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Everything posted by Westview

  1. With the modern hair systems you wont need to transplant the frontal area. The new systems are virtually undetectable, even around the forehead
  2. This is a really good question. The answer is hairs that are transplanted from the DHT safe zone should be good for the rest of your life. In other words they shouldnt fall out under normal circumstances. What does happen however is that as you age each individual hairs can thin in diameter over time. This is especially true for grey hairs. So lets say your hairs have a diameter of 70 microns when you're 25. By the time you hit 40, 50 or 60 those hairs might then only be 40 or 50 microns thick. This is why some people feel their hair transplant is thinning. The hairs arent actually falling out, each individual hair is just getting a bit thinner (which gives the illusion that some of your transplanted hairs may have fallen out). There are supplement you can take that will help minimize this, and I'll post them later today when I have time
  3. Yes it can. Its called a repair job. Sometimes clinics will take on a patient who has been butchered by another clinic, and they need to re-transplant all the hairs that were wrongly placed in the recipient area. The success rate should be the same as any other hair transplant so long as you have a skilled surgeon
  4. You're exactly like me. When I come my hair backwards people dont notice the bald crown as much. I think the only reason why I want my crown done is because I'm a perfectionist and I dont like loose ends. I'm also clean shaven and never grow a beard, so why not transfer all those beard grafts onto my crown and put them to good use....LOL
  5. I like the idea of going to Eugenix. Maybe make a vacation out of it and some sightseeing. I heard they have Bengal tigers in the North. Indian safari here I come!! 🤠
  6. Then maybe I heard it wrong. How long approximately is your current waiting list??
  7. When you find out how long the waiting list is could you please private message me and let me know. Or post in this thread. TIA. This is kinda the result that I'm looking for on my crown. It doesnt have to be super dense, I'd be happy with this result: (bottom right pic)
  8. According to google mild cases of alopecia areata often get better without treatment within a few months to a year. In some cases, patchy baldness may come and go over many months or years. The size of the bald patch or patches and how long they last are quite variable: https://www.google.ca/search?lr=&as_qdr=all&sxsrf=ALeKk001DxCR0WOSeLAsq9oan1eW1qjSFg%3A1611867132388&source=hp&ei=_CMTYPqqE8_2swWL-4LQDQ&q=mild+case+of+alopecia+areata&oq=mild+case+of+alopecia+a&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQARgAMgIIADoECCMQJzoLCAAQsQMQgwEQkQI6CwguEMcBEK8BEJECOgQIABBDOg0IABCxAxCDARAUEIcCOgcILhCxAxBDOgUIABCxAzoKCC4QxwEQrwEQQzoGCAAQChBDOggILhCxAxCDAToFCC4QsQM6CwguELEDEMcBEKMCOggILhDHARCvAToICAAQsQMQgwE6BggAEBYQHlDcBFiJK2DbNWgAcAB4AoABlwSIAc0ZkgEKOS4xMS4yLjUtMZgBAKABAaoBB2d3cy13aXo&sclient=psy-ab
  9. It does happen but permanent shock loss is pretty rare. I wouldnt worry about it if I were you
  10. When I talked to Dr. Arika on July 2nd of 2020 she said 1 year. I still have her whatsapp message on my cellphone. But thats obviously because of Covid . Maybe its shorter now that everyone is getting vaccinated
  11. I dont know yet. I thought about Dr. Umar, but he's expensive and can only do 1,500 grafts a day. Eugenix I really like but they are so far away, plus they have a 1-year waiting list. Epstein might be a better option. I also heard Dr. Jones in Toronto does good beard hair work
  12. Thats what I'm aiming for. Use 1,500 beard grafts plus my last 1,000 scalp grafts and that should mostly fill up my 80cm2 crown. Doctor said he might be able to squeeze 500 more scalp grafts and 1,000 beard grafts if need be, or keep them in the bank for an emergency situation
  13. How many grafts do you think you have in your beard, Melvin??
  14. If it is AA there's a new treatment for that: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13855257/new-treatment-for-hair-loss-but-need-strong-stomach/
  15. I would've gotten my transplant(s) 10 to 15 years ago. I had no idea the technology had advanced the way it did, I thought they were still doing the Biden plugs
  16. https://www.hairlosscure2020.com/list-of-surgeons-who-offer-body-hair-to-head-hair-transplants/
  17. Maybe, but the clinic does lose a lot of money because of the cancelled surgery which couldve been filled by a local patient. So the doctor loses money, and OP has his surgery cancelled, which means he has to re-book (probably with a clinic in his area this time), and wait another 3 months
  18. I wouldnt do that because if you do schedule a surgery, and the destination country doesnt let you in, you then lose your deposit as well as having your surgery cancelled.
  19. It all depends on how much back hair you have, and how thick the hairs are. Take some pics and do a skype consult with Dr. Epstein or Dr. Umar
  20. Back hair can be an excellent transplant source
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