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Everything posted by SLA

  1. @Melvin-Moderator, Did Dr. Sethi and Dr. Arika assess your beard viability by you sending photos or just through video? I had a video consult with Dr. Arika and had my beard grown out for several months. When I asked about viability of beard, she said she can't tell at that length, and then asked me the question about how quickly my beard grows.
  2. Anagen phase plays into it as well. I think beard anagen is 2 months- 1 year (1-3 month telogen), while scalp anagen is 2 years-8 years (3 month telogen), so density might wane at times with heavy beard graft use.
  3. My understanding is from under the chin and neck mainly. I think they can and will go by jaw/cheeks if necessary. I always wondered if someone was okay not having a beard and didn't have any discernable scarring how many grafts they could obtain. This video says it all....pay special attention at 2:23 and at 2:39 you can see the results from the OP Rahul who I referenced above.
  4. That's fantastic @EvoXOhio! Looking forward to seeing the results of your SMP density treatments!
  5. Hi @Curious25 1. Generally, according to what I have learned from Eugenix, most men can harvest between 3-4k lifetime from beard without affecting aesthetics of beard. 2. I have heard Dr. Sethi say that they prefer to put beard hair on scalp rather than using it to restock donor- although he said they have done this. Dr. Arika said that beard to scalp tend to be excellent with around 60% of patents, 20% have moderately good results and 10-20% not so good. She attributes the poor results to 'slow growing/patchy' beards. During a consult, she asked what my face looks like 24 hours after a shave. When I told her you can see a little outline of stubble, but not really stubble, she said I probably have 3-4k lifetime beard grafts to use. If you are someone who might not see growth on beard for 3-4 days after a shave then your beard might not be very viable. On the other hand, if you shave in the morning and have to shave again at night because it is getting stubbly, you might have a lot more beard grafts to use. There was a case of a guy named Rahul (case is detailed on this forum), a full blown NW7 with depleted donor in which they used a bit over 1k scalp grafts and something like 9k beard grafts and a couple of thousand from the chest to successfully fill his entire head. I was told that he had such strong and fast growing beard hairs that he had to shave 2x per day. Hope this helps!
  6. Looking awesome @HCH. Now it's just waiting!
  7. Thanks for answering @Zoomsterso sounds as if senior techicians were very involved in extractions and one should not doubt their skillset! As for your touch up...is their any reason for you to hold on to additional grafts just in case finasteride at some point gives out holding the bottom half of your crown? Just looking out for you. Thanks for sharing your journey!
  8. Absolutely fantastic, @Zoomster! The length of your hair is perfect. A couple of question for you... 1. Did any of the senior technicians do extractions during your procedure? Not sure how it was when you were there, however, most of the packages now have senior technicians doing all the 'non-crucial' extractions. 2. How did they assess the viability of your beard hair? Dr. Arika said that in 10-20% beard hair growth is a 'disaster'- I think it usually has something to do with a 'slow growing' beard defined as someone who when they shave, does not see facial hair growth for ~3-4 days later. 3. Are you still planning to go for another procedure later in the year to increase density or are you content? To me, it looks perfect as is. Wishing you continued growth!
  9. From my general research and specifically from the Shapiro study @Melvin-Moderator posted in this thread, it seems as if more and more agree that with advancement in instrumentation over the past 6 years, FUE and FUT are equally as effective in terms of graft survival and transection and can yield the same amount of lifetime grafts, however, the Shapiro study posit that if you combine the 2 techniques over a lifetime of a patient, you can yield more grafts. The Shapiro study says as much as 3k grafts. As for FUE being pushed, it seems to be that you need less staff rather than an entire team of techs= more training, etc.
  10. Yup...lol....and you may not ever need to use beard grafts!
  11. Fantastic @HCH! Thanks for sharing the breakdown. Did they implant into the crown area or just the front? Also, what nationality are you? Being Caucasian myself, I am keeping a close eye on the non-Indian patient results.
  12. Hi @MNIK- Just checking in to see how you are and how things are progressing.
  13. Hi @juanjs84- Just checking in as you are about at the 5 month mark. Your 4 month results look excellent. Any further progress?
  14. Thanks @Melvin-Moderator- You wrote 'March', but am assuming you meant, May, correct?
  15. @HCH How many grafts did they wind up doing?
  16. Congratulations @HCH and @j1mmy! Quite a journey in these times! Looking forward to seeing your progress in the coming months!!!
  17. Very nice results! How did your midscalp and crown come out?
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