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Everything posted by TorontoMan

  1. Yes definitely, everything we have available to us are "treatments" not "cures". You are staving off hair loss and falling from grace slowly rather than rapidly with medications. There is a finasteride study that was done in Asia that showed after 10 years a good number of men on treatment after that many years held on to a good amount of hair, so my assumption is it will do well enough for most men long term.
  2. You will only waste your money, it will not do anything for your hair.
  3. Amazing! Can you please post your experience in this post as well:
  4. Truthfully I've never put much thought into that. My temple points are definitely rounded and a little receded, but it doesn't bother me enough to intervene. Yeah and as you know about me I'm more fixated now in preventing and delaying any potential surgery again because while my result came out great, it did take up a decent amount of grafts to recover the hairline so I'd rather leave more in the tank for in behind the hairline/mid scalp or crown.
  5. I never used CB for more than a week; it was far too expensive and the results weren't convincing enough. I've recently added Xyon's topical dut, so for the time being I've stopped taking RU just to give topical dut an early assessment. Otherwise I applied RU at small dosages, 5-10mg per application (0.05 - 1 %) and went as high as 25mg for a few months last year. The "standard" dosage across anecdotes is 50mg, but maintaining finasteride I didn't see a point in using higher doses of 50+. I purchased prolpyene glycol from amazon, should be fairly available in most places, and then being in Ontario with stringent liquor board monopoly bs, I had to order 96% ethanol from Alberta that took some time to get to me. Anyway if you have the powder, PG and ethanol, its fairly simple to put together. You get to control the amount of vehicle per application doing it yourslef, so I would make each application 1.5 ml so that I can spread the drops evenly across the top. I'm gonna stop there as everything up until now has been my personal experience, dm me if you need anything else
  6. That is not a cowlick, you unfortunately have hair loss.
  7. Dr. Leila Kasari in Toronto is very experienced doing otoplasty, according to their site she has performed thousands and does otoplasty at least twice a week. That's important as most surgeons doing this work do other bigger cosmetic surgeries that make them more money, so doing plenty of surgeries is important imo
  8. Just do it and report back. There are also already threads of people talking about their experiences, use the search bar
  9. Good to know, I also use a hair band to part my hair and then apply it directly to the scalp, so I’ll keep going and hopefully just get better at applying it. Thanks for posting your baseline photos Melvin, it’ll be great to see what it does in the next 4-6 months +
  10. Yeah it’s a bit of a problem, it’s not only not enough product per pump, but like you said there is some also being lost to just being stuck on hair. I think it would have been better if it was press across two pumps and maybe in the future they’d change the dosage
  11. This is an age old, beaten down question and honestly I wish it would stop coming up. The things you mentioned don't work, if they did work you would certainly know more about it and we wouldn't have all these scientific studies, trials and literature concerning medical therapies. The appeal to nature fallacy also makes little sense. When people talk about saw palmetto they like to refer to it as the "natural" way to reduce DHT, if it is reducing dht anyway, why would it matter if it was a plant that does that or a drug created for that reason? You would sill be reducing your DHT levels which is what you need to do if you want to keep your hair. I think the general public have a bad relationship with certain ideas of medication simply because we do not understand them and ideas of doing things the "naturally" don't always come with merit. You will waste your time with the things you mentioned as they are not clinically nor anecdotally proven to do anything for your hair. The reality is the things that are proven to work are medical therapies such as finasteride, dutasteride, minxidil etc. You will have to come to terms with that if you foresee keeping your hair important to you
  12. I would not suggest a hair transplant at all. You should look into SMP or see if you can shave it all and feel comfortable with that.
  13. @sunsurfhair Please post comments related to the Xyon Topical Dut in this thread
  14. I just did my first application of exactly 1 pump and I did it by pouring it onto a small plate first so that I can dab smaller amounts on my fingers and work it into different areas of my scalp. Right away I realize that one pump is definitely not enough of this cream to apply throughout the entire top of my scalp. @Melvin- Moderator wondering if you'll be in contact with Dr. Hasson or anyone from Xyon soon to ask if they have any suggestions for maximizing the application. I'm curious to know if putting into another vehicle would suffice, perhaps something like PG/ETH and give let it dilute and use an applicator with drops on the scalp to get it everywhere more evenly? My immediate thought is that might work against their vehicle which is the whole purpose of this product. I would like to avoid having to use more of the product per application as 2% per application is pretty strong albeit a lower percentage of it going systemic. In any case would be interested to hear what they suggest, maybe some of the patients in the study used more than 1 application?
  15. Cancel, you def did not do enough research if all you did was watch YouTube videos and you’re hearing of negative reviews for the first time. Do not rush on booking another one quickly either. Eat whatever loss you might get with cancelling and better prepare yourself. it’s a small price to pay to delay it now considering this is a life long commitment. If you have any reason to doubt your decision you need to take more time into it. Turkey is the worlds hub for hair transplants, and for that reason it is also the hub for hair mills and butchered results. There are only a handful of doctors who do hair transplants very well, you don’t want to get caught being a repair patient, losing gradts, wasting time money and most importantly your sanity. You are lucky enough now that you found this forum to redirect your course
  16. Less is more with wounding. I would keep the ceiling for the depth to be 1.5mm and I think a good medium is 1-1.25. I think the intention should be to wound the area but avoid damaging or irritating it.
  17. I'm not entirely sure about this, your donor appears to be sparse or the hairs are thing its hard to tell. It also looks like you have red dots on your skin, have you been checked for Psoriasis?
  18. Dang man.. can’t imagine seeing All those men with high hopes and expectations for what they think they’re getting and in a few months it would have been better to shave. Your work looks clean!
  19. Yeah that makes total sense, I will also start at 1x per week and likely build up. Eventually we will get a good sample of guys posting their results and we'll get an idea if we can aggregate what works best for the majority.
  20. Sorry I'm not following. What do you mean by not removing volume form it? If you mean the slits into the recipient, you are creating enough volume for the graft to be placed inside. The same diameter cannot be made for a punch intended to extract a graft because you cannot be that precise without risking a lot of grafts, you are likely to puncture grafts if you don't use a punch with a diameter big enough
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