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Everything posted by SeanT1

  1. Hi, is there long term side effects from loss of libido? I go to the gym twice a week, don't eat meat & I'm 26.
  2. Thank you! Not entirely sure. I assume so. Doesn't bother me though and they're not actually noticeable in person, the camera exposure really highlights them.
  3. Finasteride is known to decrease libido in a lot of men. It's certainly been a side effect in my experience. I'll try every other day as an experiment and let you know how it goes.
  4. It still *works* down there, but I just have no interest. As of right now it doesn't really bother me. But if I want change, people recommend taking it every other day rather than every day.
  5. I think you'd do well sir. The crown is known to be a difficult area for a transplant to have success. But it's certainly doable. Anything you do SHOULD be an improvement in theory. I personally got SMP for density work after my transplant to help give the illusion of fuller hair. Try an online consultation with some clinics and see what they think.
  6. You'll probably need a bigger strip due to less grafts in the area. Bigger strip = bigger scar.
  7. I personally continue to take it, but it affects my sex drive for sure. This happened before I even knew what the side effects were.
  8. Month eleven update! Once again not a whole lot of change has happened this month. I think I'm at the stage now were the transplant has settled. Since not a whole lot has happened for this months post, I decided to shave my donor area down to a grade 1 so you guys can take a good look at the donor area. According to other users on this form; a grade 2 is the minimum length needed to hide FUE scars, so grade 1 should show you them. Additional note; I've had my third and final SMP treatment two weeks ago, will be making a review of this also in the near future once it's settled. The SMP treatment was only done on the crown/midscalp & hairline. NOT THE DONOR. So you'll see a difference in density in the donor area at grade 1. 11 months post operation: (Original camera) (New Camera / Alternative lighting) (Donor shots) (Prior to shaving donor & haircut shorter on top)
  9. Thanks, You're 100% right that the angle of the grafts are higher than they should be. Although with that said; I like to style my hair up anyway so it doesn't give me any trouble. But fringes could be tricky; the hair would need to be at least 4 inches in length for the weight to overpower the angle. I've been considering getting a second transplant to help my temple peaks/points. Do you think it would be worth the trouble? I went to Turkey from Ireland friend. Though American prices seem to be so expensive that it's still cheaper to travel all the way over than it is to get a transplant in the states.
  10. Had the same issue as you lol, the transplant caused shock loss on my scalp too. It looked awful for a while, You can either wear a hat and be patient or just keep shaving it down until those follicles are ready to start growing. Try to ignore your transplant and pretend as if you haven't had one. Or look in the mirror now and say to yourself "it might look a little goofy now but in a few months I'm going to be a new person". The worst part of a hair transplant is the waiting game, Some follicles begin to grow at month 4, others at month 8. It's a long process, but quite rewarding in the end. ^-^
  11. It'll continue to improve, a lot can happen in three months. 5 months VS 8 months VS 10 months;
  12. Welcome! Any photos of your current hair situation?
  13. Amazing, yeah between month 5-7 you'll see a big difference. Your hair looks thicker also, so you'll likely have better results. Had around 3400 grafts personally, here is the original thread if you're interested in having a look;
  14. It's definitely the best solution if you're wearing a hair system. From time to time during travels I see people with a hair system that has an exposed hairline. It looks awful. No matter how 'thin' the base of the hair system is. Having a hairline or transplant prior to a hair system goes a long way. It really does a great job blending it all in. As @Gatsby says, it's a lot of maintenance. The glue and tape is an absolute nightmare to work with. Personally I wore one for half a year, couldn't stick with it. Even had issues reapplying it from time to time (ie. accidently getting glue into my natural hair and pulling it out by mistake). Another big issue with hair systems is that the color will never be perfectly matched to your native.
  15. Coming along nicely At four months I was in the same boat as you; Here is ten months;
  16. Thank you! No not in the slightest. Even the SMP doctor I went to didn't notice it was a hair transplant (including donor area). I do openly tell people though and they're usually quite surprised. In regards to the SMP treatment, when I went to get it done I didn't tell my partner until the end of the third session (a few months later), she had no idea.
  17. Thank you sir. ^-^ Yes people consider Elithair a hairmill, it was indeed done by technicians. I chose to go there based on YouTube reviews and vlogs. I wish these places gave the names of the technicians that are doing the surgery so people know their work specifically and avoid bad results. The techs I had were wonderful.
  18. I personally got SMP under my hair transplant just to help with density. Perhaps it could help blend your donor also?
  19. My friend, it might be worth considering going to a good SMP clinic to fix any patchy look to your hair.
  20. Hi, did this myself as an alternative to getting a second hair transplant for density. Here are my results (before and after); I'd say go for it if you go to a good artist. It just adds a nice textured look under the hair that hides your scalp. Just note that you need to do multiple sessions and the first few days it can look like someone used an ink pen on your head lol. It fades into a natural shape/color after a couple of weeks. Be careful though, a lot of clinics show pictures RIGHT AFTER the SMP treatment. This is a disingenuous outcome as the pigment is much darker the first week.
  21. I'd avoid Vinci, it's full of unexperienced 'artists' and technicians.
  22. All common, without question. The rule is if there is blood then maybe there is a problem (not all circumstances); but no blood = 100% no issue.
  23. I assume you measure the amount of grafts within a square centimetre, I think I read somewhere that 34-40 grafts per square centimetre is a success?
  24. Coconut shampoo and biotin supplements and you'll be good to go. Keep those hairs healthy! All the best.
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