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Everything posted by Gatsby

  1. @naeshair you have to realize that medication is the first port of call and surgery should be a last resort. If you are able to stabilize your hair loss then that puts you in a great position for surgery. Rarely is surgery a one off experience over the lifespan.
  2. @Den your results have begun to kick in early. I really like how Dr Kesser left your native hair in the midpoint outside of the transplanted area. It gives your results just that extra bit more of naturalness. This is going to be an excellent result. 💯👌
  3. Addy at only four months this is beginning to take off. The coverage is beginning to look excellent and your natural hair color and waviness gives an incredibly natural appearance. It’s only a matter of time now with the many months ahead of you. 👌💯
  4. I would definitely recommend FUT for a female. It maintains a female’s natural full density in the rest of her hair. It’s still a case by case decision but FUT has advantages for females.
  5. Your donor looks excellent @Major after two procedures of 9,400 grafts! 👌
  6. Welcome to the forum Pete. DHI is just another form of FUE. As to the blood thinners I hope someone will chime in here from their own experience. If you are researching with hair transplant surgeons it's best to ask them I guess on how to work around this. All the best! 👍
  7. @Cooper48 for only five months that's a great result. You have many months still to come. 💯👌
  8. So you're extremely concerned that I said 'Wow a great result' especially since I am a "Valued Contributor" I don't understand how these two aspects are not mutually exclusive? Praising someone's results as seen on a forum and being a "Valued Contributor?" One is a compliment to a patient. The other is something that I didn't create but was asked of me to do for free. So if you have a personal agenda then my personal advice to you would be that you shouldn't get a hair transplant at HDC because you are offended that I said 'Wow what a great result.' Also I'd appreciate it that you don't ride on my coat tails and make your own comments (positive or negative) of a posted result. You'd prefer that I criticized the results? End of story (your story). You want to stay back late tonight? You want to write out 500 times 'Wow what a great result?" If it's anarchy you're after brother you've come to the wrong person.
  9. Look at the first and second photo. Grafts have been placed through the frontal and midscalp area to the back of the vertex. Four thousand grafts were used to cover this area. The hairline work is soft. The donor is managed very well with grafts taken in a very homogeneous pattern to consider any further work and to leave the donor looking as untouched as possible. The original forelock in the picture that you see is only a small, round area. The price for this is obviously not Dr Konior's prices so I have to weigh all of these variables up when I say what I think. What makes you think this is not a good result?
  10. Looking fantastic for only 5 months @LRiv91_. Many months still ahead of you! 👌
  11. @LondonGirl2024 Dr Mani is an excellent surgeon and very ethical. All the best!
  12. Amazing density. Dr Munib Ahmad is a brilliant surgeon. Even at 6 months @Sin69 your hair looks great!
  13. I did a podcast with Harry James (Bald Cafe) and I have the utmost of respect for him and what he's doing. He's approaching baldness like we are but from the other side. There is another side. I remember when I threw away my hair piece and shaved my head. Friends I had known for years and people who I would meet when I told them my age all said that I looked ten years young!!!? I didn't get this at first. But it definitely made shaving a good choice for me (minus the scars).
  14. I wouldn't worry until after the ugly duck stage. That's post 3 months and then I would wait until month six to evaluate where you feel your transplant is heading. But judging a hair transplant before the end of the ugly duck is a misnomer. Keep posting your results on here. In my past two surgeries the transplanted hair (apart from 50% of the beard grafts) had all shed by week 6. It's patience game unfortunately.
  15. @Chemoman give this another 6 months and it will be a home run! For six months and the number of grafts you have got great coverage. Still early days. Keep the updates coming. 👌
  16. @xXFOLICILEDOMINIONXx that hair of yours is starting to really kick in now. Everything about hair transplants is like a game of patience (or in my case snakes and ladders as I begin another ugly duck). Remember slow and steady wins the race at 12 months. 💯 This sounds like something I need next! 😉 All the best! 👌
  17. @Al - formerly BeHappy when we began our hair transplant journey it was at a time when our role models were Kojack and Yul Brynner! Even worse the technology was not just bad but surgically barbaric! The last decade or two has seen the media have male role models like Bruce Willis, The Rock, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, etc. It's often said lately that going bald is now an option. But going bald and buzzing your head is now an option. In our day if we shaved out head when we were young we looked like convicts. Today if you shave your head you need to rock it with wearing a sit. What's in vogue today is not tomorrow. As I have said several times before if it were not for the scars I would have stayed with the shaved head look. I felt confident because it was now a legitimate look.
  18. @Proc if you have the slightest interest in buzzing your head then don’t get a hair transplant. Today a shaved head is very cool 😎 Thirty years ago it wasn’t. You will be saving yourself tens of thousands of bucks, ongoing medication, hair styling products and the hope that you won’t get a bad result no matter which surgeon you choose. You can get on and move forward with your life now if you simply buzz. If it really bothers you in the future you can always have a hair transplant ‘tomorrow.’ All the best!
  19. Dr Mani is an excellent surgeon and this is reflected in your results @N.S.
  20. I would choose Dr Pittella. I had to wait two years due to Covid alone for my surgery and I was already 53 back then. Remember this is for the rest of your life. All the best with whom you choose.
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