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Everything posted by Westview

  1. Thats easy. You get one of these and simply point it at your scalp: https://www.amazon.com/Jiusion-Magnification-Endoscope-Microscope-Compatible/dp/B06WD843ZM/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=microscope+digital&qid=1608931048&sr=8-3 I bought one last year as well. Cheap and very effective
  2. Looks to me like you're headed for a Norwood 6 with quite a bit of retrograde alopecia going on around the nape. Like others said, you will probably need 3 transplants, with as much beard and/or bodyhair as you can to get a half decent result. Start saving up your money now and bunker in, because you're gonna be in it for the long haul
  3. You really need to post more info, like: 1. How long ago was your transplant. 2. Was it FUE or FUT 3. Name of surgeon/clinic
  4. The good news is all this is fixable. You'll just have to get another FUE done to fix this mess, so thats gonna cost extra money. I wouldnt go back to the same clinic to fix it though, but you should try to hit them up for refund. If they say no try putting pressure on them with a bad google review
  5. It looks like your surgeon or the tech girls didnt get the angles right. What clinic did you go to??
  6. No pics are showing for me. Try uploading again
  7. Short answer, yes its possible. Those people are called "fast growers"
  8. It could be that you're having an allergic reaction to propylene glycol that they put in the formula: https://www.google.ca/search?lr=&as_qdr=all&sxsrf=ALeKk02P5PV1ALS2FjvdyO7WKqFLkbDdUQ%3A1608420344273&ei=-IveX4qoEPK2ggeg2KmQAw&q=propylene+glycol+dizziness&oq=propylene+glycol+dizz&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgkIABDJAxAWEB46BAgAEEc6BwgAEMkDEEM6BAgAEEM6BwgAEBQQhwI6AggAOgUIABDJA1DXF1jtKWD_MWgAcAJ4AIAB5QWIAdUJkgEJMS4yLjEuNi0xmAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCMABAQ&sclient=psy-ab You can buy MX without propylene glycol here: https://www.minoxidilmax.com/minoxidil-5-with-azelaic-acid-5-dualgen-5-no-pg
  9. I heard take 5% MX for 1 month before surgery. Stop 2 days before your surgery. Then resume 5% foam MX 10 days after your surgery. Supposedly that works for some people
  10. Minoxidil is the only one I know of. I heard it can prevent SL as well, but obviously in your case its too late for that now
  11. DHT doesnt always attack the front hairs first. Sometimes people just go bald in the crown and not so much in the front. DHT will attack whichever hairs are most sensitive to DHT. Thankfully thats usually the top of the head but not the sides or back
  12. Not really. A repair job would just be a partially shaved FUE on your donor area, and then a no-shave recipient transplant. You'd be in and out of that surgery in a couple of hours. It would look something like this:
  13. I read in a good clinic it can be as low as 3%. Thats what good surgeons should strive for. No surgeon could get zero % consistently I would think
  14. You have nothing to worry about. Even if you did dislodge a few grafts (which I dont think you did), it would be easily repaired with a few dozen grafts in a year from now. So no worries, okay?? 👍
  15. Here, read this: https://www.realself.com/question/dublin-long-after-ht-grafts-fully-secure-dislodged-vigorous-massaging-shampooing How long after a HT are grafts fully secure and can't be dislodged even with vigorous massaging and shampooing? Answer: 48-72 hours after transplant, an instrument is needed to dislodge grafts, so you can scrub your scalp without worry
  16. You're getting paranoid 😂 Thats okay though, I was paranoid too for the first 10 days. I didnt even take a bath for the first 5 days because I was paranoid I'd bump my head on the bathtub
  17. I read that after 3 days you need surgical tools to completely dislodge the graft. The fibrin at that point has grown strong enough to resist minor pulling. That doesnt mean you probably couldnt do it if you really tried though, but I wouldnt worry about it if I were you
  18. Buy a cheap cane, wrap your arm up in bandages, and make it look like you got into a motorcycle accident. You'll gain tons of sympathy from stewardesses as well 😅
  19. Even a little bit of blood doesnt necessarily mean the graft was dislodged
  20. Question regarding transected hairs during an FUE. Can a doctor actually see that he transected the hair?? And then does he then throw that graft out or does he implant the graft anyways??
  21. Here's a good article on that: https://www.rahalhairtransplant.com/many-grafts-need-full-head-hair/
  22. I didnt see OP's pic when I made my last post, but I have to agree with Melvin here. It does look much more afro texture then I originally thought. And its better to be safe than sorry, so definitely find a specialist in afro hair. You only have so many grafts, you dont wanna waste any of them 👍
  23. I'm 90% sure you dont need an Afro hair specialist. What you should do is go to a reputable clinic, pull out a few hairs in front of them and see what they say. My guess though is you're not even close to needing an Afro specialist. My hair is roughly the same as yours, perhaps a but more elongated than you, and they were able to extract my hairs no problem. Better yet, go see 2 or 3 clinics and ask for their advice, Maybe even get some online consultations as well. This pic is not me but its approximately what my curly hair looks like
  24. I'd say you dont need an Afro hair transplant surgeon. I'm a white guy and my hair starts curling up when it gets past 4 cm. And in my case any top surgeon could do a transplant on my head. There was no need for a specialized surgeon. Question to you, how many cm or inches is the hair in your pic??
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