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Everything posted by 1966kph

  1. Thank you for your input future it is much appreciated. To answer the majority of the questions you put forward I have no medical training.knowledge or expertise. But then again I did not state that the clinic should be carrying out the procedure without a Dr being present during the procedure to be called on if need be. I'm not saying that a so called clinic that are run purely by technicians should be even considered for recommendation.l don't even know of any technician led clinic other than the maral clinic. At the moment how many of the recommended doc's hear perform all the extractions,incisions and placements during a procedure? I don't know and I'm positive you know better than me. As regards to the personal attacks KO consistantly comes to threads and adds no relevant points but pours scorn on peoples opinions. But fair enough I will adhere to not making personal comments. I know you are obviously very knowledgeable about HT surgery and know far more than I ever will being as how it will be your chosen profession but as I have said to you in another thread. Can you be impartial on a matter like this ? I mean no disrespect in saying this and I hope non is taken. Your input is much appreciated . Have a nice day
  2. Unlike you I have a open mind and do not come with the mindset of being as negative as you. And a response such as this to my previous post would not be out off place if posted by a 10 year old.That's your replie ? And you think that is constructive? I know I am wasting my time but try and break the habit of a lifetime and be constructive. And just to be clear I am not just talking about marals clinic but any technician led clinic that wishes to be considered for recommendation and is prepared to go through a pre screening procedure.Bill should step in and have a word regarding unproductive posts that serve no purpose other than annoying people who are actually here to try and do something positive.. Have a nice day
  3. Hello spanker at last rationality has entered the topic. If a clinic has a reputation built over years with consistently good results with the same technicians doing the procedures over many years why would you have any reservation in following previous satisfied customers through the door? Most if not all HT patients have reservations even when going to the best of doctors and they come here for reassurance,support and to show the rest of us what they have had done. Never would i suggest to anyone they go to a strip procedure without a doctor doing the strip and closure but Fue is along way off Fut. Pat the publisher and bill had this to say on the matter Recently, I spoke with our publisher Patrick Hennessey regarding physician involvement and whether or not a physician should perform any of the operating procedure in order to be considered for recommendation. This is an important topic since many patients prefer the lead physician to be directly involved in operating on them. What we've concluded is that hair transplantation is a team effort and cannot be completed by the surgeon himself/herself. Some physicians choose to be very hands-on while other surgeons choose to step back into more of a supervisory role. That said, I agree with Pat when he said: "Ultimately the end results and their consistency are the most important measure. If the physician is supervising and maintaining the quality, then who's hands are on the tool is very secondary in my opinion". Now, some patients may prefer a physician who is more hands-on. However, I don't see anything wrong with a physician supervising a procedure as long as the end results and consistency is the same. That said, I do have concerns about clinics who operate without a physician at all where technicians and nurses are the only ones performing procedures. In my opinion, a qualified physician should always be involved and at the very least, directly oversee the procedure and the outcome. Best wishes, Bill Have a good day spanker
  4. KO Its all about the satisfied customers are you for real? You can have the highest of standards but results are what matter and especially to the patient. Theres no rational in what your saying you are full of contradictions. So you go to a clinic of the highest standards and you would be happy with a poor or mediocre result? Of course you wouldn't because its the result that matters. Educate yourself before trying to educate others. Like i said previously you will stop posting on marals threads even though we all know that you will not say anything constructive. Some people just cannot take a hint that their useless input is neither justified,appreciated and unwanted. I think your hair loss may have damaged your moral compass if you cannot see that your unfounded negativity is a annoyance and that you need to take a long hard look at yourself and what .you are all about. You have a nice day
  5. so your basically saying that all marals satisfied customers shouldn't be and bill does not know a good result is that right. Obviously it is! Maybe one day all of us will succumb to your knowledge and wisdom. Your argument that maral is not achieving the goal of all hair transplants customer satisfaction just does not stack up.when there are numerous of them here stating so. I do not know what your problem is but its major. Why not leave marals threads to other viewers to comment on as impartiality is not something you possess. Of course your going to ignore what I've just said because you know better obviously. Have a good day and i think a trip to the shrink might be of benefit.
  6. Why? How very constructive As usual not thinking of others but yourself i wouldn't of expected anything different from you. But you have a good day anyway.
  7. KconK congrats. One thing i did notice apart from your results from the op is your smiling. Thats all any of us want is to have hair on our heads that we are happy with. The likely hood is it will still improve Im pleased for you. Have a good day and continued growth
  8. With all the controversy that seems to surround nearly every post regarding the Maral clinic it just dawned on me. That if there are fue clinics that provide the answer to a hair loss sufferer by producing consistently good results that the patient is happy with is this forum not doing hair loss suffers a injustice by not recommending such clinics just because they are done by a team of technicians? I thought the whole point of this forum was to protect patients by steering them in the direction of a clinic that can be trusted to help them get the result they wish for. I do not know if this would be possible but could there not be another category for pre screened technician led clinics recommenced? NOTE i only mean for FUE as with strip surgery i think it imperative that the physician do the strip removal and closure. A happy patient in my mind = a good result and is this not the goal our happiness? But one thing i dont know is how many technician led clinics there are. All have a good day
  9. Looking very nice but i would have to agree 3 days for 1500 grafts is a long haul but all hair restoration you have to be in it for the long haul. Congrats and best of growth to you. Have a nice day
  10. I dont think this is a case were 4000 grafts weren't implanted more a case that they did not grow. I remember a case of Dr Madhu's a few years ago who had very similar results and i've also seen a case similar from Hasson and Wong a few years ago. It happens sometimes and even to the best of docs and if you have never seen poor or mediocre results from recommended docs you have not researched enough. another--i hope your situation improves and it turns out your a unusually late grower but i think you have already resigned yourself to the result which you have got. All have a nice weekend
  11. Hello Denny. Best of luck in your forth coming procedure but one thing is for sure you are in very good hands. You have a good day.
  12. I have been following Dr Erdogans work ever since i started looking into HT surgery and out of all the fue surgeons i could choose from i would have to say he would be my number one choice. Not only are all the results i have seen been exceptional but several other factors such as his prices and the fact you can stay in accommodation at his premises also figured highly in him being my number one. I would highly recommend him and if i ever get enough funds together it will be he that does my work. Have a good day all
  13. Looking very good so far Hairgoes. Congrats you seem very happy with the results so far and so you should be. Have a good day.
  14. Hello Nuance.I have been following Dr Erdogans fue work for a few years now and i would be more than happy to go with him for a fue procedure. You have a good day.
  15. Congrats usa your results are coming along very quickly and most of all you are happy with the results. May i wish more growth that fulfils or exceeds your expectations. Have a good day..
  16. Hello ric26 just had a squint at your pics and they don't look to bad for 2000 grafts but would have been handy to see some donor scar pics,Heal well and the most important thing as far as i am concerned is that YOU are happy with the results.have a good day.
  17. Hello all,I stand corrected Mars you are right Bulletnut is a patient of Dr shapiro, me getting mixed up names but there are a lot of good repairs available for viewing that Dr Umar has done.All have a nice day
  18. Hello all,I have been watching Dr Umar for a number of years and IMOA he is undoudtedly the best at BHT repair cases,Just look at the repair he did for Bulletnut the guy looked like he had been attacked with a machete yet looked absolutely unbeleivable once the good Dr had finished with him. Just for his repair cases alone i think Dr Umar should be accepted,Everyone have a good evening
  19. Hello lewis123,Rogaine is is marketed as regaine in the uk they are made by the same company there is no differance what so ever,You have come to the right place for all the information you need to do somthing about your hair loss,It would appear that you have started balding rather young but carry on with the regaine and you should also consider propecia(finasteride) to slow your loss while you research the subject further by gathering as much information here as poss and asking questions to find out what you want to know,Good luck to you and have a good day....
  20. Hello Goingthreetimes.i think you made the right decision,Dr farjo won't do any work on you if he or she feels that it is unnesasary as they seem like a very ethical team.Good luck to you and have a nice day
  21. hello,if i were you i'd stay over night and drive back the following day as being on roads you don't know driving on the opposite side of the road haveing just undergone a HT sounds potentionlly very dangerous ,what size of a procedure are we talking about because you probably would'nt be able to do all the travelling and get the HT in the day,good luck to you and have a nice day.....
  22. hello subbu,congrats on your second HT,your seven month update photos show good inprovement but you still should exspect more growth seeing as its only seven months,may i wish you a speedy recovery and maximum growth,have a nice day.....
  23. hello vanman,All the best with your planned HT with DR Pong,I have been very interested in this thread as i like many others i guess was planning on incorperating a FUE HT into a family holiday,While my procedure will be fue rather than a strip it will definately impact on our holiday.One of my major concerns is weather it will ruin the holiday for the wife and kids,Doe's your wife fully appreciate all the different scenarios that could happen post op and that she may well be left to her own devices if you don't feel up to doing anything?As we do not have much money at all i find it hard justifying the cost to myself never mind my family,All the best and have a nice day....
  24. hello goingthreetimes,i personally think your hair looks fine,i would not take it for granted that your loss will not acellarate in the future and at what NW scale you will end up at,if i were you and i was insistant on haveing a HT i would rather have fue rather than a strip procedure considering the small ammount of work you require at the moment,there are several fue surgeons in europe that are reccomended here,what ever you deside all the best with it.have a nice day......
  25. hello ukmale40,Glad to hear your well on the road to recovery,I've looked at his site about 18 months ago but until my financial situation changes vastly looking may well be all i ever do,I have more hair than money and i've not got much of that,sincerely glad your happy and doing well,all the best and have a nice day......
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