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Doron Harati

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Everything posted by Doron Harati

  1. You can have consultation with HDC clinic in Cyprus, both Dr. Maras and Dr. Christina make the punch and incisions, you can see results in this forum and Instagram link on my signature, you're welcome to contact me.
  2. Once a day 20 drops, 0 1% Finasteride + 0.5% Minoxidil
  3. I think you should wait more and experience more hairloss then get a quote from a clinics, you final hairloss pattern is not defined yet and by this photo it's too early to make a correct strategy.
  4. Yes I have. Many years ago I used to consume Propecia pills then it hurt my libido and I stopped using, after 3 weeks everything became normal. I started to use tropical Finasteride mixed with Minoxidil after I had my top and crown\NW4-5 procedure by Dr. Maras at the end of 2021 l, toll now I have no side effects at all, the formula enhanced my crown and blocked my hairloss over my native hair.
  5. Depending on the quality of the donor, every case should be treated individually with personal care and with not fixed formula. Pro level clinic can estimate max grafts potential without overharvesting the donor.
  6. I had 3 hts, 1 bad horrific experience by Arenamed clinic in Turkey and 2 successful repair procedures at HDC clinic by Dr. Maras, 1st repair focused on frontal area, this is me with a buzzcut 1-2 weeks after having the 2nd repair (focus on NW4-5 zones), I felt comfortable to go out with a buzzcut. Sometimes bad results can look more flattering with more density illusion with a buzzcut, can look more natural than SMP.
  7. Need better pictures of your hairline, comb it backwards. Crown is too early for HT. How old are you?
  8. SMP can assist to low density results, not necessarily for high density HT results. It will be wise you'll have hairline measurements and determine which height is natural and correct for you, we can't understand what is your hairline natural height from the SMP, unlike a tattoo the SMP will fade away. This is example one a paitent we had with SMP that still was on after the final HT result, hope it helps:
  9. You need to grow your hair minimum 2 weeks to get evaluation.
  10. I had 2 repair procedures at HDC clinic by Dr. Maras: - 1st repair procedure was in 4th July 2019 under 42 degree without any issues, I didn't care how much it was hot because the 1st clinic (Arenamed from Turkey) botched me badly and I wanted have the frontal repair ASAP. - 2nd repair procedure on November 2021, same no issues.
  11. Hi gever, take in consideration that the crown is a harder area to gain good coverage density, by your back head photo it seems there's a large area to cover that may require around 3000 grafts, also depending on the quality of your donor that can't be viewed here.
  12. Very good donor, much above the average, additionally your crown doesn't go down, you're an excellent candidate, can get for sure 4500 grafts in 1 session, maybe 5000+ without overharvesting the donor, only our MDs do the surgical parts: punch and incisions. You're welcome to contact me if you intrested to get a consultation and quote from HDC clinic in Cyprus, our MDs surgeons Dr. Maras and Dr. Christina reccomend in this forum for years, our price is 2.4-2.2 Euros per graft, price includes our free accommodations next to the clinic and a driver for the airport, since you're coming far from USA we may contribute to your flights. I had 3 HTs, unfortunately I was scammed by a local agency (and sued them) in my country that took me to a technicians hair mill in Turkey and I got botched badly with horrific experience, luckliy I had 2 successful repair procedures by Dr. Maras himself, you can read on my story here:
  13. It was a resurrection 😉 My transplanted hair wouldn't be so low (5.0 cm) if I would had 1st procedure at HDC clinic. My original youthful hairline was 6.5cm, but Arenamed clinic in Turkey lowered it to 5.0cm without explanation and ruined my hairline terribly, on my 1st repair Dr. Maras explained me that from the first place he wouldn't lowered it than 6.0cm, but he will make the 5.0cm result natural, luckliy 5.0cm is the lowest natural hairline that exists (except Asians with 4.0cm), so no one suspect that I had HT at all thanks to Dr. Maras gentle design. My punch Dietmar is 0.9mm.
  14. Thank you 🙏🏻 The same goes for your hair growth 😉
  15. How old are you? You need to upload also pictures of your donor including the sides head donor, 4000-5000 grafts will cover most of your baldness, a high skilled doctor should also preserve your donor without overharvesting and scaring it.
  16. On my 2 repair procedures (1st failed HT was done by Arenamed clinic in Turkey), Dr. Maras and HDC medical team harvest my sides head donor successfully two times (and I can use it again), because by back neck donor was botched terribly by the 1st clinic, luckliy my donor is strong over there and we don't have hairloss history over the sides no peaks in my family. I'm 40 years old today and the repair results are sustainable, it depends on the quality of the donor, you can read and see photos with punch job of my sides donor here:
  17. Definitely too early for surgery, you can try meds and treatments first. I would wait 3-4 years to have estimation for HT.
  18. I prefer the terms "aggressive hairline" or "conservative" as a concern to make the best use if the donor has limitations, however some candidates have more than enough and choose conservative hairline over aggressive\"NW0" hairline from a personal choice. I don't like to determine for others what is "youthful" or what is a beauty, in consultations we always explain what it takes to gain both results, additionally aggressive can be determine by how much the donor is rich and thick, for instance you can achieve NW0 hairline with 40 hairs per sq cm and some candidates can achieve the same hairline style more aggressively with 50 hairs per sq cm, furthermore in some cases you start place double grafts instead single grafts from the 3rd cm behind the hairline to gain more aggressive bold hairline yet natural. Some grown men at age 40-50 don't have hairloss, but the skin and muscle forehead can change and look bigger so it may look they became NW1 (maybe slightly NW2), but it's a hairloss issue, skin changes over the years, I have experience also with coordinating plastic surgeons, for example if a candidate intrested in a rhinoplasty procedure asking "Will my result will stay forever" I explain that the procedure effect will always stay, but the nose skin and structure will change over the years with our without a surgery.
  19. Never seen NW7 with a great thick healthy donor, NW7 are candidates with DHT and hairloss over the donor, most NW7 are not suitable at all for HT from the start, very few can gain somewhat fair decent result, however there are some few NW6 candidates with strong thick donor.
  20. Yea I'm a huge JRRG and SquareSoft fan. All considerations will be taken in your case during consultation with expectations of your donor's potential. If you're interested, you're welcome to contact me.
  21. In my opinion transplanted hairs give better coverage while it's shaved in many cases or longer hair than 6cm and above in most cases, but you can always try to grow long hair like Cloud from Final Fantasy 7😉
  22. Yes of course, we have some paitents that grow long hair after final result. This patient had 3070 FUE grafts by Dr. Maras
  23. The same paitent also had 3 iprf treatments mainly for the crown every 3 months and using topical Finasteride & Minoxidil formula, post 1 year result of treatments. *All iprf treatments were done by HDC clinic including the topical formula.
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