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A Fue Good Men

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Everything posted by A Fue Good Men

  1. Boot him. Let’s keep our standards high for this community.
  2. I think this is definitely salvageable and you’re lucky they only harvested 1000 grafts. You’ll need to go to a top tier clinic to strategically harvest from your donor from the untouched areas so it can be evened out. The density can be improved in your recipient as well. Lots of good names have been dropped. Don’t let distance stop you.
  3. Good video Melvin. The second case also shows the skin changing tone permanently in the harvested donor. This is likely due to excess scar tissue being built up in that area. unfortunately, I think a majority of the “have I been over harvested” threads are likely over harvesting in some way. I notice most of these posts are from patients that have had surgery in mill type clinics in turkey.
  4. Sounds like BS to me. Minoxidil is a proven medication and there are actually studies showing it works synergistically with finasteride for better hair growth.
  5. First of all, 5ari’s take a long time to work. I wouldn’t gauge your final progress until 1-2 years as that’s when peak results typically show. Secondly, these treatments don’t stop your shedding as that’s a normal part of the hair cycle. there’s a lot of anecdotal reports from patients experiencing sheds especially early on in treatment. You’re on a very strong regimen and there’s pretty much nothing else you can do beyond dutasteride and minoxidil so just sit back and see where this takes you.
  6. That’s a tough one. My logic is: I wouldn’t wanna change anything that can potentially cause a shed before surgery. However, if you’re experiencing side effects, that’s the one scenario where I would reconsider. I’d def reach out to your hair transplant physician on guidance with this one
  7. If you can’t use minoxidil there are a couple options that might work as growth stimulants. Stemoxydine has some studies showing it’s efficacy. Low lever laser light therapy might be another option.
  8. Never heard of them. if you live in Indiana or the Midwest, you’re close to two of the best clinics around. You’d be doing a huge disservice to yourself by not consulting with one of the doctors at chicago hair institute or Shapiro medical.
  9. Outside of some calming music, I wouldn’t want anything else in the OR while I’m having surgery. This is surgery after all. Imagine having heart surgery and the docs and techs are chatting and laughing during the procedure.
  10. I’ve heard good things about them. They are recommended here as well. I personally just haven’t seen enough cases to 100% recommend them but I don’t have any negative things to say about them.
  11. Konior. His technique is second to none. I’ve seem amazing strip scars from him that are extremely thin. Nadimi probably isn’t far off either. Hasson and wong (moreso wong nowadays) would be another choice if you are looking at mega sessions of 4K+ grafts.
  12. FUT still has a very valid role in hair restoration- especially for higher norwood cases. I think a doctor that specializes in both will offer their patients the best options tailored for them. An “FUE only” clinic limits what is best for some patents, imo
  13. Let’s ask you this….with all these cases posted, would you go to diep NOW for another procedure?
  14. I think he went pretty far back and even got some coverage on the upper crown. However 6500 grafts in one go is a little dangerous imo. I prefer slow and steady
  15. The recipient looks good and well packed. Did the doctor leave a good density on your neck so there is not a lot of contrast? It’s hard to tell with the trauma and redness
  16. Well done OP. Lots of good evidence you’ve cited of sub par work. He really crossed the line with the latest case where he operated on a 21 year old patient and left him with a horrible strip scar among other issues. Diep needs to go asap!
  17. No idea as I haven’t consulted with them. I would ask one of the patients here. I do know however that they have multiple locations as well.
  18. Following this thread. I haven’t seen many cases of Freitas doing temple point work so this has peaked my interest. The design looks very good
  19. The demand is high, in part, due to the marketing. There are at least 3 other sites that I am aware of that eugenix pays to be part of. This is on top of the YouTube videos they put out. It’s not like they didn’t see this coming. They literally paid to make this happen. Although I think there might be some truth to offering lower tiered packages to help patients in India with costs, this is not in any way a charity. So what do you do when the demand is high (per your own plan)? You scale the business. You bring in “junior doctors,” “senior doctors,” and more technicians that you delegate more parts of the surgery to. I personally am not on board with this. I think eugenix has the ability to put out good results and they have. But I have also seen cases too many posted cases where there were technical mistakes and errors. Was this just coincidence or because they are juggling far too many patients at once?
  20. Changes of consistency of semen is pretty normal for patients on finasteride. It shrinks the prostate so that will have an effect
  21. I personally don’t like the idea of these “packages.” You’re basically the testing ground for these “junior doctors.” You don’t even know who you’re going to get. When I see the term package I automatically think of Turkish clinics
  22. Looking great. The hairline design is fantastic. I’d say you have another 3-4 months left in the tank for it to fill in more.
  23. @simple32019 I would highly recommend you work with Melvin to help you out on this. I hope you can get a full refund that you can put towards a repair surgery. Use this forum as guidance and ask us any questions before you make your next move. This can be fixed but you just need to be strategic.
  24. Total cost of turkey? A lifetime of regret. Tread carefully as turkey is a minefield. You get what you pay for
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