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Posts posted by karatekid

  1. Congratulation! results look great. You have hair characteristics similar to mine I see, kinda wavy,  Dont you style your hair somehow? I usually straighten it and use some hair cream.

    Im very interested to see more photos as well when you get them, hairline, scar, etc.

    Anyway, you look like a different person for sure, good to hear you are happy.

  2. This is a great forum and been the greatest help to me in the journy to hair transplant. Dont listen to negative people.

    Also, sorry I bring it up here, but since we are talking about the pandemic - I havent been in this forum since this all pandemic crap started and totally shitted on all my plans towards transplants (which I really wanted to get soon as possible), I got consultations cancelled, flight cancelled, and everything on hold. I didnt see a real talk here about it, what do you guys do? how you progress with your transplant plans? Do clinics already schedule dates? no one knows when there will be flights again and it's all uncertainty. I wonder if I should take advantage and schedule with clinic that usually have long waiting list (like Dr De Freitas which I considered) and got their all schedule rearranged now, but I have no idea when I will be able to book a flight.

  3. 6 hours ago, JayLDD said:

    There's no law against lying to your hair transplant doctor. If you don't have hairloss but want to change your hairline, finding that your doctor of choice won't operate unless you take finasteride just tell him you're taking finasteride.

    In saying that, do you have photos of what your hair looks like after the transplant with Keser? 

    I mean Jesus Christ, you're way over-complicating things. Don't argue the point, say you'll take it and beyond that its your responsibility to do what you want. The logic is that he wants to maximise the appearance of his results and get patients who don't own thinking caps out of his clinic to avoid any patients with illogical expectations. Your outlook sounds reasonable, your response to their clinic however was very silly.

    I dont agree at all, I dont think lying to the doctor is a good idea. Also I dont understand why is his reply silly? if he doesnt experience hairloss but only has high hairline from birth, he should just say it. I honestly dont know why the doctor insist about meds in this case tho.

  4. 2 hours ago, Abi28 said:

    Spain announced a lockdown, most countries are doing the same because the virus is spreading fast, I would not travel during this time, best of luck.

    Ye I just heard that, but it means that residents cant get out of the house, does this mean no tourists can get in either? I understand it is a really bad time, but man, I really want to get over with this, and also, the flights are so cheap right now 😛 .....

  5. 2 hours ago, Abi28 said:

    This is interesting, a friend of mine sent me this clip, it's for a movie called Contagion for Matt Damon, it was released in 2011, it exactly describes what's happening right now. 


    Funny, I just watched this movie few months ago, it was pretty good to be honest. Anyway I really thought about that movie when the corona virus started, there are some similar elements in the movie and the stuff that happen now.

    Anyway,  @BeHappy I dont think it's the media, and it sounds weird to me that people say that, I know that media say alot of shit, but the facts are that the chinese government did some serious steps to fight this virus, basically paralyzing the economy. I dont think the chinese government really care what the media say. And same goes for other countries that made some regulation which also harm the economy.  I dont know the numbers but Im sure the virus is of high risk to the population, higher than standard flu.

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Abi28 said:

    I was talking about the fact that you said no virus will stop you from getting a hair transplant, traveling is not safe right now, the numbers of people infected doubled from 500 to 1000 in 1 day in spain, and 200 new cases were discovered in Madrid in 1 day, Italy shutdown the whole country right now, other countries are probably going to do the same because it's spreading like wildfire, so imagine if the number of cases went from 500 to 1000 in day, this has the potential to go to 10000 in a few days, spain could easily do the same as italy and shutdown everything, at the end of the day it's your choice but I am just letting you know that this is serious.

    As I said, I understand, but dont care about it, Im young, Im healthy, the virus doesnt concern me. Besides, the virus exists also in my country, so what does it matter actually

    About Spain closing itself anytime soon - ye that will a problem, I hope it wont happen

  7. 10 hours ago, Abi28 said:

    When it comes to your health you have to do your own research and not rely on others..

    ''The number of cases jumped to 999 on Monday from 589 on March 8, the health ministry said. Some 26 people have died as a result of the virus, ABC reported."


    What you talking about, I dont care about the virus, when I said problems, I meant 1) that the clinic itself is ok with having patients abroad, and 2) that there are no regulation by the government

  8. I just had a consultation a week ago, and have another one in spain in  a month. I myself dont care about the virus, but the problems are that firss my country require solitary confinement when coming back from those countries, and also I dont know what are the regulations in spain right now and whether it will change. Also the clinic just contacted me and said they need to talk to me, I hope they wont cancel the appointment...

    Anyway, ye it's a problem right now...  I just hope that until my procedure appointment it will be over

  9. On 2/22/2020 at 5:31 AM, BeHappy said:

    This is totally ridiculous. So a hair transplant is not covered for a man and it's not covered for a woman because it's cosmetic, but it's covered for a man who wants to be a woman because then it's necessary ????

    This is one reason why insurance in the USA is so expensive. Because it's not insurance. Insurance is meant to protect you from unforseen things that may happen, not for things that you consciously choose to do to yourself. That is not insurance to decide to have a procedure done and have others pay for it. This goes for drug users and alcoholics as well. This is a choice. There should not be any insurance covering these things.



    agreed 100%

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, enigmatic936 said:

    Interesting for sure, definitely something to consider. I will add that I've seen patient accounts of "botched" procedures on Hasson & Wong's side as well just to be fair. I don't think any surgeon is going to have a 100% satisfaction rate given the nature of this work. 


    Home1212 Thanks for the account! Real stories like yours are invaluable to patients like me. Much appreciated!

    botched procedure from H&W? where did you see that? No I dont think it is acceptable, there is a difference between bad results and botched procedure, clinic of H&W levels shouldnt have botched procedures.  And even if it somehow happened, I would expect the clinic to handle it correctly and try to fix it or at least full return of the money.

  11. 1 hour ago, MachoVato said:

    I'm scheduled with Keser in April. I'm doing about 2,000 grafts over 4 days. I selected him because of this. He's known for density with fewer grafts (other clinics quoted up to 3,500). My number one requirement is a natural hairline and Keser's hairlines are brilliant. The fact that he only does 500-700 grafts per day, does the whole procedure himself, and only one patient per day... that sold me!  


    For the OP, you don't need many grafts for your hairline. I'd recommend Keser and HLC (also Ankara, Turkey). But I also think you shouldn't touch your crown yet. Wait until later, save your donor area.

    man, sitting 4 whole days on the surgery chair sounds unpleasant...

  12. 20 minutes ago, Cristero said:

    Can I ask you guys your opinion on Demirsoy? Some of his results are impressive:


    And he charges the half of the surgeons I contacted until now.

    Bro if you did enough research you should know that you shouldnt put much weight on clinic posted results, but instead reviewing lots of clients testimonies. it's easy to cherry-pick/edit/lie with those cases that the clinic published.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 10 hours ago, Cristero said:

    Wow. I know his work from the spanish forum but never looked at his youtube channel, the results there are literally natural density, just amazing. how those spanish/portuguese doctors achieve such natural density results? I find it hard to believe it's just because of the hair nature of the ethnic people there.

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