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Everything posted by A_4_Archan

  1. @Tony711 feel sorry to see ths happened to u..i believe doctor shud have rejected u as a patient seeing ur weak donor and even not a virgin scalp...and as many people over here are suggesting about some scalp or other biological issues thn actually it shud have been looked into before surgery as the patient wud have given his full details abt past surgeries as well and doctor should have get done all the check ups before sugery if he finds somethng fishy... Doctor would only be not at fault if he would have genuinely told the patient that he is not a good candidate but we can just give it a try and there is a risk of failure in the surgery and still if the patient agrees to it thn its fine... I agree that he takes more challenging case to take out his best and in evry field challenges shud be accepted and thts hw u improve and get out the best frm urself but it shud nt be at cost of patient and patient shud be well aware of the risk...thn only it would be ethical... Just trying to get best out of you at the cost of patient is not a good thng... Even patients need to understand about ths thngs and thrz always a chance of a failure bt i feel as patients are nt well educated abt ths thing tht much as the doctors are..it is doctors duty to make thm aware abt the failure of a surgery and risk involved in it... In ur case Correction surgery would be a great risk too...so take ur time and get advice from few surgeons and thn decide .... As far as the response frm the clinic i can see frm the earlier posts tht the patient is not satisfied and tht shud be fixed immediately as tht wud be the least thing a patient would expect ...and its his right as a patient ... Its nt a good thng tht a patient need someone else to ask the doctor just for a proper response ...and no1 shud be glad tht the doctor finally responded as it is the doctor's duty to do that and he is accountable for tht... Whras the refund thing goes its a debatable issue..its understandable tht a surgery cn go wrong so thr is never an assurance for a refund bt if the patient wasnt made aware of the failure and wud have been kept in dark thn on moral grounds doctor may consider refund bt tht totally depends on the doctor and we cannot claim it.. And at last am again repeating tht a need for the help of other person to mediate just to get a proper response should have never arise and any case and i dnt feel glad tht a surgeon is responding after all tht...and i must say tony is a great guy tht after all this happened to him he didnt loose his cool and he is respectful in commenting abt the clinic and the doctor...
  2. Do a proper survey before going for it...just put it on hold at least so u get the time to think about it....never heard abt this clinic anywhr..
  3. Plz mention hw long u had ur hair transplant done...and from which clinic and plz upload pre and post op pic
  4. I dont think its a good idea to go for a giga session ....evn if ur donor permits why shud we go with such a huge session whr if anythng goes wrong with the surgery thn u will loose so much of grafts that even a repair would get almost impossible ....better to go with a conservative approach even if u go with an elite surgeon...cause thr is always a chance tht a surgery cn go wrong as many factors are involved in that...thts just my thinking ...
  5. Dr mital is producing gud results ths days ....so he is a gud option ...i have seen website and social media platforms of dr ted miln ...he has put in many pics which shown great result bt i dnt why anyone frm this community doesnt have any experience with him till date..so thts the reason am bein cautious abt him.bt if u find real patients reviews of him thn he is worth considering as well... U just wanna explore options in uk? Or r u open to doctors frm other country as well?
  6. For how long did u try oral minoxidil ? U can go for prp therapy to boost up ur grafts and thn along with it u cn take oral minoxidil and thts how u will get good coverage as ur grafts will get fuller and thicker ...i think if it goes well thn u will not need surgery...
  7. As far as higher grade baldness cases ..eugnix and dr zarev produced top notch results...
  8. See results of the surgeons who are on the recommended list....thr are many who are nt cheap bt charge a reasonable price and they shown good results as well...than shortlist 2-3 out of them which fits ur criteria and ask for results from them which are somewhat similar to ur case and thn take ur decision ... Dont be on and off as far as medication goes...take it properly and shud continue minoxidil and finasteride if u dnt have an adverse effects frm them after consulting a doctor and even cn take prp therapy to boost up ur grafts...😊
  9. Higher grade baldness cases are handled very well by eugnix ..so u cn go with them ...but your donor area looks very average ..specially ur sides look very sparse and from ur pics ur beard even dont look tht dense ...so availability of grafts wud be an issue if u have high goals...so i feel dr bicer may be true in not taking ur case...so choose wisely ...and if u go for a transplant thn plz dnt keep high goals...best of luck 😊
  10. He has posted great results on his website and social media ...but here i guess no1 has any experience with him..if those pictures on website and social media are true than he can be a worthy option to consider as his work is pretty amazing if all those pics are true...
  11. Look clean and perfect .u r going to get a good result ..keep updating ..
  12. Plz provide pre op pics..and thn name of clinic or surgeon who performed the surgery if u can..
  13. A really good coverage jst at 4 months..usually crown starts to show results aftr 5-6 months...so considering 4 months it looks good and you are going to get a really good growth in coming months...dr mital is doing great work ths days and patients from UK has a really great option for consultation ...wish u good growth ..keep updating 😊
  14. Yeh the implantation looks clean and perfect and dense packed so u will get good results..keep updating ur journey which would be helpful for so many people here..😊
  15. For medication i wud say start asap...consult a doctor and start finasteride and minoxidil ... U have high grade of baldness but the positive thing is tht u seem to have a good donor...seems so from ur pics...so u can go with a conservative approach .. The surgeons u have shortlisted are all elites...u can choose whoever u r comfortable with ...talk to all of them and thn see wht their advice is and thn ask for the results from thm who have ur type of baldness and thn u cn make ur decision ...😊
  16. Manual or motorised a good skilled surgeon wud produce a good result with any technique he/she is comfortable with..so dnt dig deep into it as evry technique has its positives and flaws ...better focus on the hands using the technique they r comfortable and confident about... For choosing a surgeon u cn go to recommended list and shortlist 2-3 from that after seeing their patient gallery and consult them and compare them and thn take ur decision ...choose wisely 😊
  17. Yeh dr bicer is a good surgeon and if u have confidence in her thn u cn go on with her...she is well experienced surgeon and shown good results as well...
  18. Yeh it looks clean and yeh 3.5k grafts would be required considering ur coverage...this hairline suits you in my opinion ...and its good to be on a conservative side as it is ur 1st surgery and by conservative approach u can fill the remaining scalp with the grafts saved by nt lowering hairline too much and even if ur hair loss is progressive you would have saved enough grafts for the 2nd surgery And aftr 2 years if thr is no progress in ur hair loss thn u cn go for a 2nd procedure to lower your hairline if u feel the need for that.. Can we see ur pre op pics if u dnt mind? 😊
  19. Just 1800 grafts in crown and 400 in hairline with such a gud coverage and tht too just in 6 months is something rare ...excellent work dr robert...amazed by this result..will wait to see an update of 12 months...well done..😊
  20. Thts nice and u cn also consider oral minoxidil ...u kay ask ur surgeon abt it
  21. Till you find out a good surgeon via reviews and consulting them. You shoud try oral minoxidil and finasteride for few months and even prp sessions ...do this and thr cn be a chance whr u will nt need surgery ...
  22. 4500 grafts at one go tht too just for the frontal part 😮 Thts why from ur pics i was feeling tht your hairline is bit more lowered thn normal.. Good that you are starting minoxidil .that will improve your growth over there...will following ur journey closely so plz keep updating and wish u all the best mate 😊
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