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Everything posted by Spaceguy

  1. Looks perfectly fine for 2nd day IMO! But i didn't wash my head until day 4....was just spraying it with saline. On 4th day i went to the clinic and nurse washed my head.
  2. Looking good! We're quite close in postop timeline and my situation is similar, bunch of small thin hairs sprouting out at 2 months post op....lets hope next 2 months will be a game changer for us!
  3. Nice, say hello to dr.Bruno and his lovely assistants!
  4. Better than having a huge head hehe. Whatever makes you feel at home go for it, you know what suits you the best! I was thinking to switch to oral minox too, as topical one dries the skin or at least makes some white skin layer once dried. I wash my hair with pure water after 40min of applying it....than i add some aloe vera gel occasianally. And yeah fin+biotin/vitamins dr.Ferreira gave me. I think my early growth is also due to low graft numbers transplanted and to fill up previous small HT so scalp wasnt shocked that much and body healing resurces are under less load. My only completely bald part was first 1cm of hairline and i had nice percentage there that kept growing. Similar case could be with your frontal third since you only did fill up on that area.
  5. Looking more into the thread, you look better with shaved/buzzed head (no offense), nice head shape! With quality SMP you could switch hair styles from long hair to buzzed and vice versa. Here what i find the most important is head shape and visible hairline that determines the face so even with shaved head if hairline is nicely done and visible it makes a huge difference on appearance! Wish you a nice and succesful healing! I'm 2months 5 days post op and have early growth that started few days before 2months mark, in area that shedded first and scared me the most......wish you an early growth as well 🍻
  6. You invested your money wisely, that is something your wife can't take from you.....or she can 🤔😜 Congrats on marriage🍻
  7. I think hair fibers are fine to use after one month, i used fibers one and a half month post op, and few times since then......i try to avoid it as much as i can however! We all heal differently so i guess main concern is not to get scalp (recipient are) irritated and infected.
  8. I think he did temples for @Rolandas in his 2nd surgery, check his youtube channel
  9. Forgot to say; after surgery you'll be hungry as hell so prepare some food and snacks at the apartment or use Uber-food delivery (have some money on account cos cash is rarely used upon delivery or cab), anything above 20€ bill and you'll have problem getting change back, so Euro coins and 10/20€ bills only....plenty of restaurants there to choose from when it comes to food delivery.....also tap water is safe to drink!
  10. Before shaving consult with some of the doc's from the list, dr.Ferreira is quite good in estimation and prognosis, just wet your hair and comb it backwards, situation should be quite clear from there.....for experienced doctor, so shaving might not be necessary!
  11. Only lunch at clinic, yes there is bakery/pastry shop across the street, eat something light as it says in pre op recommendations. Lunch at clinic is quite good! About my growth, yes first hairs did sprout, in the place that shedded first, had a noticable bald patch there, i hope other grafts will follow it in early growth.....will see in a month how it goes! Good luck and looking forward to see your results!
  12. That is quite an sacrifice for a young man, i once took half of Viagra out of joke and it was quite painful and exhausting experience for me and my ex-gf....after two hours i was praying for it to stop.
  13. Happy new year everyone! Some very goood news, 3 days under 2months post op and i can for sure see some early growth, new hairs poping out from the patch that had shedded first and had most shedding! I wasn't expecting to see any growth until 3rd month so this made me quite happy! Not sure can it been seen like this but they're there 😁
  14. I've got swelling 3 days post op, 2-3 days after it was gone, ice pack helps a lot, just keep it away from recipient area, i was putting it on low forhead and eyes.
  15. Hi all, day 54 post op and i'm noticig something unusual from what i've read on post op growth, not sure to be happy or concerned! Some hairs continued to grow normally, other continued to grow having thin root and thick ends while some grow up to 1cm and falling out almost 2 months post op which i'm not sure what to think about it. Now the good news is i noticed some new baby hairs sprouting from the areas that had shedded first, even that seems a bit too eary! Anyhow seems my hair is going on unusual route!
  16. I had many doubts before surgery, i almost gave up but now i'm super glad i didn't, my only regret is not doing it before, man i would save many hours in fornt of the mirror hiding baldness not to mention low self esteem. Only downside if you ask me is the ugly ducking phase and waiting for hair to start growing....and doing bloodwork before surgery, i hate it!
  17. In 1-10, maybe 1.5-2! I think he uses some very tiny needles and while injecting it he does some skin shaking arpumd it so it's pretty much painless. More annoying is the numbness later on! I am the person who's very afraid and hates hospitals, taking blood samples, seeing blood, surgeries and so on! I'd rather hide in a bush like a dog that went to real surgery. I have panic from it but this kind of surgery (which i wouldn't even call it a surgery) was no problem for me and i would do it again without problem, it's just minor skin piercing. I had more fear and problem with taking blood sample, i'd rather do FUE HT than giving blood sample anytime.
  18. You are a HT veteran. Salute! You still look young for your age, as some others suggested i wpuld also go for buzz haircut and SMP. SMP will cover all FUT scars and it will blend with existing hair....i think it would rock your appearance much better than longer hair. You have a good head shape, use that!
  19. 5th... OP yeah, that doesn't look like good looking donor but it may be just post op shock loss, try to contact some good clinic for advice, Eugenix maybe, reading this forum they seems to be expert in bad donor cases. Good luck!
  20. Week 7: Shedding is over for some time now, about 80-90% has shedded, rest of it continued to grow. Hopefully in another 7 weeks i'll start to see some growth!
  21. Touch up is always easier and faster to recover from, as hairline is there and it just needs a fill up! Also as fill up is done by lower graft density it is less stressful for your scalp so 2nd surgery/repair should be way easier to recover with better results. Indeed it is of low density but it is not disaster, i would wait few more months for hair to mature and make a decision on final result, until than use some fibers. Good luck mate!
  22. Espinho is pretty much flat, i booked the room with bathroom few minutes by walk from clinic. Check hotels nearby, apartments or rooms with bathroom and fridge (airbnb, booking.com)
  23. You had a really nice temporary growth indicating transplanted grafts were healthy at that time, i wonder where it went wrong later and what is the cause of poor final results!
  24. Trust me waiting for surgery is easy part, doing the surgery too, looking new hairline, healing and that temporary growth is enjoyable part....but man shedding, ugly ducking phase and waiting for hair to grow sucks and time goes by like i'm stuck in even horizon ! Wake me in the middle of the night and i'll tell you instantly which day post op it is hahaha
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