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Everything posted by Ajamilo

  1. What is the difference between dermapen and dermarolling tho? Honestly apart from the big price difference, I do not see the argument for angle and controlling the depth ect should have so much to say objectively
  2. I think this is my last update for now This is the density atm and i am sure it will not get better at all. Been using caps to cover up since it is weird to walk like that in the street with so low density and low survival on the hairline. Honestly it looks just weird and the friends i have shown are telling me the same. I was going to do biposy next week with my main doctor but since i learned that you get scarring from the test and they basically remove a tissue from that part of your head and this case the hairline i passed it. I also sent my pictures to two highly recommended clinics on this site and one of the best and both commented on my skin condition. Also just to point out I never had this skin condition when I did my first surgery in turkey. so blaming that i have vulnerable skin so i get easily scarring on my recepeint is to easy to say without any evidence. I also canceled my appointment with Mwamba. Honestly i dont see any reason to have it and i think i just need peace in my mind and try SMP or something on the hairline in mean while
  3. What was the punch size since you have some curliness in your hair?
  4. Without a doubt eugenix. High norwood and also that is the type of hair Eugenix are expert in.
  5. Yes - It's true that I asked Melvin about it and actually did it for my own reasons. But I have reconsidered it and will continue to provide future updates on the case. I would also like to point out again that this has nothing to do with budget or two-step surgery as far as I know. I dont really know why you keep repeting this after i explained it for you AGAIN MUSTANG or JOSHUA. I think it is obvious to most people the aggressive appearance you have shown in this thread and the repetedly accusation about my private finances and what me and Dr.mwamba talked about. I know for sure how important this case is for you. I do not really have so much to do with your affiliation with this clinic and honestly i dont care either. But i have previously asked you to stay away from my thread and hope you can respect that. There are anyways many other Mwamba threads on this forum you can spam down and do what u usual do. Anyway I was assured by Mwamba during the consultation that this was estimated to be enough to get a good growth and density. This was what i talked with him privatly about. He even said that I had the opportunity to lower my hairline 2.0 cm and we would then implant something with 1880-1990 grafts. And we now know that this calculation would have given the same result anyway. But i am of course happy I stack to 1.5 cm since it was good enough aesthetically. So frankly this is far from good enought. And i am unhappy with the result. If I had had the knowledge that people have shared with my here such as grafts were separated as i see now, I would of course have demanded that he had put 2000 grafts instead of 1300. But i havent talked with him to be honest so when i do my personal consultation in Belgium i can for sure give more info about it I know that my donor is not the best and I actually explained it in the thread. My intention was first to fix it and that was the plan. I even mentioned the case of Joshua to him and he told me that I had a better starting point than him. So according to him i did not need a lot of BHT to make it a lot better. So I should rather make the even so my donor area would give the same density overall. And one can also see it in the picture above when i grow it out. Is a lot better visually than before and off course i thank him for that. This has really bothered me a lot and given me many sleepless nights and i dont feel good about this issue. At the same time, I have things I have to focus on in my private life, such as school, work, etc. so i can change the focus from this thing. For that reason I will only share updates forward and hopes that is okey for the people The main reason for this thread was to updated my journey so if you guys want to discuss pliz do it on another thread
  6. Thank you very much for your answer doctor lol now I feel a lot better to know is only about density issue
  7. you have assumed a lot of me in this thread and you are talking about beeing niceer? I know your agenda and motivation here as usual when it comes to this clinic and honestly i dont want to discuss with you. So I would really appreciated that you dont comment anymore in my thread 👍
  8. I did not decide anything as i wrote in my thread. This is silly honestly where you are trying to assume that the pasient did something wrong here and decided the amount of grafs he is going to get. I went to a doctor who are specialized in this field. Who am I to argue with him when he clearly tells me that, " this should be good enough to get good coverage with a afro hair". so one should ask that question to the doctor. I assume also that a lot of the grafs did not survive and that is worrying too
  9. i have already commented this thing so stop asking it several times
  10. I have to wait i guess until i can go over there bro before the doctor will say anything about the growth or this concerned . I have added more pics. Just want to be sure it is due to low density and not discoloration or cobblestoning on the hairline @DrTBarghouthi
  11. Is over 9 month now and still the same. I buzzed my hair since there was quite a clear difference with the density differences between the hairline (visible gaps and skin) and the hair behind the hairline was a lot more dense and also it was people who pointed it out as well and i was tired of wearing caps all the time. So now i do not quite understand the obvious color difference on my skin. The implanted area is completely white and my skin is not white. Also is clearly difference in colour between the skin behind and the area dr. Mwamba implanted. Is this normal? I have shared my thought anf worries with the clinic and i have to do personal consultation in Belgium before they can say anything. Sadly i dont have the possibilty to go there this month since he is going to be there to the end of the month.
  12. Iknoow, he is a bad surgeon for afro people. But hey it is really difficult to find real cases on the forums beside people who have gone to HOI, Cosmedica or other hair mills. But honestly if you let Dr.Acar do the Incission or pay more money so he can do the surgery i would have gone there in turkey.
  13. this^^ doctors are paying to get recommended here so you should investigate and do research on real patients everywhere. Spanish doctors are one of the best such as Dr.couto and dr.villa
  14. Dr.Diep is bad and honestly i dont see why african people want go to him. I have seen couple of his results on facebook and i feel bad for the afro guys who got tricked by his reputation. I have btw heard that dr.cuto do work with afro hair? is that true?
  15. I guess you have to wait for the blood test but for real, maybe you have vitamin deficiency and that is the reason? When you are tired and have poor sleep rhythm, it will affect everything else in life, as well as horniness to be honest
  16. ohh really i did not know that. so it should have had more grafts than 1300? But like i thought it is 1000 grafts on every cm and with afro hair less generally?
  17. Like i had a virtual consultation with Dr.Mwamba in the 6 month period and told him i was not happy with my growth. So he knows about it and i guess i have to wait to the 12 month before it will be evaluated with the doctor. Regarding the other question. Honestly i dont want to answer questions that seems i want to bash the clinic. The clinic is elite with a elite doctor so yeah. And other thing is that the clinic knows about this thread in this website. and according to one of the staff i have been talking to, they will respond back to the misinformation i have writen in the thread. Honestly when i read trought it again i could have written different the part regarding communication with the clinic. It was not " really really bad" and i guess i wrote it because of frustration. But it was not really good either. And also i have been talking with the reps too so have been communicated with them but it was difficult or almost impossible to reach Dr.Mwamba trought them. Anyway i guess i understand now why people shy away writing thing when thing do not go according to their thought.
  18. Yeah but he will for sure explain it. As I agreed with the woman I spoke to, we will have a closer discussion in approx when i have reached the 10-11 month. Like Dr Mwamba is a nice person. And the same with the other doctor who is working with him, Dr.Ali. The thing is that I have to be objective and truthful when I am writing my experience with the clinic or is it meaningless and misleading everyone. I also told before the operation that I will write about my experience. But you are right that very few or no patients with afro hair post it here. And we know that one can not trust 100% what clinics posts in the public since they are selective in what they choose, so it is best to look at patients. This is also one of the reasons why I wanted to do it. So that I can inspire other afro people to do the same I will update with pics 9 and 10 month.
  19. Bro, your hairline looks really good. You dont need lower than that honestly and with the temple work it will give you a youthness hairline as 37 age. That is nicee hehe.
  20. This hair transplant with Dr Mwamba was on a virgin scalp. So i was not working at all with the previously transplanted area. The thing is that a cm squared takes 50 grafts for the front quarter. That is as dense it can be transplanted in each HT. Any more than that the graft survival rate will drop as each graft fights for blood flow. So 1000 grafs per cm should give a decent density but for sure is a lot of factors involved. Fine hair, thick hair etc. And the thing is that afro hair need less grafts than Caucasians. That is what every surgeon is preaching. Afro hair gives good visual illusion of density. That means in theoretical it needs less than 1000 grafs per cm to give illusion of density. So in theory you need 1500 graphs on a 1.5 cm area to get a visual result. But with a afro hair you need less. I transplanted 1300 graphs on a 1.5 cm and it should have given me completely different result than what I have received so far. What I am interested in is finding out why I got the result I got and what possibly went wrong. The only example I have is from a real patient case here in the forum with African hair, who got the same density problem from the same clinic.
  21. The hairline was lowered 1.5 cm so it was nothing on the area that got transplanted:)
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