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Posts posted by karatekid

  1. Depp definitely balding. His hair is receding for years, and he was bald at one point



    I saw picture of him without the hat and he almost full bald. I dont know what stuff he does/did, whether hair piece / transplant or whatever, but definitely not genetically lucky. The good part for him is his hair characteristic, he can style it with those hair hanks falling down on his face which adds ALOT to his looks.

    Brad pitt really got it all - he looks great, great hair, and he keeps that look for really long time. It will surprise me if I found out he really had a transplant though.

    But when it comes to hair genetics, I think the goat is jake jillenhall, look at this lucky bastard



    I would bomb a small village in africa to have his hair

    • Haha 1
  2. On 7/30/2020 at 8:39 PM, PizzaWolf said:

    Not from recuperarelpelo. They only have a couple of unfinished cases by Dr. Ferreira, and are pretty hesitant to recommend him until more show up. Do you know of another forum with more of Ferreira's results?

    Really? I remember seeing not a few  finished cases by Ferreira in that forum... cant say for sure anyway, I wasnt that interested in him, was mainly looking for De Freitas cases, he has a lot, and is known in other forums as well -  the german, the italian and more.   I really think he is a better choice.

  3. On 7/21/2020 at 6:47 PM, JohnAC71 said:

    I do wonder what makes Dr Couto so desirable? I have not seen any patient results only clinic results.

    He must have one of the longest waiting lists for Hair Transplants. Does he do all or some of the work ? What’s the tech involvement ? 

    I have seen several Couto's cases (in the spanish forum).  They look very good. Although most of them are small procedures, not huge ones like you see on the videos, and also seeing the results with an average quality picture is not the same as a high resolution video, it wont be that impressive, and sometimes pictures can be misleading, so it's hard to judge

    I think he does most of the work. He operates small amount of grafts per day,  he divides a 4000graft procedure to 4 days (!). It probably also contributes to his long waiting list.

  4. On 7/19/2020 at 7:41 PM, BruceMackenzie said:

    How did you guys manage to see him or get a online consultation so quickly? I the email they sent me they told me they were not doing online consultations at the moment and that I was likely to have to wait at least 3 months for a consultation and over a year after that to see the doc. 

    Ye same for me...

    It's hard to tell though if it is marketing thing, or they legitimately dont have available slots.  I mean, if you are really booked for so long and have so much work, maybe raise the price a bit higher? This is how those stuff work typically I think

  5. 54 minutes ago, Portugal25 said:

    Thats the second time someone registers at HRN to post a before and after result from Bellus Clinic. 

    This seems like another paid representative from one of the thousands Turkish  hairmills. He already posted a before and after thread. 

    Real patients post their results over several months and actively share and discuss their experience over the course of said months.

    @Melvin-Moderator can confirm this happens all the time and 99% of the time it’s paid reps.

    I only trust real patients posting at HRN from the beginning to the end of the growth cycle. 

    lol this can be very funny,  turkish hairmill's advertiser trashing on other turkish hairmills...

  6. 5 hours ago, fabofly said:

    Hey Melvin, take a look at these two guys who went to "cheap" clinics in turkey. Tell me what you think of their results


    How do those 3 examples prove anything?

    No one said there are no good results from cheap clinics. The point is that when you go to cheap clinic you take a risk.  A risk is ok when you buy something like new refrigerator, but when it come to your body and your hair? you need to ask yourself if you are ok with ending with crappy results or even botched transplant.

    • Like 1
  7. On 7/16/2020 at 9:28 PM, BjornBorg said:


    Yeah less than two months until procedure now. I will post a review here.

    I live in Sweden and right now Spain is open again for us. I have close contact with their representative via whatsapp. Her English is very good which is needed cause my Spanish is almost nonexistant. :)

    As for consultation I guess the standard is internet these days, so you won't have much to fear. I only went down there because I wanted to get a feel for the clinic. And I was convinced, it is very professional.

    Great, happy to hear all that.   Wishing you good luck with the procedure 🤞

    • Like 1
  8. Im sorry to say but as I suspected, it seems that H&W's FUE is still not at the same level as their FUT. I have been researching for my coming procedure long time and Hasson was actually my top choice but for FUT. I contacted him, and after he offered me only FUE, I passed on it since there are better options for FUE.   I see I wasnt wrong as I read here 2 cases of relatively poor results, added up to several other cases of their FUE.

    Im not saying this to degrade nobody and I wish you will end up with great results eventually. But I do need to say my opinion, that based on my observation, so people can take it into consideration.

  9. @Adam87 Happy to see you are happy with the results, and wish you to get well soon.

    I consider having a transplant soon with him, I always go back and force between Feriduni and De Freitas.

    The corona thing definitely making things harder, I had a consultation date with de freitas which got postponed, and seems like the  next one going to be postpone again since europe block travels from my country...

    @BjornBorg  I will be happy to hear some details about your appointment with Freitas - where do you live? you have no problem going to spain? you speak spanish? Would you say it's ok to set a procedure without frontal consultation with him?  I want to get the procedure done really soon, but the pandemic just delay everything...

  10. Lol, this is actually funny because I can remember the exact (cursed) day it happened.

    It was 10 years ago when I was 20 and served at the army. I have always been very concern about my look (which later I figured was bdd), but overall I was complete with it. I also never before even thought about hairloss.  People say you dont notice you losing hair until the situation already really bad. This is definitely not my case.

    One day I wake up and look at the mirror, and I see that the frontal hair (my hair was brushed forward, kind of 'pony') is longer than I remembered. I thought to myself "how it got longer suddenly? weird.."  and just before I was about to brush it off and keep on with my day, I took one more second and that it hit me like a brick in the face - the frontal hair is not longer, it is the sides that went backward, and it make it look like this. In this moment all hell broke lose,  I completely freaked out, start read about it and looking for help, but very fast you understand there are no magics, this fight is brutal.

    From that point my whole life was just around this problem that never ending and just getting worse. My hairloss progress quite slow but still with every cm I lost in my hairline, my depression jumps up, it really consumed my whole 20s. I could never accept being bald, never.

    I guess it is kinda similar to your story. Im happy to hear it end well for you, I hope to get there soon with my upcoming HT.

  11. 28 minutes ago, Taken4Granted said:


    I don’t know the European surgeons very well, and I’m sure there are really good ones out there, but it’s hard to see how you could do better than Konior. Trust me, that quality has to be rare in any part of the world. If you have a wish list of 5+ in Europe, he’s easily as good as if not better than most of them.

    Sorry but I really dont see it. I know people here praise him, but simply by looking at his patient posted cases I dont see anything spectacular.

    I wanted to say that I appraciate any advice and take it into consideration. I learn alot due to the people here in the forum. but if I see stuff that contradict it I cant go against my basic judgement and intuition. Bottom line I look at a picture and see if it is better than others or not.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Doron Harati said:

    @karatekid you were rejected? hmm...

    Are you Norwood 6-7 with baldness in the donor area?

    Thank god no, lol. It was actually the opposite, I wasnt balding enough. Basically He said that my frontal hairline was too low to have a transplant. It was 2 years ago, my hairloss progressed since, I think now Im about nw2.5 or 3. my front did recede a bit but I guess not alot, the problem is more the temples recession. But I do want to lower the hairline a bit.

  13. On 6/23/2020 at 7:42 PM, Melvin-Moderator said:

    Have you consulted with other doctors? Let’s say Konior, Hasson and Wong, Bisanga, to name a few. There’s definitely other surgeons worth consulting with, whom have a longer track record than some of the names on your list. 

    Yes, believe me, I did a long research and definitely didnt rush into it.

    I had frontal consultation with Bisanga, Lupanzula, and now Feriduni. I also actually had frontal consultation with  Dr.Maras (and he rejected me,  but it was 2 years ago, my hairloss progressed since)

    I had online assessment with lots of clinics -  with Hasson and Wong, which suggested me only FUE. I know them especially for their FUT work, but if I they offer me me only FUE (for some reasons didnt quite understand) than I have better choices which are closer to me (I live in middle east so US and canada is big disadvantage for me), cheaper and even better.

    Also got online assessments from  Keser, Lorenzo,  Rahal, Pekiner and maybe 1 or 2 more.

    About konior,  as I said, US is a bit too far for me, and although I would go if I though it is worth the long travel,  but from my reviews, those doctors seem like better choice.

  14. @Portugal25 Thanks for the advice, and I know you usually suggest Dr.Freirra, but according to my long, extensive research, I found that those 3 are the best, at least for my case. BF is good but still not as good as De Freitas in my opinion. I understand he is cheaper but as I said my main consideration is quality.

    Anyway I wanted to ask you, since you usually recommend the spanish doctors (I actually start researching them thanks to you), what do you think about the saying that the spanish doctors show great result because of the type of hair of spaniard people? I can say I looked at a lot of results, but Im not an expert and cant really tell which of them are spanish clients and which are not, and cant even always see some common hair characteristics of all those cases. I have consultation soon with de freitas and just wondering if I can expect the same (or close) to the superb results I see in the various forums (not only the spanish forum).  Or should I just go with my 'safe choice' which is Dr.Feriduni for me.

    A second thing, about Pekiner. Im not sure I understood correctly. When you say he aborts surgeries, do you mean he might abort MID-PROCEDURE? like in the middle of the grafting??  which means that even examination of the hair before procedure doesnt even guarantee he will do the surgery? if this is the case it is horrible, and that means that even frontal consultation wont help.  I think we need to be sure of that, can someone tag Pekiner's advisor here to confirm? It's important to understand if the doctor only require frontal consultation, which is completely ok I think, or he can abort mid surgery, which is a total different thing.


  15. 11 hours ago, Portugal25 said:

    @karatekid you should know that Pekiner aborts surgeries if he finds miniaturized hairs. He did that to Duchaine and one of my best friends. He does achieve great results though.

    My friend after being rejected by Dr. Pekiner went to @Dr. Bruno Ferreira because he works with Dr. Lorenzo that is the foremost authority in DUPA (worst than miniaturized hair) and one of the best FUE Docs in the world. My friend had 3210 to the front last month and has one of the cleanest and most optimized donor area I have ever seen (much like @Rolandas that also went to Dr. BF).
    Dr. BF has his own clinic in Porto where he charges 2.5€/graft and uses the same technique as Dr. De Freitas and Dr. Couto.

    I advise you to request a diagnosis to Dr. BF. 

    Your other two options are very very good so no way to go wrong.

    Ok, so if I plan to go with Pekiner I must have frontal consultation first, good point.   And thanks for the advices!

  16. On 6/15/2020 at 7:18 PM, LaserCap said:

    It is imperative to have an in-person consultation with a hair restoration expert for a number of reasons.  The first being for your protection and that of the doctor.  Imagine, a patient arrives with a self immune system, moves forward with a procedure and eventually nothing grows.  Who is at fault? 

    During the first meeting a lot happens.  First you get to meet and measure the MD. Do you like him? Does he seem to know what he's talking about? Does he seem concerned about you and asks you what your goals are?  Can he meet those goals? Are your goals reasonable? What about your scalp?

    Does the doctor get in there and really look at the donor? Do you have a rash of some kind? Does he determine the caliber of your hair? Does he draw in a hairline and discuss final placement with you? How about the staff?

    Even the place is important.  Is it clean and plush? Do you have a private room? Will they provide lunch?

    Research is important.  Doing a few consultations is part of that research.  And you might learn a thing or two no one else touched on.



    Well as I said I did have one consultation (with Feriduni) so I do have an idea what to expect and according to him I am great candidate, just wanted to know if I should have one with the other doctors before I choose one. But I guess you are right. I just had hard time to decide since this is really spending money just on a visit, plus the delay of the procedure, but I think in bottom line, it will be not smart move just to show up first time at a clinic for a big procedure.


    3 hours ago, Melvin-Moderator said:

    One of the surgeons on your list is known for aborting procedures, despite getting a flight and accommodations. An in person consultation in my opinion is a HUGE plus. Dr. Feriduni is an excellent choice, and some members can give you a little more detail about him like @Gasthoerer

    Well, you cant just say this and not telling me who is he :) . maybe in PM if not here. Im interested to know.

    Yes I know Feriduni is great choice, and I actually did have a long discussion with Gasthoerer and we talked about him. But as you know every doctor has his pros and cons, so I have to take everything into consideration in order to make the best decision possible.

  17. Hey again guys.

    after few posts here and long research, I ended up with 3 final options to my coming procedure - Feriduni, De Freitas and Pekiner. I was ready to have frontal consultation with 3 of them, but then corona came and shit on all my plans, so I only had consultation with Feriduni.

    I really need to get the procedure done soon, so I wonder, how bad is it to set a procedure without having frontal consultation first? of course I do the online estimation but still it doesnt feel right to go for such a big, life changing procedure without meeting the doctor and stuff first, especially when there is a language barrier ( with Dr Freitas) which I wanted to know how the communication works. Is a frontal consultation something you would pass on? Im having hard time to decide since Im torn between the need to have a good procedure to having it done soon as possible.



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