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Everything posted by Westview

  1. Had my transplant last week. I found 2 shedded hairs already. Do they look normal??
  2. Every clinic is different when it comes to this advice, but the general consensus is wait 2 weeks after your surgery before applying minoxidil when all the grafts are completely anchored. Also like others have said make sure you use the alcohol-free foam for the first couple of months
  3. Yeah thats what I thought. All my new transplanted stubbles seem to just be sitting there on my scalp, but hardly growing at all. Its hard to tell of course with all the scabs around them
  4. So right after grafts have been implanted on your scalp, do those hairs keep growing or do they stop?? And I know newly transplanted hairs shed after 3 weeks or so, but I'm talking about the initial 3-week time period after they've just been transplanted
  5. And whats your transection rate for beard hair, please??
  6. Okay, thats good to know. Do you happen to know the transection rate for chest hairs at your clinic?? I had a nice chat with Dr. Arika at your Eugenix yesterday btw and I'm considering using your clinic
  7. Okay, thats very strange then because I was consulted by someone named Abhinay Singh who works for Eugenics and who told me they dont chest hairs at all. His email is abhinay@eugenix.in. His exact words were "Beard hair has a good success rate but not chest. Would avoid using them". Is he perhaps at a different location in India then the one you work at??
  8. Just a heads up here, Eugenix only does beard hair, they dont chest hairs, leg hairs....etc
  9. Thread bookmarked. Has Eugenix been an approved clinic by this forum yet??
  10. A cure will be discovered by accident and there will be very little prior announcement. It will simply arrive some day. Minoxidil was discovered by accident as well. It was originally designed as a new drug for hypertension. When they conducted their clinical trial they found it didnt do much for hypertension, but to everyone's surprise people were reporting hair growth. Penicillin was also discovered by accident. Sir Fleming dropped a bit of bread mold into his petri dish, it in turn inhibited the growth of bacteria and the rest is history
  11. I was 21 years old and in living in a college dorm when it happened. I remember just getting out of the shower and seeing all these thin, bald lines on my scalp. Thats when I knew the process had started
  12. Here is my advice to you: First, post a picture of your abdomen to see how many grafts you have to donate (or tell us approximately how many you have). Then if the transection rate is about 1/4 I would try to make a deal with your doctor for some type of discount. As far as scarring is concerned, laser treatment for scars can do wonders, so I wouldnt worry about that. If you do get crazy scaring just get some laser therapy afterwards: https://www.google.ca/search?q=laser+treatment+scars&lr=&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjdzufLiI7qAhVykuAKHSu_AnwQ_AUoAXoECA8QAw&biw=1280&bih=545
  13. Whats the transection rate for chest and abdominal hairs?? NVM I found it: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3764758/
  14. Rumor has it his clinic either has (or slowly is) turning into a hair mill
  15. Look how far down the neck he went. Almost to the adam's apple
  16. At 0:30 seconds you can see how far down the neck he went. Patient seemed very happy too btw
  17. I think some of you guys are giving bad information by the way. Dr. Umar's beard hair transplants are riddled with hair taken from the neck area. Just have a look on youtube
  18. I'm gonna grow it out long and perhaps colour it with that Just for Men stuff so you guys can see better
  19. How can it be just 500 when the average man has 30,000 beard hairs?? Or did you mean 5,000?? https://www.google.ca/search?as_q=how+many+beard+hairs+average+man%3F&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&lr=&cr=&as_qdr=all&as_sitesearch=&as_occt=any&safe=images&as_filetype=&tbs=
  20. Let me first apologize for the shitty picture quality, but its the best I could do on my smartphone. Also I'm not asking for an exact number, just a rough estimate. The hairs are hard to see though, I have partial grey hair Where I drew the arrow is how far the beard hairs go down to my neck. The 3rd pic is my chin and just below it
  21. I heard a bad batch of holding solution can cause a HT to fail as well
  22. Does a motorized punch give a higher transection rate??
  23. So I'm scheduled to have a 3,500 FUE session done. Why is it some doctors are able to do a large FUE session like that, while others can only do 2,000 FUE maximum?? Does it come down to individual technique and skill, or is it something else??
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