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Everything posted by Ajamilo

  1. The hairline was lowered 1.5 cm so it was nothing on the area that got transplanted:)
  2. I really feel with you brother. Is depressiv when a surgery do not go as planned. Afro hair is challenging so take your time to find a right clinic. Go and find real patients with afro hair on forums who have done surgery with a spesific doctor because i havent seen it yet. Dont depend to much on other opinions on who is right doctor for afro hair. Find those patients for your self. Take time and good luck
  3. Hi guys, I was thinking of sharing my hair transplant experience with Dr Mwamba. I had commented in a thread where someone asked about the experience with Dr.mwamba and afro hair. When I wrote that I was sadly not satisfied i got some messages in my inbox. So for that reason I will share my experience about the clinic and my progress in this 8 month period and make it public for everyone so i dont need to answer people in my inbox. Background: In 2020, I unfortunately went to Turkey like many others to a hair mill and did a hair transplant there. I got ok growth but of course it was not good. Unnaturally I got a high hairline and at the same time has a over harvested donor area. My hair was thick hair in some places and thin hair in other areas of the donor area. It would not grow even and I had to fade it all the time. Mentally speaking, this was a miserable time for me and I am sure you wonder why I chose to go to such a clinic and not a real one. So I took my time to go to another clinic and pay a lot more money. I followed quite a lot on various forums and in the end the decision fell on Dr.Mwamba. I Needed a doctor who could handle afro hair and at the same time a doctor who can master donor management and possibly give the same thickness to the whole area so people do not see anything unnaturaly or unusual when they look at your donor area. That was really really important for me. Because of my experience last time, it was important to me that I got rid of all sorts of factors that could make it go wrong. I agreed with Dr.mwamba that I would lower my hairline 1.5 cm so that it became more natural. The conversation was that people are going to look at your face and the aesthetic is important so that should be the most important thing to focus on. I Agreed with that reasoning and agreed to focus on getting the hairline down. Got 1300 graphs on the 1.5 cm area. According to Dr mwamba, this should be good enough to get good coverage with a afro hair. I was a little unsure but I remember that Dr.Mwamba said that the hairline at the very end had 40-45 cm2 and it was lower the further inwards we went. At the same time, I decided to start on Oral minoxidil to get my mid-scalp "regrowth". Had seen so much good reviews on reddit that I chose to take 5 mg every day to make this happen. I am very happy now after 6 months on Oral minoxidil to say that it is special and is giving quite good result combined with finasteride. It has also strengthened the donor area hair-karasteristic as illustrated below. I Have some places where I have been over harvested on the donor area from first HT like up on the side but it looks good enough without people looking at it strangely. So of course i am really happy with it and I know that dr mwamba harvested it evenly. So this is my 8 month update on my hairline. Remember that this is taken in a car so basically the lighting is not ideal and that means in natural lighting it will look wors than this. I feel really nervous and think about this all the time. I know for sure something is wrong if this stays like this to 10-11 month period. For that it means that few grafs survirved and it was failed surgery. Furthermore , the communication with Fue Clinic has been really really bad. I know that the doctor is busy with travel and surgery, etc., but it is really difficult to talk with him. His staff promised me for several months to talk to him without success and I see that as something bad. In general, it is difficult to communicate with his staffs as well. But i got recently in touch with one of them who I actually had the opportunity to talk to on the phone. I disagreed with some of what we talked about, such as that as long as you get at least 80 percent growth, they see it as something successful. In that case, there is very little difference between them and a hair mill that probably gets the same percentage. I did not pay more money and go to a elite doctor just to settle the mark as minimum 80 % But anyway, we agreed that it will be silly to discuss this now, since it is 8 months and 20 days and we will look forward to the 11 month period. One thing that was good was that she insisted that they would stand behind my back, which seems reassuring even though some of the things she said are disturbing. I just pray to god that this will resolve and go forward with my life.
  4. Actually, i so a result today on a facebook group where a guy got bad density and a lot of doubles on the hairline from them.
  5. This is not my thread so i will not comment anymore on it but i just have to say some words regarding the case since you made this comment and i will do it with sincerity. 1) is true that my first surgery was not so good but that doesnt have anything with the bad growth i got now with dr. Mwamba. I was also basically not working on my previously surgery. I was lowering my hairline 1.5 cm without involving the area that was affected last time. So that means is not a excuss for the bad grow i got in this surgery. Basically I have had hair growth but unfortuntely it lacks density as in several areas in my hairline you can literally see the scalp with little hair. So the hair behind my hairline is my previous surgery and funny enought that area has a lot more density than this surgery with dr.mwamba.
  6. Try to talk with Eugenix since you are norwood 6/7 and need a lot of grafs. Find out if they can work with afro hairs and the results they have on it. I did go to Dr.mwamba for 8 month ago and not happy with my result and will for sure make a thread about it. So emh try to find real patients reviews with afro hair when you are researching those good clinics. I did not do that and was heavily on what clinics published rather than find those pasients that went to those clinics. good luck bro
  7. I would have canceled and go with the medications. You can easily recover from this or recover a lot before you do a hair transplant. You are diffuse thinning so basically the finasteride combined with oral minoxidil could recover most of this in 1 years.
  8. Nice result but could we get better lightning, different angels and preferable from the top views too?
  9. I can see a norwood 5 patten on your scalp. So yeah they are not straight with you and you are balding. Your temple is gone, the hair is receded and thinning all the way to your crown. Take finasteride and meaby combined it with oral minoxidil iand reassess after 1 year. Without taking medication such as finasteride or Dutasteride you will go bald in 5 years max
  10. This! Have you stabilized your hair loss? It looks like you are heading to norwood 5-6 . Have you tried other stronger medication such as DUT or Oral minoxidil to recover your hair?
  11. I think you will start to sheed really soon since you have started a new regime. And yes i think you have to wait another 6 month to see the effect of it.
  12. Omg your donor looks amazing haha. I would followed Dr. Barghouthi tips
  13. The thing is that Finasteride will preserve your hair and nothing else at most. this is really good since that means you will have this hair in 10+ years and not loose it. You can get the oral minoxidil from other website without prescription. Just send me pm and i will give you some alternative on it
  14. It looks clean. With that new hairline and beard, honestly the buzz cut will also look amazing on you
  15. Oral minoxidil can regrowth a lot of hairs. Have seen people jump a lot of norwoods with that drug. If you want to achieve the norwood 1 without surgery you should take it and give it 6 -7 month
  16. Honestly is bad but not so bad as long you have thick beard and chest hairs. . Since your recepeint is good and perhaps need some grafs to fix the density on your hairline the main consern would be your donor area. maximum 1000-1500 grafs would fix it so no worry. Do consultation with Dr.mwamba and see what he has to say Good luck and update us
  17. why not go to dr. mwaba? @mustang had amazing donor repair with him
  18. Topical is bad. Been using oral now in almost 6 month and really good result with it So i recommend it. But i guess probably you should use DHT blocker such as fin or DUT before the transplant and start with oral after the transplant
  19. I just really hope he do not stop with responding questions and be a active member here. Is really enjoying to have a such good doctor here and answering questions. But yeah he got my vote too
  20. What hair product do you use to make it look fuller?
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