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Everything posted by A_4_Archan

  1. I dnt knw abt uk..bt u will need a prescription for oral minoxidil i guess ...frm my understanding it will nt change the texture of ur hair bt it will improve growth and strength and thickness of ur hair....with long hair its tough to use topical minoxidil ...so oral may be a gud option . .and as far as prp goes ,it will also help improve fullness and strength and thickness of ur grafts...
  2. Thts an amazing result ...and the hairline is looking natural as well...Happy for u...and its still jst 7 month..u r yet to get 100% growth...so get ready to get thrilled ...Happy growing and keep updating 😊
  3. Yeh true..never heard of ths specific thng abt the avg quality of grafts in tht area...
  4. You are on ur way of a fantastic result ...u will start geting growth frm now on till 18th month ..frm ur pics work looks very clean and good tht u didnt lower ur hairline too much ..this hairline is looking very natural and yeh u wer under the best hands so nothing to worry about ... @DrMunibAhmad is an exceptionally skilled surgeon who is producing some of the most fantastic result anyone cn produce...happy growing ...and do keep updating 😊
  5. From my understanding i guess npa donor area or safe donor area both vary from person to person and it would be tough to give a specific figure for availability of grafts ..still thr r surgeons here who can tell ths thngs briefly as they are well experienced to get an idea from.
  6. Yeh plz post around 6 month mark and i wish u will be all fine with good donor..
  7. Just give it some time and thn we can make some judgments ..i knw its hard to keep the patience going in ths thngs...bt its the only option as of nw..
  8. You welcome ...yeh do post it for better understanding ur situation 😊
  9. U can use prp therapy for boosting the grafts thought it wont change the texture frm my understanding..u cn consider oral minoxidil after consulting with ur surgeon to make ur native and implanted hair more fuller and thicker...and oral for is very effective and easy to use... Yeh texture may be different cause the donor hair would have been thick and without any effect of dht whereas top hair wouldn't be tht thick and had been effected by dht ... Some cosmetic products and some shampoos which helps in making hair strands a bit staight may also help (loreal xtenso)
  10. Dr soni is a recommended doctor here and posted many results sou can see them by using search function.. bt dr poswal isnt in the list...i guess thr wud be very few people over here who would be even knwing dr poswal.. Thr are many doctors who are in the recommended list so go through all of them and thn see their results and compare them and thn take ur decision You have high grade of baldness so be careful and explore evry option before u choose any surgeon... And start medication asap so u dnt loose more hair.. And plz post ur pic if u have any pic of ur donor area with somewhat shorter hair thn this so tht the hair dont layover and cover up the sparse areas ....so evryone can see hw dense ur donor area is cause frm ths last pic i can see many gaps on donor area whn i zoomed in and i fear ur donor area may nt be dense enough to make u a fit candidate for a transplant ...
  11. From my understanding and after consulting many surgeons, pre made slits are made cause they can decide the angle and density of the grafts.. Mostly all clinics use techs for placement of grafts and thr is a chance of the grafts geting mishandled by them so implanter pen would be a safe option to use so tht the grafts dnt gets damaged.. I even askd few surgeons tht thn y u need to make pre made slits whereas u cn use dhi implanter to implant grafts directly into the scalp without making pre made slits..thn the answer was tht if graft is directly inserted thn thr cn b a chance of misdirection of grafts and they said evn doctor's fatigue would affect the surgery negatively and thts why its not the best option always to do evrything with own hand..thts why they say it is a team work and only one person cannot do evrythng...so most of the crucial work that is doing pre made slits and doing extraction by would be done by them and remaining is left to the techs Whereas in dr kongkiat laorwong case he does all the slits and extraction himself and even does half of the implantation himself ...he does one patient a day and does 2 patients only if the surgery in which only less amout of grafts have to be implanted...
  12. Yeh i agree to tht as thr is won't be any other reason behind ths...bt i jst feel hw can so many people vanish at a stage(4months) whr they wudnt have got full results ..so its nt tht at 4 months ur head is full of hairs and thn u r least conserned and moved on with ur happy life... And whn some1 is posting frm pre op to post op upto 4 months of update thn hw can he dnt even update just once in so long ...nt even a single post like tht nw he is very happy with the results and enjoying his life..
  13. Dont know why suddenly some people get vanished ..i have seen many who keep on updating regularly till 3-4 months and thn they disappear...surprising ..
  14. U will start getting growth from now till 18th month ..so dnt worry...happy growing and keep updating ..😊
  15. Yeh wish u all the growth ...u will start seeing lot of growth from now on....as u said it looks natural and can see tht its taking shape frm ur pics ..Happy growing and keep updating 😊
  16. Never heard of tht clinic or doctor ...dr nader would be worth considering....he has shown good results ..
  17. Am from india and i just booked mine with dr laorwong from thailand Affordable good doctors u cn consider are - dr yaman,dr turan, dr laorwong ,dr nader, dr Camacho
  18. Are you on medication ? If not thn u can consider oral minoxidil and finasteride after consulting ur doctor as tht wud help u immensely with the growth and preserving ur grafts... Are u an Australian ? Thn get ready for a cricket match between aus vs ind ..
  19. Very well planned and good tht some grafts were saved due to the anaesthetic condition cause u already got good result with the grafts used and the saved grafts wud be helpful in future if u need a 2nd ht
  20. If ur donor is so depleted thn u have the only option of beard ,chest and pubic...look at the recommended doctor list and shortlist few of them on the basis of their results and thn consult thm and see wht is their opinion ...body hairs have different texture and their growth pattern is nt same as scalp hair so they can only be used in some areas to scalp or else they wud look unnatural ....and specially if ur hairline needs to worked on thn body hair wont be a gud idea...so 100% use of body hair i guess is a tough job and may go wrong ..so take consultation frm surgeons and choose wisely Can u plz mention hw many grafts been extracted in ur 1st ht..
  21. Oh its just 13 days so its hard to judge anythng as of now...give sometime to it.. From ur 1st pic i hope the thinness on the bottom half of ur donor is just cause u trimmed ur hair so short and not retrograde alopecia
  22. Happy for u and i cn feel those thngs which you are trying to convey thrugh ur words bt i knw words wud never justify it... As far as ur results goes its fantastic as i mentioned earlier but ur physique seems to be evn more fantastic ...so i would get to envy two things now - ir hair and body..😅 Keep rocking brother ....and wish me success for my upcoming surgery 😊
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