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Everything posted by Westview

  1. Just got email back from my clinic, they said for a 3,000 FUE I will spend about 30 to 45 minutes on my stomach, and 8 hours in a sitting position. Thats really good news, I can easily do 45 minutes on my stomach 🙂 Not 8 hours though, that would be too much. I'll probably bring my own lunch too
  2. Sitting position is even better. I'm gonna find out if my surgeon can offer that. If not, I might go somewhere else
  3. I'm currently on Fodmap diet, but that only controls it. It doesnt cure. There are no medications you can take to cure it either, you can only take drugs that lessen the symptoms. Thanks for posting about 45 degree angle. I'm gonna ask my surgeon about that. I'm assuming you were lying face down, right??
  4. I'm scheduled for a 3,000 graft FUE. I also have irritable bowel syndrome and I'm not always comfortable lying on my stomach for long periods of time. IBS causes stomach cramps, bloating.....etc in case you didnt know. Is this going to be a problem, or is it doable??
  5. Can they not knock you out with a strong sleeping pill or anaesthetic for 12 hours while they do the surgery??
  6. So this doctor in Oakville, Canada claims to regularly do between 3,000 to 4,000 FUE graft transplants in one day. Is that even possible?? Most I heard was about 2,000 FUE grafts per day. Link: https://www.torontohairtransplant.com/complete-guide-to-choosing-the-best-hair-transplant-surgeon-in-toronto/
  7. Just as the thread title says, can a surgeon perform 2 FUT's in one day?? Or can he only do one per day?? By 2 FUT's I mean 1 in the upper part of the rearhead, and the 2nd a few inches lower
  8. I heard hyaluronic acid works really well, but you have to get injections done at a specialized clinic: https://www.google.ca/search?lr=&as_qdr=all&source=hp&ei=x8xpXcDoEI7k-gTsq5CIAQ&q=hyaluronic+acid+stretches+skin&oq=hyaluronic+acid+stretches+skin&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i22i29i30l10.280.16085..16295...0.0..0.243.4571.0j26j4......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131j0j35i39j0i22i30j0i22i10i30j0i13j0i13i5i30j0i8i13i30.tV-3dUB4A3k&ved=0ahUKEwiA6K6H-qvkAhUOsp4KHewVBBEQ4dUDCAc&uact=5
  9. I have not. I'm just going by what I see from his videos and pics. This is his site: https://www.dermhairclinic.com/
  10. Dr. Umar does the best BHT work I've seen out there. But he's not cheap. He can also only do about 2,000 grafts per day, so for an 8,000 graft job he would have to perform 4 straight days of surgery. Some of his work:
  11. Are there any creams or other types of supplements I can take to increase my scalp laxity??
  12. Yeah, thats exactly the way its going with me, its blending in with my native hair and I can barely see it. Its so frustratingly slow though. Also, some sections of my scalp seem to grow in more than other sections. Its really weird. My left side seems to be growing faster than my right side
  13. When your hairs first pop through the skin are they barely visible to you as well?? For mine I practically need a magnifying glass or microscope! 😲
  14. Does anyone know how many months each single hair takes from the moment it pops through the skin as a vellus hair, and then into a mature full, thick terminal hair?? I realize its probably different for everyone, but whats the approximate range?? Are we talking 1 month, 2 months, 3, or closer to 6 months??
  15. If a doctor says he's never had a failed transplant, or that he rarely has failed transplants, he is lying. Even the best clinics will have about a 5 to 10 percent failure rate. In addition there are also many cases of partially failed transplants where only about 2/3rd or half of the grafts grow
  16. I'll post before/after pics when I'm at the 12-month mark. I got approximately another 7 months of growing left
  17. Okay thanks, that helps me a lot! I had my 3-month growth spurt already, and now I see my 6-month coming through. Thats good news because I already have decent coverage from #1 and I still have 2 more spurts yet to fully come through and mature. That makes me a happy camper 🙂
  18. Did you get more then 3 growth spurts or less?? Or was it exactly 3??
  19. So I heard when a transplant starts growing it does so in spurts, and not evenly. First spurt around 3 to 4 months, 2nd spurt around 6 months and a final 3rd spurt around the 9-month mark. Is this true or not??
  20. Just like the thread title says, wow many hours does a 2,000 FUE transplant take?? Would it take all day, or half a day??
  21. Will putting on Toppik a week or so after the transplant conceal the redness??? Or does the redness still shine through?? Reason I'm asking is because I'm getting a no-shave HT done and I want to try and conceal the redness
  22. Looks good. How many days did the 5,000 grafts FUE surgery take, and who was your surgeon??
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