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Everything posted by Min12

  1. Wow that’s quite red, I’m guessing that’s going to stay like that for around 2 months.
  2. Looks really clean and the write up was informative! just a few questions: - How long did it take for Ferreira to give you a consultation from the point of you contacting the clinic? - Are you going to do the crown as well? - What punch size did Ferreira use because by looking at the images there’s seems to be different sizes used and that could affect scar size.
  3. That’s coming in better than I’ve seen from most people at 4 months!
  4. How long did it take for Bruno Ferreira to get back to you for your consultation? He usually takes ages. Also 3000 grafts looks like way too much, Rolandas another Bruno Ferreira patient only had 3500 done to his frontal 3rd and he barely had any hair there. Whereas you have had is the area. From looking a tons of before and after s over the years it looks like 2000-2400 grafts should be the sweet spot for what your wanting of course however different surgeons will have different estimates.
  5. I mean he does take forever to respond to consultations and does seem to be booked up for months and months ahead of time. Also I’m guessing fast track consultations are taking up his time as well. Since he does pretty much all of the surgery himself which could last 8 hours or even sometimes 2-3 days depending on the case, I’d say give it some time and try to be patient as be should get back.
  6. If he hasn’t mentioned that there is anything wrong then there isn’t any need to get paranoid.
  7. Normally that’s suggested at around day 10 just to make the crusts come off quicker once the grafts have settled. If he has recommended this really recently then It would be best to wait on his response as to why.
  8. I’m guessing the redness has calmed down quite a bit now?
  9. Any updates? 6+ months is usually where the magic starts happening.
  10. Looks really good, is there an image of what your hair looked like right before the surgery as a baseline comparison? also when did he mention you could get back on minoxidil after the surgery?
  11. Is there an image of the donor post extraction from the 2nd surgery?
  12. Looking great so far! how long did it take for Dr Ferreira to get back to you after you sent your initial images? I’ve been waiting ages and still no response…
  13. I’d think twice about getting a 2nd hair transplant at asmed if they couldn’t even get the right density for 5000 GRAFTS, I mean get that into your head 5000. ignore the guys that say “yeah it looks great 😁” just being honest here like the few others, you didn’t get what you spent above the odds in Turkey for and you are CLEARLY aware of it and so is Asmed hence the offer for a revise. this guy had the exact same issue as yourself and was recommended a 2nd op by asmed and it still turned out whack, watch his videos. In Turkey Cinik is well known but his donor work isn’t the best in my opinion, id maybe recommend something like Hair of Istanbul (check their insta for their work) it’s not a clinic which comes up in the forums but I’ve seen the work and seen individual reviews and believe it’s worth checking out. Of course there is also a clinic in turkey which only uses Drs to operate on you as well and they cost around the same as Asmed (despite asmed using technicians to do most of your work).
  14. I’d like to see how the scars would look like with a number one on the sides and back or even a 0.5. you have a similar skin/hair contrast to myself and I also get the same haircut 😄.
  15. Liking the temple peak progress! Did you notice major results at the 2 month mark?
  16. Could you share an image of your donor before the procedure but when you had short hair is possible. That way we could compare the changes of how much patching has happened.
  17. Taking it 3x a week at 1mg as recommended by the hairloss show. Initially took it for a month nearly 2 years ago and noticed sides within a month. I’m on month 2 and no sides. Fin stays in the body tissue for a few days.
  18. There’s having scars which we all know comes with the territory of having an FUE which I mentioned in my previous comment and then there having a patchy moth eaten looking donor, 2 huge different things. Yes I understand different characteristics affect how the donor will look such as skin and hair colour and the contrast as I’ve been looking into this stuff for a while. My main point is that I believe that using a larger punch does obviously cover more surface area leading to a larger scar and if it’s done in the thousands then you get what I mean. No matter what the specific Dr tries to say regarding scarring the punch size is vital, not many people mention this and just go with the flow and then they have the extra headache of even having to do SMP. Imagine not being able to get short back and sides or even a fade because you have really patchy donor. Melving you say that you can see signs of surgery only if you look for it and that’s how it’s meant to be, if it’s moth eaten then it sticks out like a sore thumb . I’ve watched Joe Tillman interview Dr Sethi, when Sethi brought up that he believes that you can extract 50% of the donor without anyone noticing anything Joe immediately stops him telling him he doesn’t believe it’s true, Dr Sethi then just goes along with Joe. So which one is it?? Just to note I’ve seen 1 or 2 donor results from this forum at Eugenix and they seem ok when kept short as the contrast between skin and hair is minor.
  19. There you go. A huge reason for FUE is that your able to keep your hair quite short. Why is it that some clinics such as Asmed, HLC and Pekiner have great donors after thousands of grafts being extracted? Yes there are scars but they are barely visible and well hidden, they don’t wave a magic wand or anything I believe it’s just up to the punch size and how the grafts are extracted. Check the link: https://www.dermhairclinic.com/best-punch-size-fue-hair-restoration/ there have also been a few studies.
  20. I just had a read of your previous thread on eugenix being put up as a IHRP member and someone put up a donor image of a patient with a clearly depleted donor, looking at this patient here it seems that there is obvious patching even with just over 3k grafts taken (with hair grown out). Im wondering if this is due to the size of the punch used since Eugenix have told me over WhatsApp and email that they use 0.95mm for scalp and 0.8 only for beard, I’ve read on this and have seen certain clinics say that they would never go above a 0.8 as it causes more trauma and it clearly covers more surface area when it comes to scarring. Eugenix’s response is that the more tissue around the follicle the better the survival rate which is understandable but I don’t want to risk having patches at the back of my head if I prefer to keep my hair short. I understand people in India tend to keep their hair longer so a larger punch size won’t be noticeable when the hair is kept quite long, but clinics like HLC and Asmed provide results where the donor look barely touched (even when the patient has a fade) and they are extremely focused on the donor preservation. But Eugenix do produce great results, the donor is my main concern before jumping into surgery. Could you speak more on this please.
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