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Everything posted by MazAB

  1. Thanks guys! Sauna after a workout is the best way to go. A few things I forgot to mention. If you don't have access to a sauna, hot baths will produce nearly the same effects as a sauna. They did studies on this and the difference in heat shock proteins produced in a hot bath vs a sauna were negligible. Sauna rose HSP by 50% vs Hot Bath that rose by 45%. Be sure to be fully hydrated going into the sauna, and be sure to replenish electrolytes right after (salt, potassium, magnesium, etc...). Sauna, like exercise, should push the limits of discomfort, so it's important to endure it as long as your body will tolerate it. It should always feel wonderful at the beginning and torturous at the end. I mentioned 25 minutes, but listen to your body and get out sooner if you need to, especially when you first start up with sauna. It's easy to get yourself in trouble since HSP's have not built up and your body will not endure longer sessions, so let your system adjust and raise your duration over time. For Cold Therapy, you don't have to have long sessions at all. I take the coldest shower I can for about 10 minutes. If you're lucky enough to have a gym that has a whole body cryotherapy machine, you could only endure 3 to 4 minutes tops at -140 degrees Celsius. Twice a month, I'll do an ice bath in my tub which is far better than a cold shower, but a little more work involved.
  2. Absolutely, would love to see an update! Hope you are well! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  3. @londonhairlossvictim, @Zoomster I started back up with sauna just yesterday which is roughly 9 weeks post surgery. Could not find much information regarding how long to wait after a HT to start up sauna use, but did find several other clinics that all recommended this it is safe after 5 to 6 weeks, so I added 3 extra weeks for good measure. Four times a week I'm in the sauna for 25 minutes each session on average, and always take cold showers immediately after sauna. After diet and exercise, I believe that sauna, as well as cold therapy are the single most important things you could do for life extension and maintaining a youthful appearance. With sauna, you activate heat shock proteins, which in turn activates a longevity gene called Fox03 which repairs damaged cells in your body, increases growth hormone, collagen production, and many many many more benefits that are too long to list. Cold therapy is another hormetic stressor that works differently then heat stress, but has huge benefits for brain function and mood, post workout recovery, and yes, both hot and cold stressors help with anti-aging of the hair and skin. I'm a huge Dr. Rhonda Patrick fan, and she has a YouTube video that sold me on the concept of incorporating these therapy's into my life. It is absolutely the best 30 minutes you'll spend to understand how these different modalities will help you reverse the clock on aging.
  4. You look great @Strongman! Seeing awesome results on HRN from patients coming to Eugenix was the biggest part of my decision, but JT was also the man that ultimately convinced me that Eugenix consistently produces world class results. Had my procedure 2 months ago with Dr. Arika. The hair expected and results required are just months away brother! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  5. I hear ya @kirkland as far as how the mind will play tricks on you. Last month when the shedding was in full stride for me I kept thinking not enough graphs were implanted into the less dense areas, haha! Not an easy process parting with the closest representation of a final result that you'll see months to come.😅As they say the quicker the shed, the quicker the growth. Everything looks nice and clean and scab free as far as I can tell. Looking good man!
  6. 2 month update: Sorry for the delay in posting. It was a crazy week at work. The pictures were taken back on the 31st, so just at the 2 month mark. Not much to report on, other than I’ve been out and about busy instead of hibernating during my ugly phase due to unavoidable family and business commitments. Interestingly enough though, no one has really noticed much, or if they do, they’re not really saying much😉 Only had 3 guys speak up in my circle, and all 3 were men that are thinning and/or bald, and all 3 were VERY interested in learning the whole process of hair transplantation, HAHA! Now that I’m into month 3, I’ve started back up with Sauna Therapy as well. The extreme heat could be dangerous for the new grafts in the first 4 to 6 weeks, along with the sweat and bacteria in a sauna, so I didn’t want to bring it back into the fold until the majority of the healing was behind me. The main reasons why I use the sauna is the incredible health benefits you get when you activate heat shock proteins in the body. Along with that though, sauna is amazing for the hair and skin as well. It increases blood flow to the skin and scalp allowing for more absorption and delivery of essential nutrients, and boosts the body’s natural ability to produce more collagen. Not sure if it’ll help promote early growth for me, but since it is part of my daily routine anyways, I’m hoping for that added benefit. One thing to note with frequent sauna use is that you have to properly condition your hair, otherwise it can dry it out and cause breakage/split ends if you don’t thoroughly condition either before or after a sauna visit. The shedding stopped at around week 6. Since I’ve been going out quite a bit, I’ve been shaving my head down which has helped make the ugly duck phase less distinguishable. As of recent, I’ve been shaving it down to 0 with a very light touch and that look has been holding up for the most part. Even down to a zero, my friends and family that know I had a hair transplant can’t spot anything wrong or odd with my donor area. The recipient looks a little red still, but because the hair is cut so short, unless under close examination, no one really notices the spotty growth factor. Depending on improvements, I will be trying to grow it out at some point, just not sure if it’s this month or next. One benefit to shaving your head is that there is nothing to look at as far as progress goes which has gotten me to put away the mirror and forget that I had a hair transplant as I’m not tracking the progress day to day at the void of having much of a visual. However, in the pictures I took Sunday, my hair was grown out a little more which has actually helped me to spot new growth 😁. Not sure when that growth started, but obviously limited to very minimal gains at month 2. I included a macro shot where you can see a few very small hairs pushing their way thru. Regardless of the amount, it’s highly encouraging and a sigh of relief to see the beginnings of new growth and to know that the most important part of process has officially begun! Best to all, ~Maz
  7. I gotta say @Zoomster everything looks exactly where it should be at this stage. Even the less dense areas you can't really spot unless your trying hard to zero in on it. What little you notice now will get even better with just a slight improvement in the donor. Personally, I don't see any shock loss in the recipient area at all. Just normal shedding of newly transplanted grafts, so I believe that you are all good brother! 😁 By the way, your transplant looks even better up against the green pastures of Ireland! 😉
  8. I think a hybrid approach of oral and topical finasteride would probably do the trick here. Microdose what you can tolerate for oral, and use topical to fill the gap. Maybe 0.25 mg daily and also apply topical daily. My best friend crushes the finasteride pills, puts in a blender and mixes it with minoxidil. Then applies daily with a dropper, as well as orally taking 0.25mg daily and the sides disappeared. Might be an approach to consider... Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  9. Eugenix does an amazing job with constructing full hairlines. The fact that it's a partial reconstruction with them merging into a native hairline, your results are going to be God given natural my friend! Can't wait to see the updates on this one!
  10. @track_rat no one can make you feel inferior without your consent brother.😉 The minute you decide your content with yourself, you will never need anyone else's approval. To hell with what people think about how your hair looks. Without confidence in yourself, you're twice defeated in the race of life, with it you have won before you even started. You cannot control the outcome of your hair transplant, it is a waiting game so try to focus on other aspects of your life and the growth will come before you know it. Do not let what you cannot control interfere and take full control of you! Trust me dude, coming from Eugenix it'll all fall into place. Keep the faith brother🙏.
  11. Eugenix all the way man! No question that you are the best use case for them. They have countless youtube videos of corrective work on patients with depleted donor. Not sure how thick your beard hair is, but I know they have plenty of experience with chest hair. Although they always make chest hair a last resort they have still used it with fairly good results. You could probably use SMP for the donor area to cover up the overharvested areas and still extract enough scalp hair for the hairline. From there a mix of beard and chest hair for the remaining may do the trick. Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  12. It's all going to even out my friend. Progressing nicely! You could probably get away with hair fibers at this point, or just continue with the diffused thinning look. Can't go wrong either way!😉
  13. You are so far ahead for two months from what I can see. You barely shed at all which is incredible man!
  14. Thank you very much for the support @raik783! I'll be posting my 2 month update early next week.
  15. Forgot to ask, how did that left temple turn out? Side shots would be great if you can post a few more
  16. @Kariminhojust hit the big blue "Following" button at the top of your thread! You are in the most capable, safest of all hands clinic worldwide brother! Would love to see a before picture as something to compare it to prior to your procedure end of year. Would you mind posting a few? Also regarding Finasteride, Dr Arika's advice on 1mg 3x a week is good advice, however many men have a hybrid approach with oral and topical finasteride alternating between the two, but taking at least one form daily. Those same men did not experience any sexual side effect when approaching it this way, and they also ensured that they don't have even minimal Alpha5 Reductase slipping thru their system and causing further miniaturization of the hair. Thing to keep in mind is that Finasteride has a half life of around 7 to 8 hours in your system, so at your young age I'd hate to see your hair slowly thin over the years because of skipping days. Eugenix sells topical Finasteride as well so definitely something to discuss with them. Looking forward to following your journey! Follow my Journey with Eugenix and Dr Arika Bansal!
  17. Not at all to worry, some hairs shed early.
  18. Exactly what I expected it to look like after 2 weeks. Pristine and clean!😁
  19. Dude, it doesn't even look like you got a hair transplant! Crazy man! Have you noticed any shedding yet?
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