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Everything posted by 1966kph

  1. You think me saying that everyone has a right to be heard implies you all have to say good things about the clinic. How do you come to that conclusion? When have i ever said that maral clinic is not in it for the money they are part of the same industry.its a business people are in business to make money.FACT Please try and use facts and a modicum of common sense in your reasoning. It is becoming more apparent that several clinics do not differ that much from marals clinic. Assumptions are not facts please do not try and tell me what you think I am thinking. Have a nice day
  2. Givememyhair hello I used to get unbearable itching but I went from liquid to foam which helped but it was once I started using nizoral shampoo that stopped it completely. Hope this helps you if you are not already using it. Have a itch free nice day
  3. Charlyboy BLAH BLAH BLAH. post then go off line immediately and let chaos ensue. You have made a really good contribution to this forum. You've been rumbled everyone knows what your up to. And all you've managed to achieve is keeping marals clinic at the top of the page something you were complaining about. Such wisdom. Well said britboy. How many lives have been lost at the hands greed? If the ht industry was full of drs who actually care more about the patient than acquiring wealth this would only go to benefit the patient. Along comes along a new clinic with a new approach at very good prices and the potential wealth of others is under threat and this is what happens( it fights back ) Britboy we don't get to our ages without having learnt a thing or two but I'm not going anywhere until some kind of closure on this matter because I feel so strongly about it. Sometimes we have to make a stand against wrong doing even if the personnel cost is great. You have a nice day and enjoy your hair you bugger.
  4. Good morning future I hope you had a good weekend. Thank you for once again being dragged into another debarkle of a thread and giving your response. Just as you need to take my word for why i am on almost every maral thread defending this clinic from what I believe are unfair attacks you have no way of knowing who the posters are. Thank you for pointing out that at least some attempt has been made to look for evidence of skullduggery. But it is so easy in this world in which we live in to become virtually unidentifiable. All charlyboys posts aimed fairly and squarely at maral there's no coincidence. In the quote highlighted by britboy there is no HUGE difference and it does highlight many of the things maral has been taking flack for. 1 There are several procedures going on at the same time. 2 the lead technician did most Of the extractions and with marals its all the extractions. But you make little of these slight differences and go on to say maral may change techs regularly but the way I understand it marals least experienced technicians has 4 years experience and the lead technician 11 years on what evidence did you base your assumption? If as with many clinics Dr maral did a 10th of the actual work. Let's say the hairline incisions would your opinion be any less scathing of his practice? If not you should show the same amount of concern for the other practice's with this working practice. I have never indicated that bill is anything but totally impartial and the fact is unlike yourself he knows what it is to suffer hair loss and unlike you he does not feel so strongly about drs being hands on but is more interested in the results. The only accusation I have levelled at you is your impartiality may have prevented you from moderating the posts of obvious agenda driven posters. The world of hair restoration has always been a cut throat industry which I believed had become a lot better within the last 10 years or so.It seems the techniques have come a long way but the industry itself remains a money driven environment of greed and it seems this will not change. What has been pointed out in the last few posts are relevant in the fact that we as hair loss sufferers are constantly being made aware of things we didn't think happened in other clinics as with the amount of technicians involvement. Some of us I believe are starting to see through all the crap and getting a clearer picture of were this industry as a whole is. I don't defend the maral clinic I defend the right for ALL to be heard with the only reward being a sense of satisfaction that I believe I'm doing the right thing. Have a good day all
  5. Happy patient equals result. If I ever do get a ht for which I have realistic expectations if I am happy that's all that matters to me. Good for you shampoo and congratulations. Have a nice day with your nice hair you swine. Sorry a bit of gelousy creeping in.
  6. I believe Ko is not a rep of any clinic and he has his own personal opinions. And whilst he has in his own words actively tried to stop people going to maral he has no hidden agenda but strongly believes as is the same with future ht and others that marals way of ht is wrong. But they are totally stead fast on their point of view which is perfectly understandable. All I have ever done is voice my concern that the clinic and its patients have been treated without due respect. Let the clinic go through the pre screening and if bill and pat see if the clinic is up to their exacting standards and take it from their. For all we know the clinic might fall well short of what is required but at least they should be allowed to present its case to be judged upon. Were is the harm in that? Patients happy with their results should never have led us to were we find ourselves. And it is becoming more apparent that several clinics do not differ that much to maral in the way they practice yet all this scorn for maral.. Justanother you like many or should I say most people can see through all the balloni and see what's going on I think your above posts put it very well. All have a nice day
  7. Thanks guys I thought I was all alone here. This is my point. I had been away from the forum for a while and when I came for a browse the attacks on this clinic really got to me. The only reason I think nothing has been done is maybe because future doc and taking the plunge do not support the way marals clinic operates. Charlyboys posts have all been related to damaging the maral clinic. This was pointed out but as far as I am aware no moderater has investigated it. The hate shown to this clinic should be investigated in my opinion. Maybe one day we can get back were this forum is a caring community and not a place for clinic wars. All have a good week
  8. Thank you for clarifying future that is where I understood the position stood. Have a nice evening
  9. Good evening busa I hope you are well. Please elaborate what do you determine to be BS ? If its the point that marals clinic is not being considered for potential recommendations both bill and future doc have both stated it is happening. Now whether it is remains to be seen and to be honest I am not bothered one way or the other so long as it gets a fair hearing before this community so they can pass final judgement. That has been my whole point behind all my posts regarding this very controversial clinic.. You have a nice day
  10. It happens with the very best and if a Dr says he has always had nothing but excellent results he or she is either lying or have done very few procedures. Docs obviously do not know why it happens in certain cases otherwise it would be avoided. For it to happen to you must be simply awful having gone through all that having all the emotions for next to no result. Tragic. I hope a miracle comes calling on you Arekk. All have a nice day.
  11. Your opinion which you are entitled to. You have not been elected as some kind of spokesman have you? as in your above post you seem to think you are speaking on everyone else's behalf: quote ( the rest of us ) So just to get it straight here you are saying or rather calling marals patients idiots? That is what your saying?They lack intelligence or common sense? And you can try and clarify all you want but your wrong as future ht doc has stated the people who make the decision are already looking at the possible recommendation of tech led clinics. Your insistance does not strengthen your augument neither does being incorrect or your insults. Rather than offer people the choice to choose by their own free will you and others think they should not have the choice. I'm not going to tell anyone to do anything and I expect the same in return. Individual choice. You have a nice day
  12. Hello johnybucks. As KO says you would definitely be best getting on finasteride and minoxidil. Stay on them for at least a year to see what if anything you gain as not all people respond to meds. And while your on the meds do as much research as possible as the ht industry is a mine feild that could easily chew you up and spit you out in a lot worse state than you are now and with a lot less money to boot. You have a good weekend
  13. Who are you charlyboy. 7 posts all having ago at one clinic. One thing is for sure and that you are not a hair loss sufferer looking for answers or advice but with a agenda to try and discredit the maral clinic EVERYONE can see this.Who are you or should i just call you k? Why are you atacking one clinic ? Even the haters of this clinic know you are a fraud with some alterior motive. You start a thread to stir up trouble when it has all just been answered. You want to know anything about this clinic read through the forum its all there.Oh yeah your objective is not to find answers but to cause trouble. Good evening ko. I have never ignored a legitimate point being directed at the clinic and if you go through my post history I think you will find that I have actually asked the clinic to clarify certain points. The clinic definitely pushed its luck posting up results but I think there may of been a bit of misunderstanding with what bill had said to the clinic. I have not defended the clinic but always try to see both sides of the argument from broth sides. Many people will not agree with the way this clinic operates which is completely acceptable.But when people such as yourself come and say that you are actively discouraging people from going to maral clinic this is hardly being democratic is it? Unlike many people here I am prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to the clinic and weigh up each result on its merits not on the way it reached the result. This is like me going on all the FUT threads and disagree with the majority just because i think fue is the better procedure. Its pointless and selfish not to let the clinic and its patients be heard. But because you don't agree with me you totally ignore the fact you are being bias with no impartiality. You've said the same things over and over with nothing new being said its old news. Please point me to anyone of marals patients or should I say victims that you didn't manage to save from him that is unhappy with their results and regret going to him. That's right as far as I am aware there is one and we all know even the best have poor results. Who are you trying to save? More idiots from making a stupid decision to go to marals clinic? If this is the case you are calling all patients of maral idiots is this what your saying? All have a nice weekend
  14. Good evening Bus a I hope your well. As far as I know the clinic is being considered for recommendation now if it ever does is a different story. Everyone starts by doing something for the first time. I would rather entrust my ht to a tech with vast experience than a Dr with very little but each to their own. And if you look through the many maral patients threads several are now over 12 months. Like I said are you a believer in fair play? Just because you don't believe in something does not mean to say others shouldn't. Do you believe that fut or fue is better.are you christian. Muslim. Gay straight.we are all individuals with our own free will you might not agree with it but there's no need to shout it down Live and let live. You have a nice weekend.
  15. Arekk. So sorry to read through all this it must be so disheartening. Have you any conclusion about what your next move is going to be? I really feel for you. Whatever you decide I hope you get a top notch result. Have a nice day
  16. We all know the facts about marals clinic. If people were creating new threads attacking a recommended clinic in each and everyone one of their posts there would be uproar. If you don't agree with the way marals clinic operates you don't have to go there for a ht but you don't need to attack it either. Busa you the same as everyone is perfectly entitled to your own opinions but do you not also believe in fair play? For all you know you may well be helping a clinic that may treat their patients a lot worse than maral does his.Apart from one all of marals seem to be happy and were is the harm in that? Do you know who charlyboy is ? If the maral clinic is considered for recommendation we can all have are say on the results provided but it seems some people or even clinics do not want it to get to that stage. Everyone deserves a fair trial not a lynching. Fair play for one and all what is wrong with this logic? All have a good weekend
  17. All that said I must admit the crown looks excellent on that I think we would all agree? Or not. Have a good weekend all
  18. A vast change that the patient must be over joyed with. Good for him i hope he is enjoying life more without the worry of hair loss. Have a good day all
  19. Good morning KO I am not trying to silence someone who is here to put relevent points that have not just been answered very recently. What i am doing is pointing out is that charlyboy came here obviously with one intention and that was to knock marals clinic and that is fact 6 posts all having ago at the clinic. But he insists he has no issue come on? If he has new relevant questions that haven't been answered already let him fire away but up till now its blatant bull you know that KO same as everyone else. All have a good day
  20. Good morning Dr karadeniz i hope you are well. Your first post yesterday was obviously in response to another thread and as you wish will go unmentioned and the only point i probably tried to put to you badly was. Why answer it here and not there? You have now answered this by saying you want to keep a promise made,fair enough. But the fact of the matter is that you are doing it but here rather than there. If as you say it is illegal for anyone other than a physician or nurse to do any part of a ht can you please clarify whether you have or have not under taken part in anything that would be deemed illegal within the Turkish ht industry? Eg had technicians done any part of the procedure ect ect during one of your procedures? The reason i ask is to ascertain as to whether your holier than thou attitude is justified. [ I mean to cause no offence by this and i hope non is taken ]. Above all i think you should be on to the relevant authorities to up hold the law. As for me being annoyed no i'm just a person that thinks there should be two sides to a augment that contains each persons points and be done in the appropriate place. And your point that i may have some connection with said clinic does not bother me in the slightest either as there is so much bull attached to the hair loss industry your right to be non trusting. You have a nice day
  21. Charlyboy you say you have no issue with the maral clinic how can you say that? 6 posts now and everyone knocking the clinic that you have no issue with. Heres a idea why dont the moderators turn their attention to why it is that people such as you come here and attack this clinic in everyone of your posts. OK yeah that's right you dont have a issue with the maral clinic what a idiot i am. MODERATORS come on seriously this is plain stupid that this is allowed to go on. Its a blatant attack but by whom and for what reason? Fairs fair and while some people have been totally fair others such as charlyboy just insult the intelligence.. Have a good day all
  22. Has there ever been a clinic or clinics way of operating that has ever caused so much controversy? The maral clinic don't need to bump threads its haters and satisfied patients seem to keep it up there. I understand what your saying future but while I know the clinic has been given a lot of leeway it has also tried to answer any questions posted. I also think more could of been done to stop the obvious hatred of this clinic which is evident in the way every thread decends into a argument. This clinic in my opinion never stood a chance here just because it isn't the normal way of doing things. Everyone deserves a fair hearing and every time anything is said about this clinic chaos comes calling, and there's so much bull going on from people with vested interests in fighting against this clinic and its procedures. Just because people don't agree with something that does not mean it should not exist does it ? All have a good day
  23. Good evening Dr karadeniz I hope you are well. I have far to little intelligence for anyone to want me to represent them. There is no coincidence that while the topic of the clinic is under discussion you choose not to enter the reply on that thread but this. Why is that? Its no coincidence that you respond on this thread after its been dead for two weeks. While you may not wish to get into a one on one but if you are going to answer questions please do it on the appropriate thread and not from a distance. I have made my position perfectly clear as to my opinion s on tech led clinics which is clear we will always disagree on. If as I believe you are a man of good moral character if you are to say disparaging remarks about a certain industry you should be prepared to address it head on not were and when you choose. Do you agree or disagree with the above statement? You shouldn't stir up a hornets nest from afar then try and distance yourself from it. I look forward to your reply. Have a nice day
  24. Precisely. And charlyboy started the thread and eluded to threads being bumped up to tops of pages. Not a bright move. Have a nice day.
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