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Everything posted by Westview

  1. You also appear to have retrograde alopecia, which makes things even worse. I would contact Dr. Umar and see if he can help you. He has helped thousands of NW7's using BHT and scalp hair, so don't give up hope. Go do a YT search on his work
  2. ^^^^ that looks better, but the first pic you posted under strong lighting doesnt lie
  3. Sides dont look good either. Very diffuse thinning. Again, if you have good beard and chest hair you might be able to pull off a BHT/Scalp hair result
  4. Since you asked, I'll be perfectly honest with you, that does not look good for you. I'd say almost for sure you're headed for a NW7. You do look to have strong sides though, so perhaps a decent result using combo of scalp and bodyhair is not out of the question. Maybe you can post pics of the sides as well?? It'll give us a better idea
  5. Post pics of the rear of your head (under strong lighting) and tell us how many years you've been balding. I'll bet we can give you a reasonably good estimate
  6. This is what I've heard from other people as well. But I think your type of cases are in the minority, not most people
  7. A good clinic should have the doctor do the extractions and incisions himself, and the tech girls can do the implants
  8. And one more question please, did your second HT follow the same growth pattern as your first HT?? (meaning the front grew first, and the crown grew last)
  9. Isnt it also true your scalp can become easily infected under the rug (especially around the glue)?? I heard something along those lines
  10. Yeah but at the end of the day you're gonna have to find a woman who doesnt mind going along with the whole facade. Also if you ever get into a fight she is gonna use your fake hair as ammunition to get under your skin while you're arguing with her. And if you ever break up I can almost guarantee she will tell the whole world you wear a wig. I also think its unethical to NOT tell a woman you wear a wig when you first start dating her. Thats fake advertising. So you should tell her right off the bat you wear a wig. I think thats only fair
  11. That reminds me of Howard Cosell back in the 80's 😂 Muhammad Ali even had a famous line after that: I'm gonna let everybody know that that thing you got on your head is a phony, and it comes from the tail of a pony!
  12. Just curious but exactly when did you guys notice the the first hairs coming through?? Was it during the 2nd and 3rd month, or was it after 3 months??
  13. Lets say you had 3,000 grafts transplanted on your scalp. And you then transplant another 3,000 grafts in the exact same region. Does the 2nd hair transplant take longer to grow than 1st hair transplant?? I heard this from 2 different people but I'm not sure if its true or not
  14. I'm not trying to be rude, but does anyone have any clue what Prof101 is trying to say???
  15. ^^^ I agree with Rob. Get an FUT first at a top clinic. Your scar should be barely noticable when done right. After your first FUT see if you have enough laxity for a 2nd FUT. I didnt, thats why I'm now down to doing FUE's only. Many people wont have laxity for another FUT after they just had 1 FUT
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