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Everything posted by MazAB

  1. Incredible turnaround brother! You look awesome! More importantly congrats on finding that special person in your life. That'll carry you a lot further than any hair transplant could. 😉
  2. Definitely be careful with any oil or ointment directly on the scalp. Ask Eugenix before applying anything. Orally I've been taking: 250 mg of Hyaluronic Acid 12 g of Collagen 3000 mg of Omega 3 fish oil. That will put your scalp and hair in the best position post op. I am taking more supplements to help accelerate early hair growth and have it listed on my thread. Your work from Eugenix looks so clean! Congrats brother!!! https://www.hairreshttps://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/topic/60686-eugenix-nw3-2300-grafts-august-31st-2021-by-dr-arika-bansal-new-delhi/torationnetwork.com/topic/60686-eugenix-nw3-2300-grafts-august-31st-2021-by-dr-arika-bansal-new-delhi/
  3. No better supplement than Hyaluronic acid for dry scalp. As far as shampoo goes this early on I would not recommend anything but Dove or J and J shampoo.
  4. Haha! Dr Sethi messaged me and told me how touched and emotional he was by your kind words, then he forwarded your video to me. Not sure if it's posted on their YouTube channel or anywhere else, but for sure it was kind words, straight from the heart. Everything looked great at all angles. I will also quote @Zoomster I'm over the moon happy for you @kirkland!
  5. Your impeccable work is settling in nicely after only a few days.😉 Looks great! Can't wait to asses the work after the first head wash. You put it so well calling the Eugenix team Dream Givers! That is exactly what they are.
  6. Wow! I just started reading thru your history starting with your initial procedure. Tough road to finally getting here, but rest assured your results will be stellar coming from Eugenix. The crown is typically slow growing, compared to other areas, but only 2 months in I think your doing great! Just stay the course. Patience is a virtue.
  7. Such an inspiring video for anyone that is a high Norwood! I sent the video to a few friends of mine that are completely bald and they have been peppering me with questions about the clinic, calling, texting me all day long! 🤣
  8. @kirklandI could not agree more. They really do operate like one cohesive unit. Dr Pradeep and Dr Arika run a tight ship, but the respect factor they have with all their workers and the admiration the workers have towards them was truly a special thing to witness up close. Where other clinics fall short in my opinion is not have a staff with that degree of dedication and commitment to world class results. They truly do take pride in what they do!
  9. @brownsugar hang in there my friend. I would agree that it doesn't look good at the start, but consider yourself lucky that your taking control of your situation now. There are many members of this community that went back to the same clinic that did them ugly the first time around for the "make good" session. After everything heals and grows, if your results are below your expectations, by no means even consider going back to the same clinic, even if it's a no charge. Keep us informed and post updates on your progress in the coming months ahead.
  10. @kirkland your detailed write is the perfect template for any one that commits to Eugenix and emabarkes on their journey. I'm so happy for you, along with many other valuable members of this community who got their procedures done with Eugenix. Can't wait to see how things progress in the months ahead!
  11. What a beautiful day one! Are they going to fully cover the crown between scalp and beard?
  12. @xpressabhi I would try not to get too hung up on the angles and placement of the grafts at this stage. The direction of the transplanted hairs for the most part are not an accurate representation of the final result. The grafts need to shed and regrow to follow the direction of how the slits were created originally. With that, I'd be very surprised if Dr Arika got the placement and direction of the slits wrong on that side. My right temple point, for example, looks better than my left. I have some hairs that are growing straight out, instead of backward and downward, but I know for a fact that the slits were not created that way, and have seen many examples of other procedures that had initially implanted grafts misdirectionally grow. Once they shed and regrow, then and only then will you get a true representation of the angle it will follow. Otherwise, you look great man! Just be careful with that one larger scab you have. Avoid touching as much as possible and make sure you do you head washes frequently. 1500 grafts, although not much, will go such a long way with how Eugenix performs these procedures. I'll be following you progress closely.
  13. Honestly @Zoomster to have trimmed down to a 0.5 with over 8000 grafts extracted from the back and side, and still more healing to come, you are in such incredible shape moving forward. Most guys are happy if you don't see the FUE scars after shaving down with a #2. Everything is looking great brother! Nothing but roses to the left, to the right, far, and behind! 🌷🌹🥀
  14. @Fight-hair-loss my experience with Eugenix was far better than I could have ever expected. I went for the Premium package and left the clinic with a sense of fulfillment that went well beyond what just a hair transplant could offer. Eugenix documented my experience, and my hope is that it will help ease the concerns of anyone that is on the fence of whether or not they should go with Eugenix. Best of luck in your journey!
  15. Excellent write up! I'll be following your progress! Very nice, clean work done. Would expect nothing less from Eugenix.
  16. Incredible results 2 times over @Gabreille Nelson Mukhia! I wish we had a chance to meet when I was there in August getting my procedure done. Eugenix changed my life!
  17. @kirklandyou are in an incredibly strong position. Mark my words, Eugenix will mint you up brother!
  18. @H.K I went with the Premium Package. I wanted more of Dr Arika's involvement in the whole procedure, but was less interested in highest package to have her do 100% of the implantation. The techs there are highly skilled in implanting as well and I felt very comfortable with them during the procedure. Dr Arika performed the first few hundred extractions, and also implanted the first rows in the hair line.
  19. @Melvin- Moderatorhere are the links to the brands I take: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005KG7EDU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076FH7639/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0013OUPXE/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GB85JR4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 My Daily Dosages: Collagen - 12 grams Hyaluronic Acid - 250 mg MSM - 2 grams - Make sure to take this one earlier in the day as it WILL effect sleep. D3 - 5000 IU
  20. @H.K do you know how many grafts they are estimating? I'm only asking because if it's minimal, then I'd say it's a no brainer to go for the higher packages. Otherwise, based on my recent experience with Eugenix, I felt very comfortable with all the techs. They are extremely seasoned, and I'd make the argument that a handful of them could probably run there own sessions if they needed to. Even with their 120 package, Dr Arika is performing the crucial extractions, so in that process, she is assessing the correct punch size based on your hair caliber and reducing the risk for the techs to get it wrong when they take over. Beyond that, Dr Arika is performing all the slits which is another very risky part of the procedure and the biggest part of the artistry as far as I'm concerned.
  21. @Melvin- Moderator HAHA, thanks Melvin! I wrote more in-depth on my daily regimen in my earlier posts, but to sum it up, I've been taking Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, D3, and MSM since my late 30's. Out of the massive amounts of supplements I take, I believe those ones have help me the most with my hair, skin, muscles, tendons, and joints. At the most basic level, good sleep and reduced sun exposure is a must. Beyond that, incorporating a good plant based diet, HIIT exercise, cold therapy, sauna therapy, as well as intermittent fasting, all contribute quite a bit to the daily anti-aging battle as well.
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