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Everything posted by Gatsby

  1. @Faisal Alsubaie you give those tiny FUE scars near the hairline 12 months and you struggle to find them. πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
  2. Dr Laorwong is an excellent choice. Sadly there is no one here in Australia that you should trust. Also Dr Laorwong will be far cheaper. With the questions you have then I would put them to Dr Laorwong if you have a consultation. Take your time researching and wishing you all the best!
  3. And so you should be @keviin. πŸ’―πŸ‘Œ
  4. @acura.tls.44 thing's are going to just take off from here! πŸ‘ŠπŸ’―
  5. Give topical treatment at least six months as a minimum before judging any results (unless you respond early). Really 12 months will show the best results. All the best!
  6. I can't see how your beard is from the pics but if you were to do research I would be looking at doctors who will be able to utilize beard grafts in combination with scalp grafts. Take your time and do lots of research from patient results here with a similar situation to yours. All the best.
  7. @yalla123 you have chosen one of the best in the business. I look forward to following your updates. πŸ’―πŸ‘ŠπŸ»
  8. If topical minoxidil failed have you considered looking into oral minoxidil? It will go through the liver and become systemic. I have had great benefits from oral minoxidil compared to topical. If you found after receiving benefits from finasteride and then felt there was no change then it is still working and has stabalized your hair. If you want to cease the drug for personal reasons then of course yes do that. But it can mean the difference from keeping the hair you have for a long time to losing those gains and then MPB will continue it's genetic course.
  9. For only 4 months post op @mtb these results are something out of this world. 🀩
  10. What's even more amazing is that he is doing this without using stereoscopic microscopes. He has shared his mapping of the scalp which in itself is quite something however he still will not share anymore to the hair transplant industry about his surgical details. He reminds me a little of Dr Ray Woods here in Sydney twenty years ago. The results for Dr Zarev however speak for themselves. πŸ‘Œ
  11. @Giuseppe-HDC as I said from the very beginning this is a great result. Thanks for sharing. πŸ‘Œ
  12. Going by the pics the results look great. Dr Arika has made a video on packing one side of the scalp heavier depending if the patient parts his her a specific way. Excellent economy of grafts used and future grafts maintained. Donor post op looks excellent.
  13. I think oral finasteride and oral minoxidil under the care of a good dermatologist is the best approach. I can’t tell people to take medication if it’s against their beliefs (I’m not a doctor). But even if a person was to develop side effects then cease the medication. Topicals can be an option for some who can’t tolerate oral versions.
  14. @Steeler99 the work looks excellent at this point. I particularly like how the hairline is made asymmetrical as you see in nature. A lot of lesser surgeons can make the hairline straight or symmetrical which gives an unnatural look. Happy growing. πŸ‘Œ
  15. That's a massive difference. It's as though you've had another procedure in the crown. πŸ‘Œ
  16. @Jb185489 the work looks very clean as you would expect from De Freitas. I look forward to following your updates! πŸ‘Œ
  17. @naeshair you have to realize that medication is the first port of call and surgery should be a last resort. If you are able to stabilize your hair loss then that puts you in a great position for surgery. Rarely is surgery a one off experience over the lifespan.
  18. @Den your results have begun to kick in early. I really like how Dr Kesser left your native hair in the midpoint outside of the transplanted area. It gives your results just that extra bit more of naturalness. This is going to be an excellent result. πŸ’―πŸ‘Œ
  19. Addy at only four months this is beginning to take off. The coverage is beginning to look excellent and your natural hair color and waviness gives an incredibly natural appearance. It’s only a matter of time now with the many months ahead of you. πŸ‘ŒπŸ’―
  20. I would definitely recommend FUT for a female. It maintains a female’s natural full density in the rest of her hair. It’s still a case by case decision but FUT has advantages for females.
  21. Your donor looks excellent @Major after two procedures of 9,400 grafts! πŸ‘Œ
  22. Welcome to the forum Pete. DHI is just another form of FUE. As to the blood thinners I hope someone will chime in here from their own experience. If you are researching with hair transplant surgeons it's best to ask them I guess on how to work around this. All the best! πŸ‘
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