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Everything posted by duchaine

  1. Quick update. i had about 10 white hairs on my chest. this morning i saw they are completely disappeared!
  2. I studied all the papers on this topic. all the studies used dr 1 time every 7/10 days. Having dr more frequently can he better? Can be worse? Who knows?
  3. Too much, my friend! dr is based on gas theory. If you use it too much, it can br harmful
  4. I am using oral. 3,75 mg per day. hairs color: i do not have any white hair on my head. I had something like 50 white hairs in my beard. Now I’ve less white hair and the ones that I’ve are “less white” hair tickness: i have very short hair at the moment but i can say hair thickness has improved. hair density: same
  5. I think this kind of question doesn’t deserve an aswer.
  6. the best think I can tell is: search on this board and look asmed latest results. Many of them let me disappointed. IMHO, sometimes, the best think we can do is...doing nothing.
  7. Thanks @Portugal25 I do not have any news from your country. What about you, there?
  8. EVERYTHING IS CLOSED HERE! Anyway, we need to survive: so we stay in line for food and medicine. We stay in line outside the stores, 1 mt apart each other. We do not go to the restaurant because sharing the "air" with other people can be dangerous. We do not go to dance because we can't stay close each other. We do not have a cruise because sharing is a boat is like having a virus colture. It is quite easy to understand. We are trying to reduce to the minimum possibile every "useless" kind of personal interaction not because we are trying to punish ourselves but because it is the only rational way to act. You can't see if a person is sick or not for 14 days. But, during the 14 days, every person can infect many other people.
  9. Ok, tell me your secrets, bitch! (I’m not as kind as melvin!) lol do you have any facial treatment like botox/fillers/laser for your skin?
  10. Please, show aome respect. i knew people (friends and of mine) that have in been hospital for more than 10 days. They are sedated and breath because a machine allow them to breath. I do not know if I’ll see them again. thwy are my age (40). Healthy guys that are fighting for thwie lives. my friend’s dad died this morning. another woman i knew died 3 days ago. and where i live is not the worst place to stay (northern Italy is worst). if i tell you it is not mass hysteria, it is because I’m personally living this hell. @CosmoKramer
  11. It is not mass hysteria. people are dying. the hospitals are collapsing. the doctors are getting sick. there is no wat to take care of everybody.
  12. @Melvin-Moderator it is a scary situation. Everything is closed, the laws change every other day, the number of sick people increases day by day and our sick/dead people is worst than China's because Italian are older. We can't travel. We are not allowed to go to the airport and, in case, many countries, like turkey, closed their doors too italians.
  13. All of us suffer ANDRO-GENIC alopecia. As the same word suggests, the androgens cause alopecia if your genes are predisposed for hair loss. That said, do exogenus androgens cause hair loss? we need to distinguish: 1) super high androgens in the body will cause some hair loss. The hair loss will be more or less aggressive according to our genetic. 2) TRT (please, read this very carefully) Have you ever noticed that old man with low test start to lose hairs? The thing was really strange to me, so I tried to find some researches on this topic. I didn't find a lot but a found an interesting study that supposed that, because low test and high aromatase activity (i.e. high estrogens), the body increases 5AR activity to compensate the loss in testosterone and the increase in estrogen. The study concluded that this could lead to SENILE HAIR LOSS. That said, if this is true, we can suppose that low test can lead to hair loss as well as high test because both lead to high DHT. Thus, TRT can improve hair quality. Some days ago I watched a video by Kevin Mann on youtube (if you do not know who he is, look for him). He is very passionated in bodybuilding and hair loss and he reported that some bald guys he knew regrowth their hairs on TRT. quite interesting, uh?!
  14. an hair follicle is 3-5mm long. So, 1,5mm should not damage the follicles.
  15. use medication for 12-18 months and see what happens! IMHO, fina alone is not enough. You need to understand that "hair loss is amultifactorial phenomenon thus different medications work in a synergic way"
  16. PS: sorry for the the toilet bowl in the first pic lol
  17. I reduced the bald spot diameter using topical/DR/PRP. Since I've been using oral, all my scalp hairs are ticker for sure!
  18. 5 to 6. According to research, 15% works a lot better than 5%. because I can't find 15% minoxidil in Italy, I use more 5% (I'm lucky because I do not have any problem with glycol and alcol). For example, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28078868 I've been taking fina since 1999. I wasn't very disciplined in the past but I never interrupted medication. During the last years, I have not skipped a single day. I'm going to open 2 reports, one where I tell my experience at pekiner's clinic and the other where I'll describe my HT experience and I'll reveal the clinic name! (I'm just a little scarmanthic lol)
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