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Everything posted by John1991

  1. No one here can actually answer this with certainty, but I would say if there wasn't much (or any) visual impact on the recipient area in response to this, you're very likely in the clear. As far as washing "this soon" after surgery, that's totally normal. Plenty of people are instructed to wash using the "cup method" just the day after surgery. Unless you're bashing the cup into your recipient area or drying it with a towel, it's hard to fathom how you could be doing it harm. Water and baby shampoo are fine. If this is what Mwamba instruct this patients - and the overwhelming number have good results - I think you're wise to follow his advice.
  2. I started at a few days past the 6 week mark with no issues. Your recipient area may redden when you do it and temporarily thereafter, but that's no issue. Obviously the potential concern is the donor scar stretching. As far as that goes, the numbness may feel odd when you bench (or dumbbell press), but most professionals seem to believe that roughly 4 weeks post-op is enough time to allow for the donor to heal enough to where strenuous exercise is fine. If you do isolation exercises for your neck like neck curls or neck extensions, I'd probably recommend against starting those back yet. Especially neck extensions.
  3. 2% is more effective at thickening hair and blocking DHT. You should use it to the extent you can tolerate it. "Natural 1%" has no real meaning, I think that was a typo.
  4. You don't need to have dandruff to use Nizoral. Ultimately you won't know how much of it you can tolerate unless you try it, but 2-3 times a week has been quite good on my hair. Try using Regenepure DR (it has 1% ketoconazole) on the other days, it's less abrasive. 2% (to a minor extent) inhibits DHT and thickens hair. Especially in combination with Rogaine - those two things used together really give hair a better volume. Lather it into your hair and let it sit for 4-5 minutes. If your loss is mild enough it may be all that's needed to prevent further loss. If not, obviously fin is far more effective at suppressing DHT.
  5. From what I've gathered, you shouldn't really expect anything growth-wise at the 3 month mark. Even in circumstances of very early growth, you'd likely only just be at the point of growth starting at the 3 month mark. No need to worry. I think things are looking quite good. Redness is subsiding and you've got the worst 3 months out of the way. In 5-6 weeks you should start seeing growth and from there it should be steady improvement. The worst is behind you!
  6. It's not available in the states without a prescription. If you go to a dermatologist and tell them you want it, it shouldn't be a problem getting them to write you a prescription for it.
  7. I get why he doesn't want to end up relegated to "fat" or "ugly" chicks until 26, but waiting a few years to be sure he's not on the verge of major loss isn't unreasonable. He doesn't seem to want to hear that, though.
  8. Agreed. It definitely can be drying. It seems to have somewhat dried up a couple of folliculitis/zits I've had for a while.
  9. It's not going to fall out in a simple wash at this point. Don't use your fingernails and don't be extremely aggressive, but other than that you'll bee fine. And this is scabs.
  10. If you’re talking about hair in general, it may have a very small risk of negative effects. In terms of whether you can use it after a hair transplant/whether it will impact graft growth, it’s not an issue. I should’ve specified. I think it’s one of those things that may have a deleterious impact for those who are very prone to aggressive hair loss, but not so much to someone who has more minor loss.
  11. There isn’t risk to the success of a hair transplant from creatine, though.
  12. One of the best results I've ever seen. You're just a guy with a strong NW 2 head of hair now. Amazing.
  13. Yup, I did. Didn't use it until day 60. Just wanted to see what other people thought.
  14. Ya, I used only baby shampoo for the firsts 5+ weeks post-op (I'm now 8.5 weeks post-op) and I found the baby shampoo to be very refreshing to my hair. And didn't seem to lessen the thickness. I will likely continue to use it once a week in the future in addition to Regenepure DR 4x and Niz 2x a week. For now, I think I'll go with 3x baby shampoo, 3x Regenepure, and 1x Niz.
  15. Right, Regenepure DR has ketoconozole 1% and is less abrasive and can therefore be used daily. I doubt Nizoral 2% once a week starting 2 months post-op will negatively effect a transplant, though. There seems to be a segment on this site that is very anti-Niz, particularly anti-Niz post hair transplant. While I totally understand not recommending use of Niz in the first several weeks post-op, after the grafts are secure, the grafts are secure. I used Niz 2% for the first time today and it's day 60 post-op. I wasn't even considering using it the until at least 8 weeks (which is admittedly arbitrary, but it seemed roughly long enough to be safe).
  16. I'd say things look good. I think patience is pretty easy in the first few weeks when you're still kind of pumped from having just gotten the procedure. It gets more annoying 6+ weeks in when you've had this weird look to you for that long and will continue to have it for quite some time. It's easy to respond best to posts where people heal quickly/have very low skin/hair contrast. I think the most important thing to gauge from the early stages is whether the density will be sufficient. I'd say that in addition to being fortunate in that first category, you also have density that will be good.
  17. How long post-transplant would you think one should wait until using Nizoral? I'm talking twice a week, not overuse. It seems Niz is a controversial subject here. Personally, I've found using it 2-3 times a week (under normal circumstances) thickens hair, but some people here swear against it. It's worth mentioning that Niz is used by people to treat folliculitis (which can and does occur on the forehead of people who haven't had a hair transplant), so perhaps it would be useful in lessening folliculitis in the recipient area? I've been told by my doc it's ok to use it 1-2 times a week starting several weeks post-op - I'm not really asking this for my own circumstances - I'm just curious to see if there is anything resembling a general consensus on the matter here.
  18. I've never seen that picture of Miller. That's about as bad as I've ever seen. lol. I think concealer is fine to use, but I personally would never use it because I want to live my life without putting stuff in my hair and then worrying about whether it covers my scalp - though perhaps if I had a bald spot I would feel differently. IMO, the lawyer has thin hair, but the pictures shown here actually just appear to be a dorky hairstyle and not even necessarily a "combover" per say. I just don't think he's on par with the cop. You make fair points. I randomly saw Elk on the street about 2-3 weeks back and I would say in person he just looks like a guy in his late 60s with a bad hair style and thinning hair. Nothing spectacularly bad.
  19. I agree with you. I'm sure the lawyer's family (however loaded they are) wouldn't be pleased to see their father mocked on a site like this. His son - who I knew a bit - is a genuinely down-to-Earth guy and it seems unnecessary to scrutinize (especially non-celebrities) people for how they deal with their hair loss. Especially when some of the people here actually put fake hair fibers in their hair - something which plenty of people would mock just as much as this poor combover.
  20. Is the donor area destroyed or bad? No. Is the hairline design (outside of the fact that the frontal tuft should've been filled in) appropriate? Yes. Is 1200+ grafts enough to achieve a very significant cosmetic change to this patient? No.
  21. I went to high school with this guys daughter. She's quite attractive, as is his wife, and he's loaded. I think he's doing OK. Objectively, that cop looks way worse. Not even trying to defend the guy (he seems like a nice guy, but I don't know him), I just think that cop is orders of magnitude worse. lol
  22. Did you go to the same place that the guy in the first post who got butchered went to?
  23. Is that yellow bruising in the first picture or just the lighting? I had quite a bit of that. If it is, it's the first time I've seen it outside of me and I had it pretty significantly. My forehead was yellow. lol
  24. If you have loss at 14, you're not meant to have hair. Probably regardless of meds... I liked Derek's breakdown.
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