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Posts posted by karatekid

  1. (response to deleted comment)

    First I didnt talk about this forum but research in general. I research in lots of hairloss sites and forums and didnt encounter this name once (or at least not in a way that would be rememberable), so even if some forums are kinda biased, you still can have some general sense for which doctor you should consider,  because there is a consensus about the best doctors across all.

    Second this site seem credible since I see here bad reviews of recommended doctors, and didnt see much bashing on other doctors.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Portugal25 said:

    @karatekid that’s exactly what I tought!
    He must be very confident he will get  great result if he is giving a discount to be able ton post my pictures. 
    I was approached by the clinic representative to clarify that what I agree to was to allow them to use my HT pictures including updates.
    I tough they were asking me to post (without obligation just as a favor) but in fact they just want authorization to use my pictures on their website and the Italian forum. 
    Lets see if I do send them anything because I signed no contract so they might end up having to copy paste my updated pictures from HRN lol

    Ok I guess this is completely fine since there is a clinic-posted-results section in every forum

  3. This whole thing sounds strange to me. On one hand, I dont see anything so wrong with paying a patient to post - as long as the patient completely honest and transparent, showing the results exactly as they are. And on the other hand why would the doctor pay the patient without even waiting for the results? he must be very confident in his work to expect great results from every client, since I guess he wouldnt be glad to pay for review that ends up bad (which can happen to any doctor).

    This was not to criticize or support any side here , just to express my thoughts.

    • Like 3
  4. You get difference answers because it's just estimations, nobody really knows how your hairloss progress exactly.  It's good you want to have precise plan, but eventually you taking risks. Just consider all the assessments you get, and think if you willing to take the risk you will end up in the bad scenario. Sorry cant help more than that...

    But if you ask me, I would tend toward having a transplant, for 2 reasons: first, I think that some hair almost always better than bald. I think bald head is the worst option and should be avoided, if you can get some minimum hair coverage you can work with it (toppiks etc).   Second,  although it's smart to plan for future, I dont think that is the ultimate goal, you need to think about how it will effect your life now, and in the near future, not only about how you end up in 30 years, if anything I think your younger years should be more important, and who knows what will happen in the future.

    • Like 1
  5. Hi @Jamba how your research progressing?

    Im kinda at the same point as you, you actually brought up some points I think about too.

    as the surgeon part - I think it's best if he does at least the extractions and incisions.

    Im going to have frontal consultation soon with Dr.Feriduni. I will just ask the common questions like what is the density that can be achieved, how much can my donor supply, hair thickness, hair per graft, and also if is it better to have FUT over FUE.

    About the other questions like experience of techs, number of patients a day etc - I have to say that I feel a little uncomfortable to ask those kind of questions lol :) I understand it's important to know those stuff, but it feel like I question the doctor's professionalism. What you guys think? Did you have some bad response from a doctor when you asked questions that might seem a little 'invasive'?

  6. 17 minutes ago, CosmoKramer said:

    My logic is perfectly fine, I question yours...why are you commenting on a thread criticizing others for commenting, who are you the comment police???...that’s lame and hypocritically hilarious, who forced you to read this thread and get annoyed and make a comment there genius?? Lmao!!

    You were given an answer by the doctor on your thread of wanting an FUT but didn’t accept it and asked for opinions and comments, and you talked about a video of your donor but you don’t post it...but still want opinions, that’s ridiculous.

    I partly agree with the rest of your dribble, yes, if someone knows the pros and cons and are given reasonable advice and they still go forward then they have to accept the consequences.

    Sorry, still no sense. I didnt "didn’t accept" the answer, I didn't understand it (because it is really unclear, the fact that other knowledgable members here werent sure support it). And yes also I was frutstrated and just kinda vent, but if you read it again you will see that it's not about acceptance. so that's one.

    And yes I talked about a video of scalp laxity, I didnt post it to keep myself annonymous. I understand this might be easier for other to make more informed comment if I posted it, but still choose to keep my face annonymous. People can still have opinions, relying on other facts and experience, and second I posted the exact doctor response, and this was the point eventually. Please I want to know what is so ridiculous about that?

    Anyway, although your comments dont make real sense, I dont think it's because you are illogical as a person, but because you just getting emotional and triggered by some innocent comment I made, as I can see from your first lines here.  Im not a police, I just read this thread, and this was my opinion (as I explained it)  and I wrote it in short comment, I didnt blame people or throwed insults.  There was no problem if you just said "Ye he insists but I think we need to try harder to change his mind for his own good".  But you had the urge to try to make it about me rather than solely about my comment, so you push here my thread which is has nothing to do, no similarities. and you call me hypocrite which also makes no sense.

  7. 31 minutes ago, CosmoKramer said:

    No ones arguing...everyone’s just giving advice.

    The same can be said of you on why you kept pushing on asking others opinions on the reasoning of why a doctor turned you down on the FUT, the doctor gave you his answer but you kept asking. That’s fine but don’t point fingers it looks hypocritical.

    lmao you seriuos? you make zero sense, there is absolutly nothing to compare here. I ask a question and want to get answer and people opinions, I dont reject or dismiss them, I accept them if they make sense to me, and if not I ask for clarify or further explanation. the doctor gave me answer but it wasnt clear, I ask how people here understand this. I got answer and didnt kept asking, I said 'ok it might be' and that's it. its just simple discussion.   In this case, this guy KNOWS those cheap hair mills are highly not recommended (even before he open the thread), also everybody tells him here he can get really bad results, but he says he understands this and still choose to do it. which by the way I dont think it is necesserily bad, if someone takes all factors into consideration and make a choice while knowing all risks then it's perfectly fine.

    There is a big difference between informing someone with new knowledge, to just keep telling them the same thing with a hope it will sink somewhen and change his mind.

    You need to work on your logic because it sound like it's very low by this comment. I suggest you read again my thread and this one and find the differences.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Portugal25 said:

    @karatekid again I say we are comparing apples and oranges because Demirsoy does not do the whole surgery nor does he implant using stick&place. Dr. Pekiner is in a different league.

    Dr. Pekiner uses a microscope while extracting the grafts so he can better chose the grafts he needs for the area he is implanting (thin singles for the front and thick triples/quadruples for the crown).

    Thanks for the info!

    But first my intention wasnt really to compare, just to know. And if anything, I thought about comparing it to Keser, since it was previously discussed in this thread that Keser doesnt use microscope.

  9. 1 hour ago, Egy said:

    @karatekid I forgot to say that in addition to haste and ignorance in the matter of transplants, the fact of attending unethical forums such as HRN, where bad reports are canceled by administrators and moderators corrupt under the generous remuneration offered, can contribute to wrong hands  from the clinics to do this.  Likely that on the forums I attended before there were reports of patients operated on in the clinic where I was but then they were canceled and I could not see them, and who knows how many others like me.

    Yes sure even when you do research some of it can based on bias information, but at least you increase your chances, the more thorough you are. I understand your situation and sorry for it. But in the case of that guy it was zero research, as he stated.

    By the way I think you miss typed there since you wrote "unethical forums such as HRN", I know it wasnt your intention but it can misslead readers

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, BeHappy said:

    What I think he is trying to tell you ( although he didn't explain it very well), is since you only need a smaller size session in the frontal hairline area, it may be better to do FUE because he can get as many single hair grafts as needed for the hairline with FUE because he can pick which grafts to use and also FUE grafts are usually thinner (less bulky as they have less fleshy meat on them), so he can pack them tighter together to get you more grafts per square cm and thus more density. If you had a large area to cover then FUT would be better as he can get a lot  more grafts from FUT and since he would be doing a large strip there would certainly be enough singles for the hairline, so he wouldn't have to worry about getting enough of them or trying to split some doubles to get enough singles.


    Ok, make sense... But honestly I prefer him to do FUT and split doubles if needed rather than FUE. I asked them FUT for a reason.


    23 minutes ago, 1978matt said:

    Are you sure you are actually corresponding with the doc himself?  I say this as a couple of years ago someone forwarded me emails from a H&W rep who was being very pushy to get someone to book.  I do wonder if they are on a percentage commission or something.

    If you have a video showing laxity then maybe get some second and third opinions elsewhere.  Gabel, Shapiro Medical Group, Cooley for example.

    Ye bro for sure, this is the assistant manager. She sent me the initial assessment and the answers for my previous questions, it was detailed and informative explanation that written by the doctor. But for this response I guess the doctor just told her what to write and something just got 'lost in translation' I guess...

    Anyway, ye  I have frontal consultation with Feriduni The Great in 2 weeks. I hope to get good news and hopefully just set up the procedure with him

  11. Dude this is hell of a shitty HT experience bro, but Im glad it worked out fine.

    I have to say I find it really strange how can some people just go and do this surgery without researching it thoroughly. This is serious surgery that effect your whole appearance for your whole life.  Im here doing extensive research for months, flying all the way to different countries JUST for frontal consultations,  racking my brain all day, and people just go and do it like they go to the supermarket.

    I understand you learned your lesson and it's definitely not to criticize you, Im just talking in general, because I know that lots of people do this.

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