair in normal conditions before surgery, my hair immediately pre-op after the hairline was buzzed, post-op, buzz cut phase, ugly duckling, week 15/day 105/17 days shy of 4 months, which is today. I deleted my old thread because it was too long given that I hadn't even started the growth phase yet. As you can tell in the last picture, while many grafts have "popped" they are still quite fine and thin. That seems typical for 3.5 months. Hopefully many more pop. The frontal part was around 55-60 FU/cm^2, for reference.
  11. Great looking for sure. What does the hairline look like when exposed? I'm guessing based on the FU/cm^2 you mentioned it looks very, very good.
  12. Those will impact your scar not at all. Unless you do them on Sunday or when there’s a full moon
  13. The average frontal hairline of a man even with no hair loss isn't 100 FU/sq cm. We had this brief back and forth before, but that number doesn't even pass the common sense test. If 100 FU/sq cm were accurate, hairlines transplanted at 50-60 FU/sq cm wouldn't look consistently dense under harsh lighting. As to OPs question, obviously the answer is no. How dense the hairline ends up depends on the ability of the Dr. to dense pack, the availability of the recipient area (partially dictated by how much loss has occurred), and the quality of the hair in the patient. Patients that are NW5 and up (and perhaps NW4 and up) may struggle to to achieve full coverage with frontal density in the 55-60 FU/sq cm range, though. That's not so much a situation of multiple procedures as one of supply/demand of available hair to transplant.
  14. The shape of your hairline isn't unnatural or odd in the least. No sane person would look at the shape and think twice. The density is adequate, though not exceptional. Your fixation with the supposed imperfection of the shape makes me think you'll never be satisfied with anything, though.
  15. The "not caring about hair at 40" attitude is short-sighted, but the "wait until 40" view fails to take into account that you only live once. It's understandable that people would want to improve their hair situation when they're younger and still on the dating market. That said, it's probably a bad idea to get a transplant when you're hemorrhaging loss in your early 20s.
  16. At this stage, it's hard to see on camera because a lot of the hairs popping through are very short and fine still. If you aren't seeing any pop through when you look close-up mirror in the mirror, then you would know best of course. Aren't the hairs on the corners of your hairline transplanted hairs? To an outside observer, it looks like there is definitely some sprouting.
  17. Take fin in small doses to see how you tolerate then up the dose as necessary. Dutasteride is significantly more likely to lead to side effects (and more of them - including gyno) than fin. Please do not just jump immediately onto dutasteride.
  18. Your recipient area is completely safe by then regardless of it getting redder from blood rushing there or not. Unless you’re literally bashing your head into objects or burning it in the sun, you’ll be fine
  19. There are plenty of examples of guys with minimal loss getting an improved hairline in one go. There should be no need for two procedures. Realistically, you're going to have a minor hairline lowering - otherwise there's not much point to it. It may be more grafts than you expect, though. Around 2200 grafts.
  20. Technically, he's at the beginning of the fourth month now. lol. Other than that, this is spot on.
  21. If you condense this to just the important part, you'll likely get more replies. It looks completely normal.
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