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Everything posted by 1966kph

  1. Dr karadeniz good evening. Why have you decided to post this here when you are obviously replying to points raised in another thread. Please can you post in the thread to which this is referring to. Thank you
  2. Future I hope you are well. No I have no other interest in this clinic other than it get a fair impartial hearing as should all. Us Brits invented scarcasm ( I think ) and sometimes it just flows out of us. I just feel compelled to defend someone when they are being attacked without good reason. I am starting to get a bit tired of going over old ground regarding the constant attacks on the maral clinic. If you ask questions of any clinic just ask the same questions of all clinics that is all That is perfectly fair and I think the community might be surprised if furnished with honest answers. All have a nice day
  3. Yes charlyboy i get paid a absolute fortune by Dr Maral. If instead of turning up on the forum asking questions that have only just been answered. You read some other threads about the maral clinic and its patients you would not need to start a thread obviously aimed at attacking this clinic. Five posts all having a go at marals clinic like I said coincidence ? Not at all your fooling nobody. If you want the answers look through the marals patients threads there all there. Have a good day
  4. Hello Ko if you are totally impartial you could say the same of several non recommended clinics here. Treat them all the same and don't just pick on one. Is that fair enough? Dr karadeniz is one to start with. Have a good day.
  5. Charlyboy 4 posts all aimed at the maral clinic coincidence I think not. I had not been present on the forum for a while and what brought me back was my sense of fair play. Whether you agree with the way the maral clinic operates or not they and their patients are entitled to be heard same as everyone else. Charlyboy you are obviously here just to knock this clinic for what ever reason your not the first you probably won't be the last. Phathetic But you have a nice day all the same
  6. My point precisely. Did you not know all you did was to make a platform for some people to constantly have a go at your clinic. Its ridiculous. Can we please get back on track with YOU sharing YOUR updates on YOUR thread please. How are things going? Have a nice day
  7. So I take it that this point is put to rest! Whilst there is a bit of a language barrier I take it that the Dr remains on the premises until the procedure is over is what mikcro fue is saying. We get there eventually. Have a nice weekend all
  8. Did I miss this? were does it say in the past posts apart from ash's that the Dr left the building? I know MikroFUE said he might of needed to go to the toilet but I would presume that they have toilets within the clinic. MikroFUE can you please confirm if the Dr stays on the premises until the procedure is totally completed? All have a good weekend
  9. Hesediels thread and when was the Last post that was actually about him and his results? Some people just use this as a platform to have a go at the clinic. Its meant to be about hesediels results and his experience with the maral clinic is it not? Bill I would suggest seen as how this constantly happens lock the thread to everyone apart from hesediels so he can update when he wants to. Its pathetic how this happens again and again with maral threads. Ko did you feel so strongly about Dr Wong leaving a patient when Dr hasson had injured his leg and the patient ended up with a sub par h+w result? No you did not Lock this thread please bill its getting all of us nowhere.
  10. It cuts all ways though respectfulness that is. Ko accusing mikro fue of lieing about his clinic is also I believe disrespectful. Maral threads always seem to descend into chaos and gets us all nowhere. Whether something can be done by the moderators to help with this would benefit us all. And as for poor hiedielsels thread what a mess. Have a good day all
  11. Dr erdogan one of the best exponents of fue in my opinion has just posted up about a 5000 graft procedure and if he would do it I cannot see the issue. Have a nice day all
  12. Thanks for clarifying ash Regarding whether 4000 grafts could be done in 6 hours I don't know if it is possible but I would of thought 2 experienced techs would be able to do it. That's about 5 / 6 a minute for each tech but I've not a clue if this is overly fast. Thanks again ash. Have a good weekend all
  13. Looking at some of the videos he does seem to have some good results but its not whether me or anyone else thinks he has its your choice in the end. So it is just for the consultation you are going and if you are satisfied you will proceed with the procedure? Whatever you decide the best of luck to you Have a nice day
  14. Hello Tyro and first of all congratulations. I was also wondering as to why the dr did not give you full coverage. Going back a few years it was far more common place for a two step approach but we are now firmly in the era of the mega session were a 4000+fue is quite common place Whilst it still does happen quite a lot the full coverage approach is what i think most people opt for as would i.A solid hairline and coverage then a second procedure to add density. Was this the dr's plan or yours or a joint decision and did the dr give a explanation as to the advantages or disadvantages of this approach? All that said i do like the look and density and you should get a good outcome. All the best with the recovery and may i wish you the best of results. Have a nice day.
  15. Hello Aleckzer. I would ask yourself plenty more questions than the ones you have stated. Why is it that you can get straight in with dr chueco ? Have you seen plenty of his results? Have you not looked at dr's with proven results within your budget range closer to you than Spain but further afield than Argentina ? Thats just a few Its the final result that matters and if you gather enough information that dr chueco is achieving good consistent results then go with him if your happy to but if you dont see the results your looking for go elsewhere. If you dont have budget restraints there are absolutely loads of first class dr's with proven track records you should be looking at. Whatever you decide i wish you all the best with it
  16. Hello JD They are very good questions but I don't think there is a definitive answer to them as there are so many variables. Many drs now use motorised extractraction with very good results and the cost I believe is cheaper as it is less time consuming. I believe in some cases that yield may drop if it is a larger session and especially if it is done by Manuel extraction due to all the teams fatigue setting in after hours of what is without doubt a very meticulous job. I recently read the post by hasson and Wong on a massive session they did that lasted if I remember rightly about 16 hours which I believe is ridiculous for all involved but especially the patient but that said his results may have made it all worth while. You should do what you believe will give you the best outcome and if your not bothered about two smaller sessions you might be better doing that as it is obviously concerning you. All any of us can do is our research and take a leap of faith and trust that we will get the results we wish for I guess a lot of it comes down to gut instinct. Whatever you decide I wish you the outcome you desire. Have a nice day.
  17. Hello Goran2222 Good luck with your up coming procedure i hope you get the results you wish for. 3500-4500 would make a vast difference but looking at your final photo your donor does look a little thin but i'm sure the dr will tell you at your consultation what can be obtained. Please keep us updated on your post op recovery and if possible give a detailed account of the whole trip to turkey and the procedure. Once again good luck and have a safe journey.
  18. Ko and pup What are your motives for finding it absolutely imperative that you again and again have to comment on posts from marals patients? And come off it ko saying things like people need to stop going to MARAL or I have not seen any good results from maral when his patients and others are here saying the exact opposite. Freedom of speech yes but for what reason? Everyone sees it for what it is your a MARAL clinic hater and if you don't realise this your deluded. Answer the first question please pup and ko. All have a good day
  19. Maybe ash1975 could actually clarify stateing what he knows to be indisputable fact about HIS procedure as obviously he would not know about anybody else's prorocedure. Did Dr MARAL actually come into the room and state that he is going home? Did Dr MARAL say hurry up and mention anything about a hourll rate or them needing to hurry up? If Dr MARAL came into the room and said he was going home at which point were you up to in the procedure or when you say wrapping things up do you mean they were applying bandage's ? Answers to these could maybe but I doubt it stop this squabbling . Have a good day all
  20. Thank you bill. I can appreciate that some people do not like this clinic and far from keeping a open mind they jump on every thread which decends into bickering which must be so frustrating for the poster. Why they feel the same thing has to be said over and over is beyond me. Its ridiculous that its got to this point were people won't join in as they feel its pointless. If one of the moderators could please have a word to say on this matter then we can move on. Have a good day all
  21. Hello spitfire. Glad your op went so smoothly and hopefully your recovery and results will be as good. Happy for you. Have a good day.
  22. Pup and ko We all know your not a fan at all of marals clinic that's fair enough. But its not fair that you hyjack every patient of marals threads. When they post update photos comment on the results just show a bit more respect to the patient as your basically on his thread calling him and anyone who goes to MARAL a idiot for going there. I am a big believer in free speech as long as it does not have the motive of insulting someone but you are doing this. We all know your opinion you don't need to keep saying it. Have a good day all
  23. Good luck stewie at only 4 months and your seeing encouraging growth that's good. Your right spanker in a ideal world patients should be able to start a thread without it be taken over by unnecessary bickering as happens in just about all MARAL related threads. At least this way people can just comment on results not the doctor. Good luck and maximum growth to you stewie. Have a good day
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