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Everything posted by Westview

  1. No disrespect Melvin, but I disagree. I think he can get a decent result using BHT and scalp hair, but just for the top only. He'll have to forget about the crown
  2. Get a Skype consultation with Dr. Umar. At this point I think he's your only chance https://www.dermhairclinic.com/
  3. You're still about a NW7. Your sides look half decent. How is your beard and other body hair??
  4. First one was 3,000 grafts FUT, 2nd one was 2,500 grafts FUE. I got about 1,000 scalp grafts left and 2 to 3,000 beard grafts
  5. Second pass over an existing area. I only have my crown left to do now (which will be a mixture of scalp and beard hair)
  6. Yepper, 2nd transplant. I will start a new thread in a few months detailing how many grafts I got in total, plus before/after pics. I picked the perfect time to get my HT because we're basically under lockdown right now and there isnt much to do
  7. Mostly front scalp with a few midscalp. When I press down with my fingers on my scalp I can actually feel the stubbles growing underneath my skin
  8. My first transplanted hairs just popped through 😃 I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳 They are a bit early too, 3 days short of the 3-month mark
  9. This is not me in this pic, but I have added 7 dots where very thick, brandnew hairs have grown 2 months after my transplant. As you can see they are well out of the donor recipient area of the scalp
  10. Minoxidil only. But I've never grown thick hairs on MX before like I'm growing now, and I've taken MX for the last 10 years
  11. Between 5 to 10% of hair transplants fail, or partially fail. Even at the best clinics. At shitty hair clinics that percentage obviously goes up by a lot
  12. Has anyone noticed hairs growing outside the donor recipient area?? I'm not even 3 months into my transplant yet but a few hairs have popped out well outside the transplanted area of my scalp, mostly on my forehead. Not many, maybe 6 or 7, but they are definitely 2 or 3 centimetres outside of the HT zone. Is this normal?? Anyone else ever have this??
  13. Shock loss can occur anywhere inside the donor area, the recipient area and slightly outside both areas. Do what I do, I started using Rogaine 2 weeks after my HT to minimize the risk. You can use the Rogaine on your donor area as well. Make sure to use foam for the first couple of months
  14. In-person consultations with reputable clinics are always the best. Connecting with a doctor over Whatsapp or Skype is 2nd best. You can also post HD close up pics of all angles of your scalp in this thread and we can perhaps give you a range of an estimate
  15. How many days did you let your beard grow to come to the conclusion its not too curly??
  16. You can buy Morr F on Ebay. It contains FIN and MX: https://www.ebay.ca/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=morr+f&_sacat=0 Its cheap too, only drawback it has to come from India so expect shipping to take 3 months or so (maybe even longer now during Covid)
  17. There are rare NW7 cases (which border or NW8) where even BHT wont help them anymore. There are also people with the dreaded DUPA. They cannot be helped at that point. Thankfully those cases are rare
  18. Elton John wears a wig for sure. If you look at his 70's pics he's a strong NW7
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