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Doron Harati

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Everything posted by Doron Harati

  1. Yes, I used pills many years ago but it hurt my libido, the topical has no side effects on me till now.
  2. Hi @Doood25, HDC clinic is also reccomended by this forum, we charge 2.4-2.2 Euros per graft, price includes our free accommodations next to the clinic and a driver. You can check our results here and contact me if interested: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  3. A good skilled surgeon can transplant between natural hair without demolish it if it's thin enough, I am talking from personal experience.
  4. Need more photos of donor area to check it's not diffused, I also think you should grow your hair to get more precise review, additionally you should check if you're suitable for 2 procedures.
  5. It's too early since you have a lot of natural hair which will make the HT result not homogenous, 2-3k grafts will be a huge waste, if you'll lower your hairline it will be very unnatural under your forehead muscle.
  6. You have years to wait to even consider HT, can't see yet reference for a final hairloss pattern, barely can see a "problem", a procedure now will only cause you damages and grief.
  7. Looks normal, I don't think you even need to consider HT.
  8. These are overexposed by lightning photos, can't get clear reference.
  9. You need to contact your clinic regards any post procedure recovery.
  10. It varies between every paitent which hairline is "the best" for him, but all paitents should have hairline above forehead muscle, every 1cm hairline requires around 1000-1200 single grafts, so why waste it unnaturally beneath the forehead muscle? I see many cheap hair mills create unnatural hairlines beneath the muscle hairline, this is what happened to me on my 1st horrific experience by Arenamed clinic in Turkey, they lowered my natural hairline around 2cm from the original hairline and hurt my existing natural hair, I was in some way "lucky" that the transplanted grafts were killed and did not absorb over there, so on my 1st repair at HDC clinic, Dr. Maras had a strategy to make my repaired hairline looks natural and homogenous which I am very happy with, because some paitents with high absorb rate under the hairline can only consider punch out procedure which consists even more risks and complications.
  11. It's unethical to accept paitents under age 24, between age 24-27 it's still very questionable in many cases, above age 28 a clinic can understand the hairloss pattern and donor stability, BUT DO NOT even consider HT at age 20🤚🏻
  12. I had 3 HTs, I was botched badly on my 1st HT by Arenamed clinic in Turkey, no government federal enforcment exist over black market clinics so beware.
  13. I myself was botched by Arenamed a hair mill in Turkey Istanbul, then I had 2 repairs. Overharvesting and big scaring trauma over the donor have several reasons: 1) Punch are were taken too close or even worse like my case punch over punch, usually correct punch made with 5 grafts space most of the times (not always), this is what creating overharvesting to the donor. 2) Punch work was too aggressive, gone too deep with aggressive touch, this is how those clinics do mega sessions in 1 day, usually big sessions take 2 days of surgery. 3) Know this.. there's is chance that some of current grafts you have may survived but also may not be suitable for punch job because the roots under the grafts are deformed from previous aggressive work, as far as I know you can't diagnose these deformed exisiting grafts before the surgery, only when the doctor starting the punch job he'll use magnification glasses to see which grafts may be suitable to use with. * It doesn't mean it's your case but something that has to be considered before surgery
  14. I would focus for the crown, you didn't show measurements so roughly you'll need around 3000+- grafts depending your donor quality and thickness, hairline surgery probably will cause damage to natural hair by these photos.
  15. You'll probably loose more hair, seems you're going to be NW6, back donor have average or less than average quantity, sides donor looks good, will be for sure 2 separated procedures, beard looks so so.
  16. Yes it's normal. I had 3 hts, my 1st horrific experience was done by Arenamed clinic (hair mill) in Turkey Istanbul and then I had 2 repair procedures at HDC clinic by Dr. Maras, both surgeries took 2 days with no issues, the reason for is because the clinic do roughly around 2500 grafts in 1 day, so the job can be done professionally, repair cases like mine can have less grafts in a day due to the repair complicity, so I had 2 days for 2500 grafts. Some cases can even have 3 days surgey if there's a beard grafts procedure. You just need to make sure you don't have medical issues or allergy for local anesthesia.
  17. Finasteride (Propecia pills) is a DHT blocker and Minoxidil (Rogaine) increase the blood flow for the grafts, 2 different meds with different effects that combine them together can help more, every medicine has it's own side effects, Propecia using only will not compensate for not using Rogaine, I met paitents that tried to use Minoxidil from twice to once a day and they confirmed the effect was less.
  18. You can check Dr. Maras and Dr. Christina work here: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= HDC clinic located in Cyprus near to Greece, we charge 2.2- 2.4 Euros per graft, price includes our free accommodations next to the clinic and driver, we got many reviews on this forum, you're welcome to contact me.
  19. If it's genetics with a good donor probably yes for men, women's Alopecia can varies from many reasons besides genetics such as: lack of vitamins, post child births, stress, ect.. which make it harder to determine if the woman is a good candidate, many women have hairloss all over the scalp including the donor meaning there're not good candidates.
  20. Over the years we found out that some paints had slower hair transplant growth due to shrinking blood vessels from smoking.
  21. @sunsurfhairI use formula of HDC clinic, mine is prescribed by a local pharmacist with collaboration with clinic, the clinic is also sell direct from Cyprus. It's 1% Finasteride mixed with 5% Minoxidil.
  22. I only took some painkillers but it's not a must, other than this nothing. The only issue you may consider is an option for Anti-edematous meds, but this usually happens when you wear stripes over your head like in hair mills in Turkey, it's only cause for unnecessary infections because the anesthesia and waters won't drain off naturally. If you healt issues you need to get approval from a doctor.
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